MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

What I have heard, and perhaps the lawyers here can correct me, is that clients tend to chose lawyers who are similar to them in style.


They could have but it would have applied across the board to everyone. I cannot think of any example where the prosecution had to ask the judge to tell the “victim” to shut up. It’s unheard of.


It’s not like that, it is that!

:rofl: :scream: :crazy_face:


Well… maybe after this case, it’ll become a thing. LOL


I won a bottle of super cheap champagne while on a Continental flight back in the 70’s because I could name all of Santa’s reindeer.


Your win took some skill, and I bet you were old enough to drink as well. :grin:

I bought a $2.00 raffle ticket and won my 12 year old self a big bottle of booze…


Not only is this not 3D chess, it’s not even chess. Or checkers.

It’s a festival of unforced errors spewed forth practically daily.

Absolutely astounding.


Gosh I hope not! LOL

It just occurred to me that when Michael Barisone was introduced to Lauren, she was still riding high on her achievements with Robin, rightfully so. It’s logical to think Michael, who would have been aware of Robin’s strict work ethic regarding her students, assumed Lauren was committed to her goals to be a dedicated hard working rider with lofty goals. Sadly he was sold a pig in a poke. I find it very hard to believe Lauren has somehow, on her own, developed the drive that recent post tries to sell readers.


I would guess that one of the many drawbacks of testifying under oath in court that you lie frequently on social media is that a lot of people might not believe your subsequent posts on social media.


And…there’s going to be no good way for her or her attorney to spin that under oath again, in her upcoming deposition or the civil trial, if it gets to trial.

Your plaintiff has admitted under oath she lies. And now you have to convince a jury that she’s not lying about some things, but other things are ok to lie about because…social media? But only some of the social media posts are lies. She really wasn’t lying about everything?

And now you have the rest of the family, who are key witnesses in her claim, also lying on social media sometimes but not others?

Good luck is all I can say.


If you have the drive, the time, and the money, you can progress quickly. I know of a trainer who’s barn is mostly composed of international Chinese riders. They buy good quality schoolmasters, ride multiple horses a day, every day, and he (the trainer) is able to get them from beginner to 4th level in a year. Yes, those riders have good horses and a good instructor, but the students themselves also work extremely hard every day to progress as far and fast as they have.


Excerpt from Negel’s response to Deininger’s Motion to compel;

“Defendant’s other points in their motions do not even warrant
response. Numerous slanderous statements are included in their
motion, which are not germane to their motion, which clearly show
the motivation behind the motion.”

When I read that unfortunate paragraph, all I can think of is this (and dancing lawyers); https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKpVQm41f8Y

Edited to correct misspelling of Nagel


But @trubandloki, don’t you remember this commercial for the 80s??? Seems like there is a whole lot of truth to it!!!


I remember her waiting on LK at that show. She didn’t say a word about any of it, just went about her day. She’s a class act, I definitely would have made a snide remark in public.


If I stood up my trainer at a show, I would have been fired as a client YESTERDAY. That just blows my mind that anyone would do that and think it was okay. And expect to be retained as a training client.


Yes! She hauled the horses, rode her tests, and then waited the rest of the day for Lauren to show up. We urged her to leave and enjoy the rest of her day and she simply responded that she would stay the day because that was what she had committed to do. Total professional. I never heard what the explanation was and yes, she had her cell phone in her pocket. (Before I get jumped, this was a schooling show we organized and ran so we were talking with all competitors.)


Really? Did i miss anything?


Well, Seeker and IM have not been posting for a while, so maybe they got the message?


“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”

—George Bernard Shaw