MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Except she LIVED THERE!


Awww, c’mon it was what, a thousand feet from the house to the barn? Easy to get tied up in traffic or something, I’m sure.


YD was extremely fixated on MHG at times… and was prone to indulging in long lectures suggesting that she was the cause of everything.

So yes, others have focussed on MHG.

I was once the alternate for the dressage team (of 3) for our area for the Alberta Summer Games… on an “interesting” QH lesson horse that I adored - and I guess he liked me as well. I was proud of that alternate status - I worked hard at every show for that!

PLUS (and much better IMO) - I was called out during a hunter/jumper clinic by a very well known clinician and rider on the Canadian Equestrian Team… and sent around the course again while she commented about my “quiet, following hands” and how well I communicated with the little Appy I was riding (my OTTB was laid up). I was a bit stunned - there were a couple of semi-BNTs there and everyone else was mounted on elegant TBs and warmbloods… and here I was on a little 15HH Appy going round that course, feeling every stride, every lead change, fluid bends… I still relive those few precious minutes (obviously!) even though it was many, many years ago.


~ edited for clarity ~


After going back and watching the video a second time, it does not look to me like that cord has any elasticity to it. As the horse is cantering, there is slack in the cord, then no slack, then slack, then no slack, with no apparent give to it whatsoever.

I would never in a million years get on a horse in a contraption like that, but that’s just me.


Appies rule :heart: :heart: who was the clinician if you want to share?


For real. What trainer allows this or encourages this? That’s a no from me dawg.


I agree, Appies are the best!


@ekat, I was just re-reading your date/events list and I noticed this tid-bit that is so amazing!


So what is the practical difference between vienna reins and draw reins?

YD and CH DO have a lot in common, if you take the time to look at what’s what, in the posts and history of both usernames.


Yes, yes they do/did.


I do love Hay Guy! He’s one I find myself wondering how he’s doing lately. Probably fine because he’s awesome.


If there is really no give… the device is essentially just a different type of tie down… but it runs from the front of the nose, through the snaffle rings, and then is attached on each side to the saddle billets like side reins… vs. a typical western type of tie down that involves a noseband connected to a strap that goes straight down between the front legs and connects to the bottom of the girth.

Here’s a picture of a western tie down for comparison…

I have minimal experience riding western… but have done some, including barrel racing and team penning. I think there is an entire WORLD of difference when it comes to riding a really well broke, compact stock horse type with a shorter neck… vs a super athletic, longer necked warmblood. Even with that said, my understanding is good western folks are careful in their use of things like tie downs… as it has the potential to injure the neck. Also… when it comes to western, the end goal is not developing constant contact and connection with the riders hands and the horse’s mouth. The rein aids are totally different. So that’s something to think about as well.


It would be great if there was a way to find out how he is doing. I agree, he seemed like such an awesome caring person.


At least the horse in the western rig does not have the tie down line running through his bit to also add pressure to his mouth.


I wonder what happened on or before 7/3, was it one thing or this ramping up of nonsense, to motivate MB to hire a private investigator?

Do we know when MB found the packaging for the Naloxone (?)??


Wasn’t there some mention at one point that MB had reached out to people who had known LK in the past?

I wonder if the information he got from one of those people was enough to make him hire a private investigator, and then take a much more serious view of the presence of LK and RG on his property.

Especially once there was talk of LK and RG taking an interest in MHG’s kids. I don’t know exactly when that fit into the timeline, but I believe those kids were sent away, which is why they were not on the property when the person from Child Protective Services showed up, as I recall.


That was my assumption, that someone he reached out to her about, or who contacted him * let him know that he should dig deeper.
I may have it muddled, but I think GirlJoey had reached out to them? It seems GJ was aware of LKs online postings, so might have recognized the need to give them a heads up?


The day before cps came, iirc, son was sent back to his dad


That’s one of those things I’ve been trying to nail a date for. It was on July 30 when he sent the text about finding everyone she’d screwed. But by then he’d already been in talks with Mr Tarshis, and had seen plenty of FB posts that even LK testified could be perceived as threatening.