MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

That was a rental unit in Florida, not Nee Jersey.

The photo of the two apparently taken St Patrick’s day with the green wig and green hat, was taken in their rental RV. I imagine it was bare basics.


The company he worked for did not do kitchens at the time at the location he worked.


Does anyone know when RG’s own live interview with 48 hours will be? Did he make any statements in the episode? I just remember him walking around. This sounds like LK thought 48 hours was going to be their opportunity to air any grievances they had and make everyone else look bad. Not quite how things shaped up.


It appears to simply be coincidental. When Bellissimo took over the publication, no changes were made to the forums. The forums are a cash cow, particularly with the increase of internet traffic over the years, with advertisers paying big bucks and the clicks received for that advertising. Why mess with a perfectly legal good thing?


RG didn’t speak, but even if he had, I’m not sure what an incident between RG and his uncle would have had to do with the Barisone trial; which was what 48 hours was interested in.


Was he likely to think of such a thing on his own? Or was he just following LK’s directions with all the recordings?


I think he was conspiring. LK sent JK texts stating she could access Mb’s office, documents, signature, etc. She also notified JK that she could (or would) disable Mb’s own cameras. She also notified JK by text stating that MB was terrified of LK on at least 3 occasions. And he was certainly aware of recordings being made without third party consent.

Maybe he’s tired of being a puppet. Maybe he took off again. Who knows. I’d be outta there if I were him.


I doubt 48 Hours ever had any intention of interviewing the thug groom. Poor RG is a complete afterthought to the attention seeking Kanareks. OR, whoever told LK to not do it then to do it but don’t say anything, may have advised them to leave RG out of it all.


RG comes across to me as a sock puppet.


Interesting, that is the first time I have seen that one.

What’s with the reference to “shipmates?”’ Was RG deployed on a ship during his stint in the Marines? And what about the reference to the McCartney guy’s nephew?

And how does RG’s relationship to McCartney relate to 48 Hours and the HH incident?

I’m so confused… :pleading_face:


I hope you are right!


I think it became habit over the years CYAing himself.


I can never follow exactly what LK is saying because it’s so idiotically written. But I highly doubt RG ever saw combat. He didn’t have enough time between offenses on his criminal record, especially around the time Marines were highly deployed. He would have deployed for up to a year plus training prior and then time to cool down after deployment before being discharged. My husband served 3 tours around that time.


Their lack of respect suggest living in the same dwelling must have been dreamy.


She’s making awful references to RG’s uncle. If you piece several of them together, it is clear that RG’s uncle is paralyzed and in a wheelchair.

This same poster has insinuated that there were crimes being committed against MB and maybe if he had the balls to go after it, those could be exposed.


IIRC, and I’m not sure where/when it was posted (I don’t think it was in the trial), but the story goes like this:

LK/RG were in the barn one evening/night. A working student was heading up the stairs to the apartments and said to RC, “the dryer is still running. It doesn’t turn off when done*. Keep an eye on it. I’m going to bed”.

LK/RG realized RC was asleep and did not hear WS.

Freak out ensued!

  • this dryer could be like mine that doesn’t turn off. When it’s done it stops for a minute or two then tumbles a few rotations then stops for a minute or two and on and on! Many dryers do this and can be overridden. Mine can’t.

I couldn’t remember which side of the business he worked.


Asking if MB will hire him as an expert witness makes about as much sense as asking if MHGs husband minds that you googled him and put your results on this BB.

He is an entertainer. Although I’ll have to admit Dr. mustache was pretty entertaining himself.


This LK post was just delusional nastiness. LK approached by 48 Hours about contributing to a specific topic morphs into “all of us will have free rein to pursue all our unrelated vendettas on national TV.” It’s a nice concise case study of LK’s thought process and how she takes a fact and fantabulizes threats out of it. Obviously if RG went into a rant about his family on video, it would just end up edited out because not on topic. Most of her statements have about this much relation to reality.