MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Rob/Jack needs to market that dangerous zip tie contraption if it enables one to zoom from 3rd level to GrP on multiple horses so quickly!

I wonder if that gimmick is show legal? Calling all TDs!


Dang, riders are going to be flocking to LK for super lessons! Maybe she’ll start giving clinics!!


Can she do that with all her COVID worries?


Anyone can say they’re riding at any level they want. If she were that talented, I don’t think she would have had to struggle like she did for her bronze. I have serious doubts about Jimmy’s claim re: LK’s riding. You know, lying on social media and all that.


She gave that interview at a strange barn where she claimed to have made all kinds of new friends without any covid worries.

I found that line in the post amusing/confusing.
I have a coworker who has a couple of special needs foster kids so all members of her family do not leave the house without wearing a mask now, to keep those kids safe.
I guess Lauren Kanarek’s covid safety policies allow for not wearing a mask ever.


I have doubts as well. I just find it curious that when you’re suing someone for loss of enjoyment, loss of whatever, to go on any social media and boast that you are light years ahead of where you were before the injury. It’s just dang dumb, if you actually want to win your suit.

Edit to correct goon to go on.


I have a question for the attorney types… although I highly doubt many clients go posting so much all over social media before or during trials or suits. If you were the prosecution for the criminal trial, or the attorney for any of the Ks for these civil proceedings, would you not have told the Ks to stop typing by now? AND… if they didn’t stop typing, and you found out they’d continued to blast their fallacies all over the internet, would you not quit representing them?


Apparently COVID is a much bigger fear when it’s time to sit for the deposition in the suit you started then it is when you’re hanging on with TV reporters.

She could learn a lesson from your coworker, but that’s as likely as learning to quit posting.


I won a bronze medal in the national Know English Through Latin test in 1967. The teacher asked if I was surprised. I said yes and she said"so was I "


The USEF website shows a few scores from the summer of 2020. As well as a few scores of zero, which I would imagine means she entered but did not actually show.

Certainly anyone who was attending horse shows in the summer of 2020 could not have been worried too much about Covid at the height of it, before there was even a vaccine yet.


Yes, and yes.

I’d have it in my standard engagement letter.

I’d have fired them long ago now. The SM trail of destruction is just too much. Also, there are enough surprises during discovery. I would not tolerate for a moment the client throwing a spanner in the works every other day on SM. Each work day sitting down at your desk and wondering what fresh hell has been dropped in your lap via unhinged SM commentary, deleted or not?

No way, no how.


Personally, yes. Many, many times.



This is a very good point.


I keep thinking about SGF’s attorney saying at the end of August that they had 38,000 NEW posts since the criminal trial that they wanted to depose her on. 38,000 NEW posts between April and August. And now we’re mostly through September and she and her cohort are still posting.

I’d have walked quite some time ago.


I wonder if they meant since the last (previous) document dump rather than from April - August.


Maybe. What I do know is they had all the docs disclosed in the criminal trial before the criminal trial. Written discovery started up two weeks after the verdict. So, in that discovery time they amassed 38,000 more. It’s a frightening number any way you look at it.


Those posts by RG do go a long way to show that it was LK posting previously. The writing style - diction, grammer, insults, etc - is completely different from the earlier posts (not that I had any doubts previously).


Am I the only one totally shocked at the things that Lauren/Rob/Whatever name they are using this time will say on the internet?
It is like they have learned nothing at all.


Thanks @ekat and @FitzE. I can’t imagine any attorney wanting to deal with them. Of course that begs the question as to why Nagle is putting up with it.

Prior to or during the criminal trial, could the prosecution have requested a gag order? Is that a thing?


They haven’t!