MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

And you know this how? Because a participant in the FtB plan and a known liar said so? Uh-huh. Wouldn’t it be sweet if there was evidence to back that up?


I have no doubt the defense has incredible numbers of texts and emails indicating exactly that.


MB stated he asked her to leave many, many times. LK knew she was not wanted on the farm evident by her many text messages. She stated she knew MB was terrified of her when she was deploying her campaign of terror. Any fool could see LK wasn’t wanted or welcome. The jury will see this in the civil trial. Doesn’t matter what you think.


No, “Finish the bastard” was the morning of the shooting, sent to RG and/or JK, both sane people capable of understanding it was not meant to be a lethal threat.

It was before that that MHG said, in front of MB and others, in the meeting in which they were planning to get LK a lifetime ban, “I’m going to effing kill her”.

Any non delusional person hearing that would interpret it as hyperbole and not a literal statement. But she said it in front of a delusional man. And then a few days later, he “effing shoots her.”

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LK is painted as a predator by her own behavior and her fans can do nothing but argue petty little details.

No one cares.


Hey @CurrentlyHorseless, can you please explain away all the other things that are listed in that timeline that LK has said/done? Like going into Michael’s office and wanting to forge paperwork? Please provide some story in your head that makes that OK. Or how she brags that Michael is afraid?


Yes, it was hard I’m sure, but he bought out his ex wife of the Florida property with that money, and owns it entirely himself, now. He didn’t just pay Vera the mil, it was a buy out of the property in Florida. So even when we have to pay a tough price, the rewards are immesureable and Michael Barisone has a world class training facility in Florida that belongs to him entirely, purchased with money he earned from being a world-class trainer, purchased from Vera. If he hadn’t bought the facility they built together, he would have bought other property and done the same thing with it.

So we may all complain about giving up money in a divorce, but in MB’s case it was for the answer to a dream, something he can rely on and is a foundation for him when he returns to his training and riding and beloved horses, all waiting for him at the end of that 1million dollars so painfully spent.

And he had the money to buy Vera out. It was achievable because he had the money to spend.

Vera and Michael are on good terms. You can make a snakey, snide innuendo over and over, but it doesn’t change the facts that someone saying those things is a small minded person. And its not even your fight! Its something Lauren Kanarek would say. Its a twist she would make. Why are you going there? Why are you saying such things? They aren’t based on truth.


It’s in one of the court documents already posted.

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She isn’t listening to you, and won’t respond. [edit]


If you read the entirety of the document you will see that the accuracy of that footnote is very much up for debate in front of the court.


Well said. I don’t know a single person who has gone through a divorce that didn’t say something negative about the divorce. It often includes money.

MB’s assets that he currently has and has sold all lend to the fact that MB was a successful business person and poke holes in the weak argument by the Ks that MB was so desperate for her money. Clearly, no one is that desperate.

Very weak arguments surround the Ks.


That is where my knowledge ends, but since they don’t deform until they hit a target, I would think there is no reason why ballistics such as determining trajectory, distance, etc., can’t be done on them.

And if LK was in fact thinking about expanding bullets (as opposed to exploding bullets), why did she want them? Was she planning on shooting someone and wanted to make sure she caused as much damage as possible? Or was she planning to plant them in the safe or load them into RC’s gun, for the purpose of getting RC and MB in trouble with LE (since expanding bullets are - I believe - outlawed in NJ). Was that also part of her plan? :thinking:



Hollow points and other ammunition designed for large cavities upon impact are studied the same way forensically as regular ammunition.

ETA: I assume LK was going to replace MB’s ammunition with exploding ammunition to cause the shooter harm, especially since she had access to his office and thought MB was “plotting her murder.”


There was the post about her big nasty gun, and the little one you could fit in your pocket, and how she only owns hollow point bullets……”all in NC” because of how illegal they are to have in NJ….

Tacked on to how she’s such a bad ass……

Do you think her gun purchase history will be brought up in the civil trial?


I think so, for sure. It’s evidence of her using her firearm to threaten MB via SM. Evidence of her campaign of terror and her being a physical threat to MB, MHG, the kids and everyone else on the farm.

ETA: it’s also reasoning as to why MB would carry a firearm for personal protection since his safety was threatened.


As a generic statement, that sounds unassailable.

So is it the case that the various defendants get discovery and depositions from the plaintiff and their witnesses first, and it’s only after that is completed that the plaintiff can get depositions from the defendants and their witnesses?

Will MBs diagnosed mental condition and psychiatrist commitment be an obstacle to LKs side having him deposed when it is the appropriate time?

Its not really anything to laugh at. There is no proof anywhere that he shot her. I don’t think laughing at someone being shot is really appropriate. And if you are laughing at the idea of coming up with proof that he shot her, its even more imappropriate. Its exactly what she will, in the new trial, be required to do. She has no right to any compensation if she can’t prove that he injured her, and she can’t. There is no proof, and no forensics, and no video, and no testimony from the police who arrived on the scene that he was the shooter. So its not really a laughing matter.


Downright diabolical. And a certain someone would be laughing about it on SM.

Who does that?


Currently Horseless, apparently.