MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

5th, 6th, 7th = 3 days. It would depend entirely on the exact language of the Notice to quit, but I can see counting that way. Nonetheless, she had made zero moves to vacate and had done nothing but increase her campaign to Finish the Bastard after receiving the notice.


LOL. Hmmm.

Not sure if you meant to reply to me but if so - I agree. Everything previously discussed about the horses and riding level were relevant to the civil trial. Then the thread kind of went wonky about training devices.

Wow. So this may be why certain parties are so obsessed with the COTH narrative - it’s going to get much bigger.

But MB NEEDED LK! End sarcasm.


Exactly, this woman has a history of hiding from process servers. She’d laugh at an eviction notice and would simply speed up her diabolical plan. I can hear her screaming now, “YOU CAN’T EVICT ME! YOU’LL BE SORRY! MY DADDY WILL SUE YOU! YOU CAN’T MAKE ME DO ANYTHING I DON’T WANT TO DO. PLUS, THE COPS LIKE ME.”


And didn’t someone testify that RG mentioned the dryer and RC was there and said she would turn it off. Wow! The rocket science of that decision!!! Unplug or turn it off. Brilliant, unless you have another plan!


It’s been gone over in detail.

There are reasons you can give about dangerous behavior etc to justify a 3 day eviction order. IIRC you need to give an informal warning first then follow up with the actual eviction notice. If the tenant or squatter refuses to leave, then you need to go and get a court order to have them removed and they may be able to appeal the whole thing and stay long enough to fill the toilets with cement and kick in the drywall.

It’s a process. No civil legal process is ever simple and easy because both sides get their say.

I can see why someone might think negotiating with Checkbook Dad to remove Adult Addict Child is more useful than just dropping an eviction notice on Addict Child, because she might go ballistic. As she did.

Question. Up to now we have assumed JK was negotiating in good faith with Team MB to get LK to exit. But now we have evidence he seems to have facilitated some of her harassment, and been well aware of a significant amount of the rest.

But then he hired ED to apparently deal with her actually getting evicted or moving.

I’m curious as to where JK was by the end of this. Was he genuinely trying to.get LK out of there before she imploded, or was he conspiring to keep her there long enough to run whatever grift she had in mind? It’s hard to imagine the father of an Adult Addict Child partipatimg in her delusions, but the revelations of IM and Seeker make me realize that there is little common sense here.


Perhaps to make up for the $5k he spent debugging the premises from illegal recording devices OR perhaps to make up from the clientele being driven away by LK and his loss of income. OR perhaps for the $100 a night additional security he had to hire due to LK’s threats of violence. OR perhaps to feed the horses he continued to house. So many reasons, really.

Also, one could argue the house was condemned because RG was UNLICENSED.


Do you know for a fact that he accepted it and cashed it? And if so, how do you know with such certainty?


I don’t recall that RC said she would turn it off, but even I know how to turn off a dryer, even if I haven’t used one in a few years. You’d think RG with all his laundry experience would know how to turn one off? :thinking:


I don’t think she was leaving either maybe she would. If not, then LE could finally evict her.

There are some upscale RV parks that attract the $1,000,000+ motor coaches. My guess is the Agents of Chaos did not/do not have a high-end coach.


I love all this talk of how easy it is to evict people. Like… just evict! It was JUST that simple!

Here in Quebec if you want to evict, you have to go to tribunal. You have to submit paperwork, have it approved, and then are given a date. It may be 6 months in the future. Meanwhile, the tenant is allowed to stay, to not pay rent, to continue to damage etc. You have to wait for tribunal to decide.

It is never so simple as to ‘JUST EVICT’. Anyone spoutin that nonsense has never been a landlord.


I can confirm he worked for a bathroom/kitchen remodeling company. Other than that I don’t know of any qualifications he may have pertaining to appliances etc outside of those areas.


Is that really why he hired ED, or to verify their illegal recordings were in fact illegal, while illegally recording the conversation with ED!?!!??


Please explain the basis on which you know MB deposited LK’s August payment.


Right. The issues wasn’t that they weren’t allowed in the barn. The issue was that they refused to respect barn hours. One of LK’s horses required leg wraps 12 hours on, 12 hours off. Barn closed at 9 pm. LK didn’t want to get up 15 minutes earlier and wrap at 8:45am/8:45pm to comply with barn hours. Tell me someone is difficult without telling me they are difficult - here is a prime example.


From the discussion on a previous thread, I had the impression the RV in question was a rental unit, not something they owned at all. That discussion was a while ago, though, so I could be wrong.


RG had nothing to do with one egress from the basement and an undersized septic system.

That COTH press release is quite thought-provoking.

I bet Bellissimo is rather thankful to get COTH out of his hair, esp. since it could apparently be weaponized by various parties for various reasons.

Also - the timing of that notice is pretty interesting, given that we just went on a tangent about Ulf Moeller, who is Helgstrand’s right-hand man in his Wellington sales operation.

It will be interesting to see what changes are in store for COTH.


Um, any money accepted by Barisone Dressage that August, if any was submitted, would have been for the care of two horses. Any reimbursement could have been discussed after leaving the property, like the supposed $50K RG thought he was owed.

Since RG likes to secretly record everything with the press of a button, I wonder how many incriminating recordings he is holding over LK and Daddy? For example, imagine the conversation had during the race to HH to storm the house and barn while LK was flatlining. It certainly wasn’t talking about where to grab a bite to eat or take a leak! Then, think about the conversation after they left discussing whether they got everything or patting each other on the back for mission accomplished!


There is a 3 day eviction in New Jersey for disorderly conducts. There is more delay for getting it on a judges’s calendar. Eviction notice. 3 days. If not out to the judge. If proof of disorderly conduct then an eviction notice comes from the court and LE can serve it.

There is a 30 day no contract eviction.