MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Maybe there is someone in the legal office who will make a little pretty timeline outline, print out 7 copies (I forget how many jurors…) Laminate them, and hand them out at the beginning.


I know I would have a hard time doing it. That is crazy.
It makes me wonder if Taylor does that in all of his trials.


If she truly thought that she - a low level amateur - was going to be coached exclusively by an Olympic-caliber trainer, she apparently had not been in the dressage world very long. That is not how it works. You have to prove to that trainer you are worthy of his or her time and focus. And you do that by diligently showing up for lessons even if they are with an assistant trainer. You have to be on time and sober/not hungover/not sleepy, you have to demonstrate the talent and drive and ability to absorb what is being taught, and you certainly don’t enter shows and then not show up or repeatedly scratch for no good reason. And all along the way, “the name on the door” is taking note of your progress and will either start teaching you himself/herself (if you are deemed to be ready for it), or they will have you continue with an assistant until you DO demonstrate you are worthy of the head trainer’s attention.


That would be awesome!



As a lower level rider, I was thrilled to take clinics with an Olympic rider with the sponsorship of my regular coach.

I was also thrilled to audit my regular coach’s lessons with the Olympic rider and learned tons from that experience.

The idea that smurfy, struggling with 1st level me was going to move to the Olympian’s barn, train full time and be the focus of her undivided attention? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Regardless of any amount of money paid for board and training? Nope, nope, nope, nope.

I don’t think she would have taken me as a clinic participant had my coach not assured her that I was hard working, worth teaching and appreciative of the help!


Sounds kinda like what was going on when RG/Jim testified that Lauren hadn’t actually trained with Michael, they were working towards it, but he (MB) was getting to know the horses and was in the background giving pointers and stuff. And RG/Jim also did testify that no one can be on time all the time or words to that effect when asked if Lauren showed up on time.


I rode many eons ago with someone who had been classically trained by the son of a former SRS head rider. He had a highly schooled Andalusian that we lessoned on quite frequently, and we occasionally rode him in side reins. They were effective in reminding the horse to stay round and “up under us” and engaged when we didn’t have the core strength or body control to achieve and keep that on our own. The horse was a saint and the instructor very good. We felt totally safe in their hands, but I would be very cautious in recommending it unless you KNOW your horse is absolutely reliable.


Probably. It probably gives the prosecution a distinct advantage to disallow notes.


A sidebar:

The only time I ever saw side reins used while riding was for diabolical old school ponies in lessons in old-timey grass rings because they prevented the pony from slamming on brakes and diving for the grass. That never ended well for the jock!

They weren’t tight while the pony was moving forward—they just couldn’t get their heads to the grass.

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I’ve not ridden with any BNT but audited as often as I could.
Even still, I showed up for lessons on time, cleanly and neatly presented, warmed up, and (as I was often commended for) having done my homework. Iow, working diligently on what we did the last lesson, and showing progress by having done so.

Why waste time and money doing it any other way?


Maybe add in how many horses came from FL and how many “arrived” after. I know she made a big deal about one coming in early June.


I will see what I can parse out on that. I remember Mr Bilinkas asking her when the 4th horse came and her answer was, You have my Facebook posts, I posted it there. I’ll see if they actually gave a date.



Did you read my post?

I acknowledged that it was unreasonable to expect to be coached “exclusively” by the name on the door.

Take xy as the percentage of sessions coached by the head trainer.

Unless there was a specific contract calling for it, of course you would not expect xy to be 100%.

As a student, I would not move to NJ or think of myself training with MB if xy were 0%.

The balance of the sessions would be handled by an assistant trainer. MHG had the ability and experience to train LK in sessions, but clearly hated LKs guts. So MHG, despite her very high level of riding, was not a candidate to train LK.

I think LK may have signed up, invited by MB, thinking she would get 20% to 50% sessions with MB, and MHG intervened to reduce his involvement well below that. What percentage of her sessions were handled by MB in the previous summer, when LK was delighted with the arrangement?

No, MB does not “exclusively” teach any of the students in his program. I can still well imagine that LK signed up thinking she was entitled to xy% with MB himself and was not getting what she thought she was paying for.

I’m still not sure why this is a valid reason to FTB…


So, Ekat, on the topic of the thread, the motions to have KK and LK held in contempt, you started the thread on Aug 29.

Given that the judge has not ordered them in contempt to date, as every day passes, how died the passage of time affect your prediction that the contempt orders will actually be made?

I’d think that the longer things go on without a contempt ruling, the lower the probability that s contempt order will actually occur.

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Well, considering that the plaintiff asked for an adjournment on the contempt motions until last Friday, 09/23/2022, there has only been a couple business hours that have passed in NJ. So, again I am clearly disagreeing with your assertion.


I can see this for someone who is very busy with their job that sometimes has an irregular schedule. Say a lawyer or a surgeon or heck, even the Amazon delivery driver.
How does this apply to someone whose main job is napping?

I have seen grazing reins used for this, not side reins.

I have seen several videos posted on this very forum of a string of lesson kids going around on ponies in side reins. Not typically done in this country but I guess it is common elsewhere.


Regarding the bolded… let’s think about this. If MHG hated LK, then why would she intervene to reduce MBs involvement? That would mean MHG herself would have to work with LK more.

I guess, perhaps instead JH took over coaching LK full time. But… if that is what happened, then it was a matter of JH and MB assessing and managing LKs progress in the program, and MHG should have had nothing to do with it.

Last thing… for a random outsider…your posts do seem to reflect a unique fixation on MHG. You really seem like you dislike her on a personal level. It’s interesting. Do you actually know her? I haven’t seen anyone else on these forums… or social media in general, have anything bad or controversial to say about MHG. But your comments seem to reflect a certain amount of personal animus. It’s just weird, in my opinion.


Not from the judge’s end. Sure, it gives more time for JK and KK to comply as to no longer be in contempt, but length of time between motions and decision doesn’t predict the decision the judge is going to make. He’s not stalling to avoid upsetting anyone with his decision.

That’s just silly.


This is good point. Over the years I have found that there are trainers who are very good at training HORSES, bringing up the levels, prepping for sale, etc . Then there are trainers who like to teach RIDERS how to be better, more effective riders. Different skill set. And then there are some who can actually do both. Dont know Muller but know his reputation for young horses and sales prep.