MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I guess he might think he has enough information from the pleadings alone, but that would not be normal here in my area, unless you are knee deep in the case and every single deposition or request out of hundreds has become a battle. At that point, our judges here would just not entertain the nonsense any more.

But this early in a case, it would be extremely unusual for what I’m used to if he denied oral arguments from the get go.


Bow your head so they know you mean them no harm…

well, except for this piece of cruel equipment I’m going to strap on, to make THEM bow their heads to ME.


I had several Appaloosas way back when. They were wonderful - just great all around horses and nobody has a sense of humor like an Appy! If they were human, they would be the greatest practical jokers! :smiley:


I’m probably wrong but didn’t Ulf send an underling to train LK? When say “underling” it is not an insult. My point is I thought he taught her occasionally before he returned to Europe. How ironic another trainer, who’s name wasn’t on the door, assumed teaching her until she left LK’s employment, yet LK had 40 fits at the thought of being trained by someone other than Barisone. Didn’t she also accuse Barisone of cruelty and the use of cruel methods? The level of hypocrisy is not lost on me.

I wonder if Ulf will return to teach LK if he comes back to the States for the winter circuit. Isn’t Lars the complete manager of Helgstrand USA?

Interesting questions.


I just remember a sense of bewildered pride and a sort of delirious haze as Joker and I went around that course… the opinionated Appy lesson horse and me - not exactly a dedicated hunter/jumper rider - being used as an example of Good. We just did what we always did - whether in the organized pandemonium of the hunt (real hounds following a drag line - no actual fox) or in the arena…

There have been a few other minor spotlights over the years - just enough to suggest that I am not a complete idiot in the saddle… which is what I always saw in the big arena mirrors. :laughing:


At my house, we say “What The Fluff?!” because we have a dog who sheds fur by the pound it seems. One year ago yesterday he bounced into our lives. They said he was full grown. They said he wouldn’t get any bigger. Well, they were WRONG. He is almost 50% heavier and grew a few inches on us. “On me” is the command that saved my sanity with him.


This is COTH, the term is Where’s the Fruitbat.

I had forgotten about this. That is an interesting point now that we have seen this video.


I think there is something magical about a trainer, big name or not, making students feel confident and capable. You were very very likely the example of GOOD. But I used to find that it was usually the kids on the fancier horses being used as the examples. Gail obviously valued the talent and the rider (ok ok, and the cute Appy) and wasn’t shy to praise it.

I had one local coach that ‘hated my saddle’ and hated my try hard Appy pony. She would comment that it was about time my parents got me a real saddle. Well, that wasn’t in the budget lady, it fit, everyone was comfortable, let’s get to business. She would announce these things loudly in the ring at almost every lesson, and I was what, 10yrs old? I had no idea what was going on other than all the adults and older kids were snickering at me.


Good point! I wonder if they will try to trademark it and market it?

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The vids I’ve seen of MB at a clinic in my old stomping grounds is similar… He’s teaching a mix of riders with medals in UL horses, but also several TBs and older tentative ladies who appear to be below 2nd level. And his attention and direction to each is as personalized and focused as to the others.




This is The Truth.


the biggest…ours is locked in with various methods as hes a Houdini lol


FWIW, I rode quite a few times in Vienna reins but I was always conscious of the possibility that if my horse got her head down low enough, she might inadvertently step on or through the rein. I was therefore pretty cautious and hyper-aware and only used them for a short period of time and only when things around the barn were very quiet so she and I could focus on what we were doing.

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Except a Saddlebred! :slight_smile:

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Yes, she should. And would no doubt have been engaged if Ulf had been on her. But she had someone riding her that was too weak and ineffectual to properly ask her for engagement and keep her there, and that was/is willing to take shortcuts to making her horse “look” round.


It may be worthwhile to make a new thread about training devices, etc. This thread is taking on a new life.

I do think general comments about LK’s riding in ways that do not pertain to the case could get the thread shut down.


:scream: :scream: :scream:

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I like Vienna reins to lunge in, because the device gives when the horse gives.

If you’re reclaiming an OTTB who travels hollow or inverted, for instance, lunging for short periods in Vienna reins can teach them the correct response (stretch down to contact) and build the correct muscles in the top line.

The key is very short sessions and allowing them to stretch afterwards.

Draw reins are trickier - if your hands are good and your timing excellent, so that you release pressure as soon as the horse gives, draw reins can be effective. But if your timing is that good, you can probably get it done without the draw reins.


Maybe not so much incredible talent - but connection. We did have that. Here is a visual representation of Joker (h) in the line up at that clinic…

H H H H H h H H H H

He also saved my butt on our first hunt together - we were thundering single file along a trail in the woods - the wind in my ears, full of exhilaration… and my friend behind me on his big grey called out - “This comes out to the field over the Trakehner!” I had jump judged that Trakehner fence at some 3 days events - it was on the Prelim course built into that fenceline and I was NOT a Prelim rider!! What The Fruitbat indeed! The horse and rider ahead of us swooped around the corner out of sight and I heard that horse gather himself and push off… no where to turn off… horses coming behind me… all I could do was add more leg and close my eyes as we came around the corner to that jump - as I knew I might pull off to the side in a panic (horses galloping behind me - so no) if I looked at that solid log on chains over the ditch. I grabbed some sparse Joker mane in my right hand and trusted him.

We flew.

I opened my eyes when he landed and we galloped down the adjoining field between the round bales. I glanced back to see the bigger horses coming behind us with my friend (on his Prelim horse) shouting “YOU DID IT!”

We lived!

Here’s to all the little Jokers out there, holding their own with TBs and Warmbloods!