MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Vienna Reins and Draw reins both slide through the snaffle rings of the bit, but Vienna reins are fixed at two different points, whereas draw reins are fixed at the girth, but held in the riders hands.

Here’s 2 pictures of Vienna reins, set up for both riding and lungeing (which is the only way I have used them - adjusted pretty loosely)

Vs draw reins, shown here with a rider who also has the option of using a plain snaffle rein with this set up

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Pure conjecture on my part.

But I would have to think that any threatening Facebook posts or what have you would take on an entirely different slant once he got the report from the private investigator, and had a little better idea of their background and arrest records.



I also need to watch the barefoot trimmer’s testimony again. Remember he talked about cautioning Michael about locking his cars and stuff? Maybe there’s dates in there too.



I remember thinking what a pall that must have cast over everyone on the whole property, to have to worry about such things at a place where most people are trying to just go and enjoy their horses.


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Thanks for providing the illustrations.

I don’t think I would want to get on a horse with Vienna reins on it, either, but I am pretty old school in my views on appropriate tack. Lol.


Sometimes it may take a combination of both! Lol.


Yeah - I hear you. I just worry about what could happen if there is a big spook, etc, and then the horse gets panicked regarding the fixed gadget while a rider is on their back. Yikes.

Vienna reins set loosely like in the picture can be a great lungeing tool for some horses though, and gently encourage stretching and settling into consistent contact.



Lots of people use equipment I would never use, and that’s their choice. But I often wonder if it’s because they do not grasp what could happen if something goes wrong.

As I’ve said before, there are plenty of things that can go wrong with horses that you would never imagine until you’ve seen it happen. And after you’ve seen it once, you never want to see it again.


I’ve used this method numerous times and have never once had an issue. As long as the horse is familiar with side reins, it’s not a problem.

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I’ve never heard of Viennas being used for riding. Skilled longeing only.


At the case management conference on 10/4, is it likely that a date will be set for trial or is it too early for that?


Below is a screenshot from Deininger’s filings. I’m not sure how many of those people MB knew about before the shooting and how many came forward after.


Well, since they can’t get past the first round of discovery yer, I’d say a trial date is unlikely.


Sounds about right from what I recall. Also her daughter was at camp at the time, so saved from all the drama.


Thank you. I was wondering!

I had a job as the fill in instructor at a small barn, for when the regular instructor was away at shows or whatnot.
My last day was when her “advanced” student came in the ring with her reins through the rings of her breastplate, who then tried to convince me it was a running martingale. :thinking:

I am no longer surprised at what people will conjure up.


Ugh. Horrible.

How many people does it take to file a class action suit?


This! That is a horrific contraption that is clearly rigged for a rider who absolutely cannot put the horse on the bit correctly. IMHO it is worse than riding front to back with heavy hands. I’m shocked that a well regarded trainer would permit such a thing.


My first instructor was very good at instilling good, basic horsemanship in her students. She put the fear of her (worse than the fear of God :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) in you, so you did not fool around with tacking up or grooming :sweat_smile:. Even my later instructors have commented that riders who come from her barn have good basics. Combined with my later instructors and COTH, I have learned a lot!

Some of the horsemanship ideas I’ve heard from riders who come from a local Olympian’s barn have been shocking (and I’ll stress that that instructor absolutely did not approve either).