I thought she had purchased them when she was living in NC. Isn’t that where she shot at RG’s motorcycle tire (and supposedly while he was sitting on said motorcycle)?
Walthers? No dear. RC owned the Ruger used to shoot LK that she gave to MB and that he sent MhG and CPS out of the room to retrieve from the safe, load the empty magazine, put it in his pocket, and drive to the farm to shoot LK.
Again with this? Wow. If I had actually “killed” all the people (or horses ) when I said could just “kill” them for doing something…
Thank you for attempting to clear that up again. Until next time. And the time after that…
And yet she seemed to revel in the chaos she was creating - as many of her FB posts showed. She knew she was not welcome. But that all fit into her little campaign… and FtB was always on her mind even if she did not constantly say it out loud in those exact words.
LK was not about to leave without more fighting.
Again I cite from personal experience in a similar situation. Our “LK” was asked to leave many, many times. Not formally through lawyers - and an eviction notice (which we could not do as the BO was away for an extended period) … but MANY MANY times. She sneered. She insulted. She scoffed. She suggested she would win that big boarding barn in any court case. MB’s lawyers mentioned the official proceedings for eviction - not the simple requests before that that any sane person would have complied with. LK knew she was not wanted there…while suggesting on FB that her horses would be harmed there… and bragging that MB was afraid of her… and believing she was smarter than everyone else and her little FtB plan would work.
I am sure there were many “conversations” about her leaving. But leaving did not fit into her badass persona on FB - or her plans.
Who does that?
In our case, the entire situation became so extremely uncomfortable that our “LK” finally packed up and left in a week long campaign of her harassment and anger with boarders and I taking turns watching the barn at night.
I was standing in the doorway of the house they stayed in (next to the big barn and arena), asking for things the BO had requested her to hand over… and she completely lost her sh#t, screaming and throwing things, breaking the glass in some of the built-in cabinets - and tried to close the door on me. She howled that I needed to get off HER property. I stepped back on the porch and said I would wait for those items. Her hubby actually got out of his recliner, quit watching football and stormed out to confront me - only to see there were 6 of us quietly standing there. He went back to football and told his missus that this was HER mess and he just wanted to go home to their own little place about 3 hours away.
I said that the next time it would be the sheriff on the porch - not me, the handyman and some boarders/clients.
She and her minions packed everything up and left. Finally.
I suffer from chronic depression, anxiety, and ADHD. What of it? He was in therapy, there’s no indication he was suffering from a breakdown in the time before they went back to NJ.
I thought it was believed that he did join the Marines, but may or may not have completed basic training, and may or may not have been bounced out on an Administrative Discharge for failing a drug test.
And wasn’t he asked during his testimony if he had been in the Marines and he answered in the affirmative? Wasn’t that why it is a bit laughable that he later claimed during his testimony that he didn’t know much about guns?
How could she drive him insane compared to the divorce, the splitting of the business, the cash flow (not wealth) problems that kept him awake at night, a new love that was in a stressed state, 8-9 prior concussions, chronic depression exacerbated by the divorce, the loss of the person who took care of the management details allowing him to shine with riding and training? He said himself everyone has difficult clients, that is a part of business.
He had plenty to evict her over disorderly conducts. Just a few more days and she would be out if he followed the eviction process.
@ekat - you’re a saint for sitting through a second round of all of that.
So on direct, she testified that she only had 1 gun. She was questioned during cross about the facebook post and claimed she put the second gun on layaway and hadn’t actually picked it up. Then she was questioned about which gun she specifically had and which was on layaway. Her testimony - the one she “actually has possession of” was the 17/18 capacity one.
She implies that the smaller capacity gun, that fits in her purse, was the one on layaway.
So how exactly had she not “cleaned it in a year”.
Tons of people go thru divorces. Some of them are self employed with their spouces. Some of them have depression. Most divorces come with all that you mention. people weigh those consequences before they decide to divorce. All totally normal. That’s not what drove him insane and everyone knows it.
I tend to think that originally LK’s motto was just F with the Bastard… and thus all the preening and parading and posturing on FB … and then she upped the ante and it became Finish the Bastard.
If only she had actually left a situation that she merrily made increasingly difficult and more uncomfortable each and every day…
Exactly. He is the Marine who never made it through basic training yet managed to become a trained listening device expert and assassin. Very vivid imaginations.
He is the person who stopped an active shooter and held him until LE arrived. That was his day. No matter anything else in his life, he saved her, himself, MB from himself, and possibly LE responders, and anyone else on that farm that got in MB’s way.
No doubt he was stressed. No doubt she recognized it and deliberately, intentionally, maliciously, and diabolically concocted and engaged in a campaign to drive him to the breaking point. He broke all right - just not in the way she had envisioned.
I think her gun purchase history is relevant in that it makes it perfectly understandable that MB took her threatening posts on social media about guns seriously.
Plenty of people in this country own guns. They probably don’t usually make social media threats about using them.
And if they do, those threats should be taken seriously by law enforcement, as we have seen many, many times on the news.