MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Oh, I forgot! Later, maybe a year later?.. this instructor (who herself rode and showed National Show Horses), shows up at a hunter show with her advanced students in tow… the one still with her reins through the breast plate rings… And in warm-up her students kept jumping the oxer the wrong way.


Yikes. Did the TD have a talk with them?


Personally I feel the comments about gadgets and riding ability to be cheap and unnecessary, and yes mean spirited. If people on this BB want to continue mainting that they are better people than LK than they are best to stay focused on the case and the civil trial and not takin pot shots at training methods. Let her scores speak for her riding ability and not take low blows at a screen cap of her horse.


I’m going to argue with you a little on this. Part of the basis of her civil suit is that she had some sort of promising “riding career” that was damaged by the shooting. She’s also made a lot of claims about her riding on social media. Including that she was the best rider at Hawthorne Hill - second only to MB himself.

Are we not allowed to analyze the veracity of some of these claims? Are we not allowed to analyze if she really was on track for a spot in the Olympics… and the shooting knocked her out of contention… or rather, was the truth that she was an adult amateur with a few different horses in 2019, who eventually earned her bronze medal in 2020 or 21, on a schoolmaster…

Yep… it’s brutal to put some of it under a microscope. But… we are analyzing video and pictures that were shared to a social media account with public settings. :woman_shrugging:


I do agree with this to some extent, and was hesitant to write some of my posts, but LK aside, it was a decent discussion at times re methods and experiences.


I found the video shocking, and the riding was the least of it.


My question is why did RC and MHG’s father get “summoned” to the farm so there would be strength in numbers if the plan was to just drive to the house and shoot LK/RG?


On a related note, I can be lenient with pictures because they are just a glimpse and a snapshot of one short moment in time, but I’m generally not for gadgets. I do feel as though some big name trainers are under pressure to produce results and produce them quickly, so regard for the horse takes a back seat. It’s also difficult and time consuming to teach feel to a rider, and some trainers really just aren’t good at it. I’m speaking generally here, not about Dr. Möller. Some trainers can slap together the “picture” and the rider will make it around the sandbox with an okay-ish score, but some are brilliantly creative and have very good feel, even off of the horse and can really instruct brilliantly. Some people get impatient though, and think that progress should be fast and a steady uphill climb, when in reality it can be a bit all over the place at times, but still on an upward trajectory.

Riding and dressage is really mental, but some people cannot grasp that or just aren’t capable of that type of mind expansion and comprehension and only focus on forcing the physical picture.

I’m now going off on a tangent and personal rant of mine…:rofl:


Having been around Ulf and some other high profile trainers some years back, I daresay that a contraption like that is used more often than we think at many training barns in Europe (not just in Germany). I guess they use it to to prevent the horse from going above the vertical or “long and low,” or from blowing through the rider’s hands. And maybe it can also encourage the horse to keep its neck “round” and step through from behind a bit more - although depending on the rider’s hands, the horse may just learn to lean against that thing.

I can see the benefit in using side reins in a judicious manner if you know what you are doing, esp. to help a beginner or weak rider learn how to ride an “engaged horse” - primarily because if all you have ever sat on was an “unengaged” horse, then you don’t know what an engaged horse feels like. And if you don’t know what an engaged horse feels like, then how the heck do you know that is the feeling you should be striving for? And even when you do manage to get the horse engaged for a stride or two, do you have the skill and core strength and stamina to KEEP it engaged?

BUT…I would never advocate using the kind of contraption shown in the video because it looks as though there is no way to provide relief for the horse. I don’t know long that session was, but I certainly hope they had that tie-down on the horse for only a very short period of time.

[Edited for clarification.]


Everything about her riding and horses was pertaining to the trial and the situation. The discussion about amateur mounts versus competitive international quality horses was in relation to LK accusing MB and MHG of wanting LK’s horses and Mb/MHG doing nefarious things to get her horses. We were discussing how unrealistic this accusation was.

There were multiple comments coming from LK regarding her riding and that hugely contradicts what is being established in the civil trial. Whether or not she is entitled to what she is claiming for the trial was being discussed. LK also brought this subject up herself multiple times.

The video of the side reins was in relation to her riding post injury and what level she is competing at now in comparison to prior to the event. Some people simply didn’t recognize the device used. It’s a horse forum. It was discussed. I don’t think it crosses a line at all.

Her riding isn’t being discussed for the sake of putting anyone down. It is relative to the case and important to the outcome of the case.


Many riders do find this without gadgets or side reins though.


There are plenty of us who are delusional about our riding ability. A public take down isn’t necessary.


I was going to say, this isn’t limited to LK. It’s a very common thing in the horse world :joy:


That is your interpretation, which you are entitled to. It is not mine. I’m not “taking down” anyone.

As I said in my above post, every bit of it is relative to the civil trial. I explained it further up thread. Minus the discussion about devices as a whole - that is the product of horse people on a horse forum discussing horses.


Your whole post was excellent and you expressed this thought so much better than I did! :clap: :clap: :clap:


Thank you Mod1. Since CH is now independently cleared as a nobody to the situation (can’t trust a K not to lie it seems), we can more confidently ignore their attempts to disrupt and derail the thread with their movies in their head.


Most of those people are not suing someone claiming they ruined their chance at the Olympics.


There is a device used by many Arabian/NSH trainers that sounds similar to what you describe:



Normally, yes. This is relevant to the case and statements that LK/RG have publicly made.

It’s a bit different from going onto random Karen’s Facebook page, posting one of her riding photos here, and tearing it a apart.

I’m not going to act like it doesn’t get petty on here, but to some extent, it’s relevant.


Yeah, except it was an actual breastplate attached to the saddle

It possible that that piece of tack you’ve linked was what made this instructor think how she had the reins through the breastplate was ok.