MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Of course it isn’t. The FTB text (which MB did not see after he shot her) came after at least a week of escalating stupid behavior from both sides.

Really? My assertion is just that the more time that passes, the less likely it is that the contempt order will appear.

Sort of like, if a rider has a goal of riding GP, whatever probability achieving the goal is, that probability declines over time with every year the rider is not riding GP.

Your assertion is not based in the reality of law.


A rider does not start out being able to ride GP so this analogy does not even slightly work.


Neck stretchers are an elastic cord that is designed to go over the poll, like this:

The gizmo LK is using in that video is similar in that it looks like an elastic cord but instead of going over the head, it appears to go through the flash attachment on a snaffle bridle. It looks like it would be uncomfortable for the horse where it presses against the flesh before it gets to the bit, and the horse does look not particularly happy in this screen grab (his eye looks a bit hard), but I hesitate to rush to judgment since it is only a moment in time.


So, there’s been what, 3.5 hours since close of courts on Friday, the 23rd and you think that’s some great passage of time?

That’s not how court works. The judge issues their rulings when they have time. If they’ve got a full calendar, lots of time could pass. Significantly more than 3.5 hours.it doesn’t imply one way or the other which way the judge is going to rule.

Edit to add: yes, I stated earlier that the absence of anything online is bizarre to me. But not because the judge hasn’t ruled on a contempt motion that was adjourned till last Friday - I’m referring to the notes that were entered about the Motion to Compel that said oral arguments would be scheduled on That Motion - not the contempt motions.

In my court system, the Oral arguments would have been scheduled and shown up on line by now. That’s why it’s bizarre to me. And is in reference to a completely different motion than the Contempt motions. For clarity.



People have stuff happen to themselves or their horses all the time that delays progress. Injury. Illness. Life. Etc. It takes YEARS for either the horse or the rider to make it to GP, much less both together.


As an aside, I find the use of language from some people different than what I’ve experienced. I’ve never seen a focus on “the name on the door” in relation to dressage trainers before. The trainers name or the business was used, but never referred to as “the name on the door”. It’s also weird,imo, how LK/RG refer to the horses as “our horses”. I’ve had horses most of my married life and DH has never referred to them as “our” horses.


I was Grand Champion Jr Showman with my calf many years ago. That is my claim to fame.


I’ll give RG a pass on that one. He is seemingly very involved in their care, and while he may not have used his own money to purchase them, he likely feels like he’s invested in their well being and cares about them.

My cat was my cat for 10 years before I met my husband. By the time we put her down, she was every part ‘our’ cat. We each held a paw while she passed, and that man dirty cried along side me.

RG may not be someone I’d ever be friends with, but I could believe he cares about the horses enough to call them ‘ours’.



I did not say the rider started out riding GP. I said the rider had a goal of riding GP.

Yeah, my DH helps with feeding, mucking, turning out, holding for farrier and vet, and general farm upkeep. So he considers the horses to be “ours.” He doesn’t ride though.

If we were keeping the horses in full board, and he didn’t do any of the feeding, mucking, etc… and I was going elsewhere to ride regularly, my guess is he would consider them more mine than both of ours.

It seems like RG helps with grooming, etc. I’ve always found that odd though. My DH loves our horses, and will pick up a brush occasionally, etc. But… he doesn’t really know how to truly groom a horse. Much less properly tack one up. I could teach him… but honestly… if I’m the one riding, then I’m going to double check EVERYTHING, and it’s easier to just do stuff myself.

I find the whole situation with RG acting like a groom of some kind to LK slightly weird, and am not sure I believe it. I’m not sure she really has enough knowledge and patience to teach him how to be a full time groom to her… did he learn all his grooming skills from someone else? It’s all a little weird and confusing to me. At least he seems genuinely fond of the animals though.


Incorrect. Unless a ruling is governed by a General Statue, the judge can rule whenever.

Where I work, someone files a motion, the judge gives the other side 10 day to file a response.(the judge does not the General Statues) the other side files their response in the 10 days the judge required. The judge then reads the motion and associated responses. The judge then makes his ruling on the initial motion, either for or against. The judges here try to make a ruling in a timely manner, but I don’t think there is a deadline for them to make such a ruling.


I guess I wasn’t focused so much on whether he cares for the animals, as he appears to. The only thing I can come up to compare it to is a race car syndicate where everyone is part of the team. When Michael Phelps was swimming, it was Michael Phelps in the pool. Of course he had trainers, coaches, etc but it was him. I’m probably reading way too much into it! Whenever it comes up in conversation my DH does say “they’re her horses”. He’s shoveled more sh$t than he’d like to admit over time and probably would prefer that be in his past, lol.


I would say she hadn’t been in the horse world very long. Or had a very weak grasp on reality.


I had the same thought. No way out.


Thanks for posting that very complete timeline.

I can’t even imagine going to a horse show just two weeks before the events of August 7th.


You’re welcome,

It all makes my head spin, and there are things that aren’t there because I don’t know dates, like Ninja appearance, or the confrontation at his truck to name a few.


Yes, I’d live to nail down dates of those two events.
Frankly, the confrontation at his truck I can’t even recall when I “heard” about that.


Mr Bilinkas asked her about it but she couldn’t remember the date.