MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Next time my trainer says “that’s him telling you that you’re not straight!” I shall declare “this is me living my best dressage diva life! Wait till you see me in the GP!” :rofl:


But only if you actually show (at a CDI). Not for playing around with the movements at home without any witnesses to confirm whether or how well the movements are performed.


I agree that it is the world’s worst attempt to hide behind an identity, but I do think it’s LK. Only she would remember all of those show names and whatever it is she won several years ago. Even if RG were a horse person and competed, I don’t think he’d remember those exact details.

No one is trying to derail the thread or do anything nefarious. The topic is in relation to USEF/SS stipulations and how in the world she would claim loss of income.


My apologies. I must have misread the posts up thread asking who said LK was teaching clinics with several back and forth posts about her teaching clinics.


Someone joked up thread that with LK’s new amazing skills she will be teaching clinics in no time.
The miles later in the thread someone else made the topic of being a member into something else, that is what you caught the end of.


Oh, no doubt. But in this case, I think the phrase in question would be “plausible deniability.”

Mind you, the Ks seem to have a very different idea of what might be plausible compared to the rest of the world. :roll_eyes:


Apparently. Thank you!


Tomorrow is Monday - will we see the Judge’s decision? Will Michael FINALLY be moved? Will Lauren withdraw her suits?
Will the mysterious video be turned over? Will the Krifecta hire separate attorneys, assuming anyone will take their case? Will Rob change his user name again? So many questions waiting for answers! :slight_smile:


I imagine they will not hire an attorney, because only an insane attorney would recommend they refuse to not comply with the subpoena….

There is enough evidence presented in the filings to be clear that there is something to be discovered there.


Well, she would have to scratch the August show if she were in the ICU after being shot, wouldn’t she?

Great teaser for tomorrow’s episode of Keeping Up With The Kanareks! :rofl:


Am I the only one here with personal history with Lauren? That’s a rhetorical question cause I don’t expect or want anyone to out themselves. But it hasn’t been lost on anyone that the target of much of the vitriol is poor little Eggbutt. Maybe she can change her name to Snaffle. Will anyone notice? :thinking:


And yet many apparently still do


The civil suit is a personal injury lawsuit. LK’s injuries stem
from her being a gunshot victim.

Some posters claim it is not clear and not well established that it was Barisone who shot her. I think it is abundantly clear that he shot her.

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Interesting you call the 48 Hours episode “excellent.” According to comments from the non-horsey public, it definitely showed LK for who she is. (Hint: it wasn’t in a positive light).


Shame you aren’t on the civil jury then, isn’t it? I suspect when presented with all the evidence (or more specifically the lack of any forensic evidence thst conclusively places a gun in MB’s hand or confirms he pulled the trigger) they may have difficulty leaping to that conclusion. Time will tell.


The jury determined that he was legally insane at the time that he shot her. The jury was not charged with determining the underlying cause or the proximal case of his delusions, only that he was delusional.

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One of the reasons I found it to be excellent is that it did not gloss over “who she is”. It unsparingly covered the inflammatory posts.

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It was not a very big leap.

Contrary to Ekat’s prediction, I don’t think the defense lawyers will even waste time (and money) trying to dispute that he shot her.

Time will tell.

The emotional trauma of not being able to Finish the Bastard? MB will be released sooner rather than later. His family and friends are waiting to help him get his life back. And it will be a good life again, unlike the lives of certain other people who only exist to harm others.