MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I think it may be a Vienna rein. Basically a sliding side rein, often used for lunging and sometimes under saddle. I saw this years ago at an eventing barn.


I saw this delightful post the other day but I wasn’t logged in. I meant to reply to it but then forgot.

I just want to say that Argentinus is one of my favorites! You are so lucky to own one of his daughters! As for Absatz blood - my riding horse was De Niro out of an Andiamo granddaughter. Her sire was a dual talent stallion that had been named to the South Korean Olympic show jumping team but got injured so didn’t get to “the big show.” That dude could not only jump well enough to be on the world stage, he was also a really big and powerful mover. He had similar blood to Sandro Hit (same grandsires), so was rather related to your mare.

(And apologies to everyone for the sidebar…)


RIGHT?! Young horses need a few minutes of work followed by five minutes of loose rein and lots of praise. They have to learn to balance themselves with their neck. You can never develop swing and looseness and balance with a crunched in neck.


Vienna reins do not go over the nose. They are excellent for teaching longitudinal stretch. This is not a Vienna rein.


So……have we reached a unanimous verdict? Homemade contraption?


I hate when a horse isn’t allowed to stretch during breaks or at the end of a ride. It’s so unhealthy for their bodies and minds.

These type of contraptions are generally short cuts and don’t help the rider with “feel” as much as some will claim. I cannot think of why a rider, who rides at PSG, would need such a contraption?

FWIW, I’ve ridden with many “Big Name” and even Olympic level trainers, mostly in clinics, but I generally keep away from most things Helgstrand. Not my vibe.


I was going to say the same thing about the girth buckles right at the horse’s elbow. You’d think someone who cares so much about her horses would want them to be comfortable and wearing properly fitted tack.


It’s soo ridiculously common though.

But yeah, if you care about your horses and have all of the monies, your tack should be on point, especially if you have good grooms. Even pros use girths that are too short though, so if you’re learning by example, it’s not so easy.


Here I sit impatiently strumming my fingers on the desk waiting for the court filing updates! :expressionless:


And couple it with extreme NPD and probably DID and what do you get? :thinking:


Holy Moly. That picture does show it clearly. I wonder if it is the same bungee type of cord as a neck stretcher is… hopefully it has some give. :grimacing:

I didn’t see anything like it in a quick Google search… I’d imagine it is a made up device. I have a SERIOUSLY hard time believing this is a training tool that Ulf actually recommended she use. Maybe the video was from her first lesson with him, and she tacked up with it, and he was in some sort of polite evaluation mode with a potential new student? That’s my best guess. Hopefully by the 2nd or 3rd lesson, he was like, “Look. You need to be able to ride your horse on the bit without a contraption if I am going to coach you. Otherwise… work on that and get back to me when you’ve accomplished it.”

If I were him, I would be seriously annoyed that there is a public video of him, complete with his full name in the comments, of him coaching her while the horse is going around in that contraption. It’s not a good look for him as a top tier dressage coach or clinician…

ETA - I also agree with you that Vienna reins can be a great tool for lungeing. I’ve used them as well as side reins. But… I haven’t ridden in either. Nope. That’s not the path toward improving MY hands as a rider, and creating good consistent connection with the horse, without it learning to drop behind the vertical.


I doubt the Krifecta realized so much would be publically available on line regarding all the civil briefs. I can imagine the spin they would be putting on the situation if we were in the dark completely. They can’t catch a break, can they? Almost like their victims over the years.


Another one of the those HH riders who was riding at a higher level.


Is this an oxymoron? He’s German! :rofl:


But…for all you know he suggested and/or supported the use of that device. In his eyes, it might be suitable.


I thought the same :joy:


If this is the horse I think it is, she’s young. I suspect she had already been started and taught self carriage before being sold. Ugh…gimmicks.


:laughing: Yes… German people can be quite direct.


It’s possible. I just have a hard time believing someone at his level actually recommended a device like this. :woman_shrugging:


That’s awful if it is a nice young horse. This is how horses get wrecked. It will learn to drop behind the vertical, while having tension in its back and poll. And that’s a hard thing to fix in a middle aged horse. :disappointed_relieved: