MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I’m still really, really, really enjoying the ignore feature. It makes the threads so much less ridiculous. Highly recommend.


Seriously. I want that job. Enough money to support 5 horses but still enough time to ride them all daily.


Reading comprehension isn’t your strength?


Lol then what on earth do you imagine their defence will be?

Of course they will dispute it. They would be negligent if they didn’t. (A) because it is literally their job (B) because the police failed to test for GSR, failed to examine any other potential suspects, failed to secure the crime scene, failed to secure any video footage of the event, and failed to produce any forensic evidence that conclusively ties MB to holding that gun or pulling that trigger.


We’ve all discussed this in part before, but I wanted to reshare NJ’s stance on comparative negligence. In my opinion, I think it will be easier for MB to make his case and have a lower burden (responsibility? not sure of the appropriate term) of comparative negligence than LK.


And the defense successfully established that LK did indeed have access to the office and did indeed express intent to forge documents. I wonder, if with greater scope, that that will be made more clear about when she had access to the office and what areas that access included.


You really should check out the public’s response to the trial. I believe you have and are being purposely obtuse. The over whelming consensus is that she drove him insane. You can say you believe COTH is all over every SM platform, orchestrating the comments, but I really don’t believe you are that naive. 99.9 percent of comments are not in favor of LK, nor was the reaction to the criminal trial in support of LK despite her being the alleged victim. I also haven’t seen anyone actually come forth and speak for her character. That’s pretty alarming.

Regardless of the fact that it was proven MB was driven to insanity, LK has to present her case all over again. She’s not doing a very good job of that so far with the trail of SM posts she is leaving. Neither are supporting family members with their noncompliance and their own posting trail.

All these little details you keep arguing aren’t going to stick out to jurors. What’s going to stick out is that LK was a predator, she had a plan to ruin his life, she had a plan to drive him over the edge in any way she could, which she did, that she had every opportunity to leave but did not, and that the actual shooting incident is filled with uncertainty and absolutely no forensic evidence to establish what really happened. It’s a big, uphill battle and just because she has two bullet wounds, I don’t believe that guarantees anything. I think she is taking a really huge risk even going forward with the civil trail but at this point, I think she has sabotaged her life so much she doesn’t really have anything to lose.


Unless you are a pro or work in above-the-line entertainment careers, etc, these things are generally mutually exclusive!


Excellent post! :100:


She was indisputably injured by gunshot wounds.

I think the trial will result in the compensation she is owed for her injuries being apportioned among the three defendants, possibly with some offset for her not mitigating her damages.

It will come down to a dollar amount award and a bunch of percentages that add up to 100%. The big issue to me is the relative shares assigned to MB vs SGF. That’s why I continued to be befuddled by the adoration of the sharp attorney Silver. It’s his task to say “don’t blame SGF, blame MB”. I don’t see RC getting out of it scot free; her providing the gun certainly contributed.

Actually, I’m still predicting if will be settled, although that’s complicated by the existence of multiple defendants.


The Dr Grande YouTube video has 55,000(!!) views and 1,000 comments. It is absurd to think anyone or any group of users on
CoTH have that level of influence on outsiders!!!

Imagine the viewership of 48 Hours and then assume the same negative percentage applies, she has much more than an uphill battle to convince a civil jury she should prevail.


Legal Eagles, is it feasible LK and RG’s conflicting testimonies will be viewed in the civil trials?


Sidebar: Just peeked at that Instagram account. This is not a criticism, I’m just curious. In the first video, the horse is wearing something that goes from a noseband attachment to the girth area. It appears to be keeping the nose down. It doesn’t look like a normal draw rein type set-up. Is this a training tool I don’t know of, and is it commonly used?

Just to be clear, I’m not a draw rein advocate, but I’m not totally against them. They can be useful occasionally if used judiciously in appropriate hands at appropriate moments.

(About twice a year, my one TB mare would get a bug up her butt. It always coincided with me having a bad lupus day, so I was probably that bug. I would be exhausted but would want to end on a good (read, not getting run away with) moment. I would hop off, stick on the draw reins, get a semblance of control for 5 or 6 20-meter circles at the canter, halt, give her a pat and tell her what a good girl she was, then hop off. This is what I would call a correction as opposed to training).

An explanation of the equipment, by PM if not appropriate here, would be appreciated. TIA.

BTW, lupus sucks.


Note the word “proximate”.

Note the sentence “If the plaintiff’s percentage is more than 50%, he/she will not recover damages at all and your deliberations are concluded and you should not make any determination as to damages”.


Legal proceedings cost money. Who wants to incur legal expenses unless it’s actually necessary?


I am so sorry about your lupus! I can only see screen shots and I am not going to go seek out the poster… but i do sometimes use draw reins and I use a running martingale jumping. I think both have their place in educated hands. What “device” is she using?


I have a feeling (not based on any legal knowledge) that a jury may award medical costs to LK and then award a much larger amount and perhaps court costs, to MB because of LK’s behavior towards him.

I’m guessing that the K family funds must be pretty inaccessible at this point in time, so it may in fact be a case of attempting to get blood out of a turnip, but perhaps MB does not really care about that at this point (remember the refusal to take a plea and the okay to having press in the courtroom).

It was the Ks that filed this suit and MB really had no choice but to respond. It seems that he may be happy just to have the K’s behavior exposed to the public and to move on with his life, but no doubt his attorneys will fight mightily in his behalf.

The K’s behavior online and in regard to the court is inexplicable. It would be best for everyone if the suit was withdrawn or tossed, but considering the lack of rational behavior by the Ks thus far, and a judge unlikely to dismiss the case, it would be too much to hope for.

Hopefully there will be an end to this tragedy for MB when he is released, able to return to his friends and loved ones and get the treatment he needs.

It’s odd to think that after all of this, MB is probably the one who will have a better life, but I believe it’s true.


It is really refreshing and eye opening that a “bloated thread” is quickly caught up on if you put certain people on ignore! Poof!!! Bye!!!


Do you [g] think they will show videos of select portions of the criminal trial to the jury?