MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

This is the one I saw, so, no. You didn’t miss a thing.


One could hope. I’m reserving judgment based on the rants we saw from IM a couple weeks ago, which were well after the Motion for Contempt was filed against him.


Well, hello, LK. I guarantee that RG does not remember the names of those awards from 2016. Do not believe that for a second.

Agree that none of it is very clever. I also feel it’s sad and that there is A LOT of mental illness going on with multiple people. The whole family really. SM seems like an addiction. I also feel as though I lose IQ points reading anything authored by LK. The tone is bizarre.

Equally disturbing to me. I see that they monitor the threads all day, every day. It also seems like an obsession. Hard to believe JK is only worried about his tee time tomorrow.

Also feel the same IRT LK or “RG.” If either had moved on, I find it hard to believe they would be on FB arguing with total strangers or “dropping hints” on COTH - and for what purpose? I’d think they would be doing other things with their life.

Bunch of puffery.

There is a HUGE difference in training and bringing your own horse to GP and riding an already trained GP horse. Every school master is different. Some are the extremely straight forward that can be ridden by children. Some are extremely technical. I can’t say I know anyone who becomes this braggadocious after sitting on a GP horse. They usually humble you. That is the beauty of them.

Irregardless, her postings have proven that she is advancing in levels and that is what will matter in the civil trial. Why she feels compelled to rub it in people’s faces, I’m sure I don’t know. Could not care less what level she rides yet she is sure to sabotage her civil trial to let everyone know.


Not without completing her SS renewal I don’t believe


Question for the legal types here. As I recall, the subpoena asked for Lauren’s “user name and password” IN THE SINGULAR for all the social media where she posts or has an account. It did not specifically ask for ANY AND ALL user names and passwords that she used, in case she used more than one on a given site.

So what about if she has multiple accounts on a single platform, uses other people’s accounts, or instructs someone else in what to post for her? Would any of that be captured by the original subpoena? That point has had me wondering for months if it was a mistake not to ask for ALL user accounts.

How are Deininger and Bilinkas verifying that ALL material that Lauren posted is provided?

Even if they subpoena other people for the same material, it may not show up if it was deleted soon after posting. Would it be available through the subpoenas to the SM platforms? The deletion issue is a bit of a tangent to my original point since I’m primarily considering the alternate accounts she may have created, but also interesting to me.


Remember when good ole Seeker came here and asked us to give her our names??? Our real names???

And she honestly thought we were that stupid!!! :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Good times, right??? :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


Well, we’ve only seen the interrogatories filed by SGF, and the questions they asked. We technically don’t know what Deininger and Bilinkas have asked of her yet.

And I imagine all the lawyers intend to question her about all those issues in her deposition.

You can never be sure someone is giving you everything. So you decide if it’s worth the cost to pursue through other channels to maybe get 8,000 more nut job rantings, OR, do you go with what you have (38,000 MORE than the criminal trial) and acknowledge that you can destroy her on cross-exam with what you already have. So, maybe you decide to put your resources towards something else.

Plus, every single witness that tells a different story under oath only shreds her credibility that much farther.

Just look at Rob during the criminal trial. He was simply unbelievable. And he’s going to be equally unbelievable come the criminal trial.


Oh good Lord that was bizarre and just weird.


So, you thought Eggbutt’s post would identify another COTH member and rather than quietly PM Eggbutt and ask her to fix it, you made several posts to ensure everyone saw it?



Thank you Ekat! That makes good sense.


Yeah, it was so typical she blamed ME rather than the OP! She has been completely obsessed with me for months. I have her ignored and didn’t realize what she’d done until others quoted her post in their reply to her. Somebody needs a better hobby. :blush:


Does anyone know the laws to protect the disabled (including mental health issues) from abuse? I know of the elder abuse laws such as caregivers and nursing home situations, but what about abusive attacks (both verbal and physical) coming from others outside of these types of settings?


I had to completely relearn how to sit and how to ask for and keep the canter when I switched to my current barn and started riding schoolmasters. These are the easier schoolmasters too - the more sensitive ones won’t even walk forward if you sit wrong. They have so much to teach you if you are willing and ready to learn.


The method so often belies the purported motive.


I had a friend who was a postal inspector. She had a case where a post office employee was collecting disability saying they couldn’t do their post office stuff any more. The US Post office investigator people had my friend take a horse and board it at the guys farm documenting all the barn work he did every day.

So investigations do happen. Sometimes in strange ways LOL


I don’t understand why RG changed his name on FB. Maybe so people can’t find him? It’s possible he’s received some nasty grams maybe? I don’t know.

It’s cool that LK has some riding achievements, but what they fail to realize is that there are actually some accomplished people on this board and on FB. Some of us have actually accomplished far more than LK but also don’t need to brag about it in order to feel relevant, or to attempt to make people respect us.

The thing that RG and Co. fail to realize is that not everyone wants what they have. Not everyone has the same goals. Not everyone cares about or values the same things. I think that they want people to be envious or impressed, but when people aren’t, they don’t know what to do and just attack or throw a hissy.

I have many things that I could brag about, but I know that these things and/or accomplishments are worthless to some. We all value different things. It’s also possible to respect an achievement but not be envious of it.

I, personally, don’t find their lives all that impressive for 40 something year olds who have “unlimited means” and don’t understand why they focus so much time on being terrible and petty. But hey, not my life! I just hope that I’m not like that when I get to their age, but I know that I won’t be :wink:

If that’s how they want to live their lives, then whatever, but don’t be all bothered when people are unimpressed. If someone is unimpressed by my life, then that’s cool, it’s MY life, but the difference is that I don’t expect people to be impressed and I don’t thrive off of conflict, drama, and attention.

Sometimes I feel bad for them, but they’re older adults and have made their choices. :woman_shrugging: and I do know that there are people in this world who just have a different moral compass (or don’t have one at all), and it’s really hard to change that. Especially with addicts (just a general note there).


You do not have to be a member anywhere to give clinics.

I kind of assume these were rhetorical questions, but I am going to answer anyway. Only guessing but to me the name change is most likely because when his account, with his name, sounds just like Lauren Kanarek it is an easy thing for people to assume the person posting is actually Lauren Kanarek. When some random person (his new account name) sounds just like Lauren Kanarek it is harder for people to assume that it is just Lauren once again going at people on Facebook.


In the 2019 August show she was signed up for, didn’t she brag on SM that she was signed up to show PSG?

Didn’t she saying she had competed through fourth, and was signed up for PSG, all before she was shot?

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I honestly did not notice the unredacted name until she mentioned it. Even then I still didn’t associate it with a CoTH user, and still don’t. I guess I’m not that devious or obsessed.


Is it? I thought the mods said that reposting anything already publicly posted such as on FB was acceptable. As I understand it, the blacking out of names is not required by the rules, Sdel only considered it “rude”, and edited the post to black out the name.

You apparently accidentally QFPed her post before she made the edit. Too funny. But I don’t think Sdel will be banned for doxxing.

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