MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

One thing I would like to point out is the whole “he didn’t want to evict her” as proof he didn’t want/ask her to leave. One of our esteemed attorneys pointed out, way back, that an eviction action goes on one’s record and will most likely prevent one from renting in one’s own name for a long long time. I think it is more likely that MB didn’t want to besmirch LK’s record. And, I would go on to add that I think that was from an overabundance of kindness.

All that to say it does NOT mean he didn’t want her to leave. The reluctance to evict proves nothing.



Did she say “no one said anything about her leaving”, or that MB had not asked her to leave?

Based on the trial testimony, it very clear that Tarshis conveyed a demand that she vacate on Aug 5th, but even he said MB did not want to evict her, even at that late date. According to Tarshis, MB wanted to scare her out.

I’m happy to wait for the civil trial to learn more as to when MB himself actually asked her, or told her, to leave.

Sdel noticed that the thread had died down, and posted some screen shots of LKs posts, or maybe RGs posts, on FB to generate some “discussion”. I found that those posts contained a number of ironies. If you’re not into irony, that’s cool.

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I agree with you that the reluctance to evict does not prove that he did not “want/ask her to leave”.

I completely disagree with you on the claim that he was reluctant to “besmirch LKs record”.

First, she would only have an eviction on her record if, after the demand, she didn’t leave in 30 days or 3 days.

Second, he went to considerable effort to try to get her a lifetime ban from USEF. And you imagine he would hesitate to evict her because he “didn’t want to besmirch her record”?

Well said


My understanding is that if you are a member of USEF or USDF, you cannot train with someone banned by SafeSport.

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Just my thoughts but being removed from an equestrian federation is a lot less serious than having an eviction on your record. Your record follows you place to place, which could make it hard for her to find a place to live. Being banned from a federation doesn’t mean you can’t ride.

Also I believe a lawyer said at one point that MB was following a standard procedure in terms of eviction. That people usually send a notice before any court filings happen.


That’s my understanding as well.

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It shows the same on Facebook. You can change the screen name all you’d like, but the link stays the same.

[quote=“LiberalSnowflake, post:7270, topic:775980, full:true”]

It’s not just on FB either …

It’s like he WANTS to be found out, and I wonder why that would be …


Exactly. Reluctance to enter a legal proceeding against someone doesn’t mean he didn’t want her to leave.


No, it isn’t. It takes several weeks to months to test horses appropriately for import, have them imported and then go through quarantine. It is in no way a fast process.

Also, well established shows can be signed up for far in advance.

[quote=“CurrentlyHorseless, post:7249, topic:775980, full:true”]

[quote=“cutter99, post:7218, topic:775980, full:true”]

[quote=“ekat, post:7214, topic:775980, full:true”]

One could hope. I’m reserving judgment based on the rants we saw from IM a couple weeks ago, which were well after the Motion for Contempt was filed against him.


And even if she wasn’t riding at a higher level (though has stated she is), riding at the same level I think is sufficient enough to prove to a jury her capabilities are pretty much the same.

Totally agree. The jury may see this as a kindness as well (not wanting to ruin her renting record) which would backfire on LK. The 911 calls give a crystal clear picture of how disparate MB was with the situation and trying to get them to leave. Every rational human being can see exactly why MB wanted LK to leave by her horrific behavior. It is going to be very easy to argue everyone wanted her gone. Trying to establish MB actually wanted her there is going to be pretty much impossible to portray.


Barisone is not banned. His current status is Interim Suspension. I have no doubt he will be exonerated and restored to full privileges.


JK has stated that the 911 calls were false or made up by MB.

How is this in any way believable? LK initiates SM campaign to terrorize MB and MHG. Makes threats towards taking out the king and queen, says she is mentally ill and not responsible for her behavior, acknowledges her firearms and access to firearms, and states that she has been plotting for months and that what she has done so far is just the beginning.

MB is forced from his home and is sleeping on a porch. Hires security at night. Constantly surveils his own property at night. Pays 5k to debug illegal recording devices.

Meanwhile, LK and RG already have an established history of stalking and harassment of various forms. Drug use has been established.

So how do all of these details not lend to MB desperately wanting these people to leave? How does that then make the 911 calls in any way unbelievable?

It would be different if it were a peaceful environment and the 911 calls were made. That thousands of pages of SM harassment do not exist. But there is a mountain of evidence that indicates everything said in the 911 calls was legitimate. As well as witnesses.

I can not imagine being so comfortable with lying, let alone being so comfortable with lies that can be so easily disputed. There is no integrity. It’s very damning to the characters of the Ks. All of it. The lies, the noncompliance, the arrogance. Jurors are going to see this.


So, what will the Kanareks do when they’ve been completely exposed and lost all the civil trials; Michael is released to his own medical professionals with periodic reporting to the court; and, the cherry on top, is completely cleared by USEF?


Maybe if JK or LK or KK just THINK it in their head, it becomes a fact. Or so I have heard…


She had entered a PSG but scratched.


It’s going to be very damning to LK’s entire story when MB is released. “Murderers” aren’t just acquitted and then free to roam. MB holds no criminal responsibility.

I believe the civil trial is also going to go further into MB’s side of the story and illuminate even more heinous behavior. I also believe the civil trial will be public considering how popular this case has been.

LK has sabotaged her path in dressage and I don’t feel sorry for her about that. Dressage gets political in the higher levels and while people will take your money for lessons and board, other opportunities have became squashed for her. That is what LK was desperately trying to do to MHG. Fortunately, she failed.


Good question! Did she fall off the wagon and have a relapse of sorts? Was she prompted/encouraged to do so by someone else? IOW, did someone enter her life who turned out to be a bad influence? :thinking:


I’ve known two alcoholics, one who was also dependent on codine for a while. They were both amazing liars. I could tell some unbelievable stories.

I suspect addicts start out by lying to themselves.


Your entire post was excellent, but this part is especially on point.


Addicts create their own reality and expect everyone else to live in it. When that doesn’t happen, they can become very nasty.