MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Makes me think of the message she sent me on Facebook several years ago, telling me she hadn’t touched the family money in 20 years


Well, I’m glad you took her instruction and shared her nasty body shaming post.

You know, there is a great group on FB called Rubinesque Riders I believe. I guess bullies like Lauren would have a heyday bashing those riders!


But, let’s get back on topic. The fact “someone” posted Lauren’s hefty daily riding schedule completely negates the notion this poor little girl is too frail from somehow being shot and can’t follow her dream.


Thank you!

Think in terms of the jury of six, only 5 have to agree.

Rider was riding at x level before August 7, 2019, based on records. Rider, in Sept 2022 says she’s riding a ton more and much better than before August 7, 2019. So, what are her losses we are supposed to compensate her for?


Please don’t forget “loss of income”. I still would love to know what job that income comes from.


Well, that’s a whole different road to travel down. One that will need W2’s or 1099’s and tax returns, etc. to substantiate.


In a an attempt to create a diversion from the current rabbit hole we’re traveling down; I’d like to post a clarification:

There’s been a lot of talk on this thread and others about Lauren’s riding ability and achievements and the quality of her horses. I’m always a bit squicky about those conversations, because they can sound a little mean-girly.

The clarification is that the criticism is not about Lauren’s riding ability or the quality of her horses, it’s about her level of delusion about them.

Lauren is a perfectly capable lower level amateur. In fact, when you consider that she started in dressage fairly recently, and hasn’t been able to train consistently, she’s progressed amazingly well. If she had started younger, been able to train more consistently, who knows how much she could have achieved?

A bronze medal is a real achievement, and the scores at third level are a significant barrier. But getting your bronze doesn’t make you a top level rider or put you on the short list for national teams.

The problem is that Lauren thought she was MHG’s rival and equally deserving of high level coaching - that’s delusional thinking.

It would be like a kid winning a local eq class and thinking the next step is riding at North Run and going to Biq Eq finals. It completely ignores all the steps in between.

Same with the horses. They’re perfectly lovely horses, nicer certainly than anything I have ever sat on. But there’s a reason she had to buy Jay-T to get her qualifying scores at 3rd. And to think either MHG or Barisone were plotting to “get her horses” for themselves is pure delusion. Lovely, ammy friendly horses capable of good scores up the 4th =/= horses capable of winning at FEI levels.

The saddest part of her mental health/personality disorder is that she can’t be happy with being a capable amateur with a string of nice horses, working towards her next medal, something most of us would be delighted with. Her demons insist that she has to be bigger, better, badder, best to be worthwhile.


I thought to train/teach one had to.
Ie when GM got banned the big thing was many who were usef members were facing issues if they rode with him.

Clearly I don’t fully get the nuances of the whole SS/USEF relationship and limits.


Why did she leave there if it was working?
And yes, what facilitated her work ethic there but not at HH?
Curious, isn’t it.


Neither party has indicated why they parted ways. Robin will not discuss Lauren Kanarek under any circumstances.

It has been said the facility did not have stalls available for the horse she was importing along with the horses she had, but I have no idea if that is correct.


Excellent post, @McGurk, I feel the same.


It’s not just on FB either …

It’s like he WANTS to be found out, and I wonder why that would be …


I think if you are not a member of usef, because you don’t want to be, anyone can train with you, but without confidence of your skills it you haven’t shown at usef events successfully. If you are banned from usef membership because you broke the rules, then other members may not train with you.

So if MB is reinstated I think he could still have usef members participate in his clinics even if he failed to renew his membership.


For simplicity I’m not copying your whole post, but I completely agree with your very well-written post. It’s not the scores or the horses, it’s how Lauren perceives and projects the scores and the the horses that is detrimental to her.


Thought:. maybe the stalls weren’t available at a price daddy would pay.



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JK has said that LK thought that what she was buying when she signed up with Barsione and moved to NJ was high level coaching by Barisone. Perhaps not exclusively by Barisone, but some significant component of coaching by “the name on the door”.

I’ve seen no claim that LK thought she deserved high level coaching due to a claimed high level of ability, or that she thought she rode as well as MHG. Obviously she didn’t.

Well said.


At a cut rate price



It is entirely consistent with what JK said in the excellent 48 hours broadcast: that the situation went very suddenly from a cold war to a hot war on August 1. According to testimony from MHG, MB had still not asked her to leave as of Aug 3. Tarshis notified her of the demand to vacate on Aug 5th, but testified that MB “did not want to evict her”.

The hot war existed way before August 1. JK just refuses to see the LK who runs around lighting little “fires” , poking, prodding, plotting, threatening… as she was doing all around HH and all over FB for everyone to see before August 1. MB wanted her out - they just ignore that and want it to be in formal language - and even then they would dispute it. God knows when we were dealing with our LK-type, it was verbally said many, many times to her face that she needed to leave. She claimed no one said anything to her about leaving. She lied. So does/did LK - by her own admission. I have no doubt that discussions about LK leaving were had - and she just ignored them.

Been there, done that.