MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Yes Daddy stood to save quit a bit having them just flop at MBs place.


How does one diagnose a faulty dryer from afar? What stops someone from leaving a note? When has being told “You are not welcome to enter” stopped LK (taking photos of children’s private rooms)? Plus didn’t the DA tell Michael Barisone that LK wasn’t to be denied admittance anywhere on the property.

What’s hers was hers; what’s his was hers too.


The work RG was doing was water damage repair from the freeze. So long as he wasn’t changing the house footprint, wiring, or plumbing, permits were not required.

The barn never had occupancy for people, the septic tank was undersized, the house basement only had one egress and had occupancy as 2 apartments/duplex-1st and 2nd floor, not 3 apartments basement, 1st, and 2nd floor. The barn did not meet fire code for people occupancy. The house smoke detectors were allegedly ripped out by MB and RG repaired them.

He would likely have seen what was not to code though if he ever worked for a firm updating kitchens and bathroom.

Just pulling out Sheetrock and putting in new tile would not need permits.

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Plus I believe RG said in his sworn testimony that he did not lift a finger more than absolutely necessary to cover what he thought he owed.


My understanding was that Barisone agreed to board and training for the first two horses plus apartment for $5000 per month. The 48 hours person asked, ‘Isn’t that a sweet deal and he replied that ‘there were bills to pay’. Why would Naridone accept snd cash a $5,000 check for board and rent from Aug of he had asked her to leave “many times”? Or once?

The bartered renovations were for an additional horse or two. It’s not clear if the purchase of Jay T involved “free board” at HH.

There is no indication RGs work was shoddy. The building department orders came from a lack of the lack of appropriate permits.

or had to let the horse expenses catch-up to the work he had performed. some bs like that


There is one misconception that some seem to have: if MB had only served LK with a formal eviction, she would have been gone. What seems to be forgotten is that she posted that she had no intention of leaving. She and RG were owed $50,000 and they were going to stay until that was paid.
So thinking that a piece of paper was going to have her quietly vacating is simply wrong.


I keep looking at what she DID do after she got the eviction notice on Aug 5th to vacate by the 7th.

Sent Rob to the building inspectors. Called SS and alleged child abuse, which triggers CPS visit. Texts her dad that Michael is scared (twice between the 5th and 6th) oh, and he knows about the recordings. Puts up cameras. Meets with a lawyer where they discuss the illegal recordings. Somehow convinces the fire Marshall to let her back in the house, but no one notifies the homeowner, who thinks the place is condemned and vacant. Posts a manifesto on FB full of threats to both MHG and MB, by her own admission under oath. Tells Rob to Finish the Bastard.

That sure sounds like she was just waiting for that piece of paper. If only she had vacated by the 7th per the notice she did get.


I’m not sure about that. There are regulations about care, custody, and control of animals that require the animals to be kept safe. IANAL, but it comes up from time to time in the veterinary world, although then it’s typically because somebody escaped from the clinic.


Yep. As many of us have pointed out, using her own words and actions as evidence, she had ZERO intention of leaving and a formal piece of paper was not going to change that.


Do you know for a fact that the notice was to leave “by the 7th”?

Wasn’t the formal demand to vacate sent on the 6th (although not filed with the court because MB did not want to evict her)?

I’ve seen no documentation of the date by which she was demanded to vacate. Normal notice would have been 30, Tarshis could have gone to court to get an emergency 3 day order, but 2 days?

Please explain the basis on which you know she was demanded to vacate “by the 7th”. When on the 7th? Midnight? Noon?

And in fact, they had already lawyered up BEFORE receiving the formal piece of paper.


Wow, I thought the upstairs had been turned into a separate apartment with its own bathroom and kitchen, which makes me expect that there would be a full ceiling between the floors.

So they were all just living like a family unit in a 2-story house? No wonder things went to H*** in a Handbasket, esp. considering the - ahem - lifestyle of the upstairs residents.


Look at how they responded when their little ploy with the building inspector bit them in the butt.
Did they follow the rules and leave as ordered?
No, they made their own rules.


It’s in the trial testimony.

Even LK admitted under oath she received the email version from Mr Tarshis on the 5th. He followed up and served her with additional notice on the 6th.


Did they even go talk to her and tell her it would be best if she left?

I know LE sometimes does that in other jurisdictions but I guess NJ is too unfriendly to landlords to try to encourage a troublesome tenant to pack up and move.


I understood that Tarshis thought he had brokered a deal via JK to have her leave voluntarily by the 7th.

In the absence of her voluntary agreement (she did not agree), on what grounds can he evict her with less than 3 days notice and a court order?

Did any of the 3 mental health experts say Michael Barisone told them he shot LK? If so, it is puzzling because he has no memory of the shooting. He did say on 48 hours that he has been told he shot LK.


How would they have known if the dryer wasn’t functioning properly (according to them) if they weren’t in the building? They were just asked to respect barn hours, which wasn’t reasonable according to them, since they would have had to reset leg wraps earlier in the morning, so they wouldn’t be in the stable after it closed for the night. LK could have tucked her horses in earlier if she wanted to play nice. :thinking:


She had no intention to leave, and contrary to what some posters here stated, she did in fact know that a new barn was being searched for.