MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

That must be the answer!


A June Fallaw photo! That takes me back a few decades to the Earl Warren Showgrounds and the Junior Nationals.


Gosh, I would think these questions would be no-brainers. Their daughter filed a suit. They have evidence pertinent to her case. The end. (I would never make it in the legal field obviously).


Really makes you wonder why he didn’t evict her. He certainly had plenty of information to evict her under disorderly conduct.

Also, that seems one sided. Where is Th MB text read by MHG in court about making her so miserable she will beg to leave. I’ve done it before. I’m very good at it?

Where is the MB text read by MHG in court about cash flow (not wealth) issues?

Where is the MB text read by MHG in court about knowing people at USEF/USDF and stopping her from competing?

Where are the 911 calls where he said he was going to war?

Think how much more credible that time line would appear if it was not so biased.

Well, at least it backed up the fact that he has plenty of information to take to court to get her evicted. Too bad he shot her twice instead.


Gadget discussion aside, I’m with you on this. My mare has a very serious “I’m focusing” face when she is working, I’m always a bit worried people will think she’s unhappy or stressed or in pain because of it. But she just REALLY throws herself into her work, it’s hard for a downhill pony to ride uphill and she puts her all into it. I liken it to my “resting b**** face” when I’m concentrating on something.

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Somewhere in all the youtube comments, she made a post to someone about dressage and how physically demanding it is. She mentioned that she was doing a lot of Pilates and strength training along with riding multiple horses daily. Oh, and swimming.

I’ll try to find it again. It was posted sometime after the trial. That post would also be proof for the civil trial that she is in at least as good of a physical condition as she was before the shooting and that her “riding career” is not being hindered by continuing after-effects.


I would think if they had tried to enter it, Taylor would have immediately called it “prejudicial” to LK and refused to let it in?


Wha5 comes across to me on thT timeline is how much they were planning something. And, how aggressive they were.


Why didn’t she leave when she was asked to many, many, many times? She was asked in April.


Hey - when did Michael Barisone find the empty boxes of Suboxone in his trash cans? You know, the trash cans on HIS property?


My bet is he was tipped off when someone warned him to keep his cars locked up on the property. That warning is what you tell people when there are junkies going through cars, and if someone found the boxes of subox9ne, that would heighten the concerns a out what’s going on on the property, if they were becoming g aware of the junkies.


Looks to me like he was trying not to evict her, and get her out without eviction. He started the process though, eventually. Gave the first notice in early august… too bad she didn’t leave.


I know!

I can not thank the legal peeps enough for making things so understandable for the rest of us. You are amazingly generous with your time.


Times what you wrote by three and it still pales to LKs acts.

I’d say nice try but it really wasn’t. But I totally get it’s all you got.


Aren’t they who are insisting it is their money and that money means Michael should do what they want?


I am not sure how you are quoting but it is one of the nice features of this new forum (is it even new anymore, hmmmm).

If you use the highlight the text to quote option you just simply highlight the next thing you want to quote and it sticks it where ever you left your cursor in the reply box. (I say this because if you leave your cursor in the middle of sentence you were editing and then quote something, it ends up in the middle of the sentence. This may have happened to me a time or two.)

So, I hit quote on this screen shot and I end up with that in my reply box.

Now, you can also do it the other way.

If you hit the reply button in the lower right corner of the post and then the quote button in the reply box, that will put the whole post here, and you can do it to multiple posts.

If this rambling makes no sense just ask and I will try to clarify it for you further.


Under oath, in court, MHG read a text she sent to MB why don’t we just ask her to leave because no one has. The text was August 3.

Nagel may have some questions about MB’s interview and the text MHG sent him.

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I forgot one. Where is the comment by MHG that she was going to effing kill her (LK)?


Add all the texts by the Krifecta since August 7, 2019 and it is clear who the victim continues to be. Adding all the now deleted text threats would be meaningful to a civil jury!


True! Bilinkas is known for his riveting opening and closing statements. Who does that?