MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Actually, I contacted her through PM and apologized. I am also the Mom to an adult addict and I know what it feels like and because of that, I was shamed by my post. So I reached out, explained what we had in common, and apologized. She replied with what I would describe as a heartfelt acknowledgement.

As for my name being outed. I sign each post I make here with my actual first name and the state I live in is right there in my user name. I have only been stalked once and I think he died because he stopped posting.

I sign my posts with my name because I am willing to own them. Others do the same thing and others don’t. I have been the subject of private missives from LK, but I take them all at face value.

No worries from me.


When looking at the posts about the 48 Hours episode, I haven’t seen a single person say, “well, official eviction was only x amount of time prior.” I have seen a few comments saying they wish MB had hired an attorney and went through the eviction process. They just didn’t realize he had. I don’t think the jury is going to care at all that an official note was served on x date prior to the incident. They are going to see she drove him insane which was also established in the criminal trial.

The civil case is absolutely dependent on LK being seen as a victim but LK’s ego has proven her to be an extremely unsympathetic victim.

I’ve known a lot of addicts. Some may be good liars but many can not keep the lies and delusions straight because of their intoxication. It creates a veil where one does not see the same reality as others, yet they are extremely convinced their version of reality is accurate. Active addicts also have a very self serving, selfish nature that can go away when clean but usually never does while still using. That is the nature of addiction and constantly feeding that addiction.


:heartpulse: thank you for pushing back on this poster’s nefarious posts to cause issues for others.

I am sorry you have had experience with an addict. Addiction of any kind can be as hard on loved ones as it is on the addict. No one can question the paths you have taken to manage the stress and worry. Hugs.


CORRECTION She drove him insane.


Lol, yea, I’ll edit that.


These questions are exactly why we need detailed charts and diagrams of relationships and timelines, to understand this long-running mess.


How do you know if an alcoholic or an addict is lying?

Their lips are moving.

Age old recovery joke that is 100% accurate. Those of us with alcoholics or addicts in our lives know.


Since you asked - I brought the receipts.


That’s very very funny and totally delusional. You just need to look at her elbows in all the photos. Pinnochio stick straight arms. A very common ammie position flaw, but something you don’t see in pros.


Oh my. I hadn’t seen that claim before. Wow.


The hearing scheduled for 10/4 says it is remote. Does that mean that it is viewable online like in the past? I wasn’t sure if that was just because of covid or if they still did that.

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According to USEF, she hasn’t shown since 2020 and has never shown above 4th level.

Recent shows:


Oh pardon me. It is my understanding that a member of USEF and/or USDF cannot train with someone whose status is banned or suspended by SafeSport.

I’m not quite following the logic of how instead of evicting her, it was kinder to shoot her twice, an act that would otherwise be a crime except he was insane at the time.

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OMG!!! NO ONE rode at a higher level than she did other than Michael himself? Without a doubt that is THE most delusional thing I’ve ever seen her post. I know of at least 5 people at HH riding and showing consistently at higher levels than she was!!! She took so many naps, perhaps she dreamed that was true!


Goodness, I’m not aware of Michael teaching anyone at the hospital! Are you saying he is giving clinics to staff and other patients?


You’re not following that because not a single person here has said that, aside from you. So if you can’t follow your own thoughts, then idk, really.


I’d add that anyone who is competent at first and second level that gets the chance to ride a higher level school master is absolutely going to have fun testing out the possibilities in the privacy of the home arena. Canter pirouwtte! Half pass! Extended trot! Piaffe! What can I do before horse tells me to f off and has a hissy fit?

Totally legit and loads of fun. But it does not translate into stringing all those moves together into a PSG or even 4th level test.

It also does not equate to actually training your own horse.


I believe that’s true. Like no USEF member can ride with George Morris.


As he was rendered insane, I don’t believe his thought process would have been “I don’t want to evict her, I should just shoot her.”
The legal defense of insanity means he was not capable of logical, rational thought.