MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

It is truly a great example of how Lauren Kanarek lives her life. Take a small fact, stretch to her liking and use it to threaten anyone who she feels like threatening at that time.


Obviously she was triggered by something Joey said. This post is primarily about her and her partner (spouse?). The man, Cosmo(?) was RG’s best friend growing up. They have always been a trigger for her and, as most of us know, Joey was the target of one of the most horrific, hideous, disgusting, months long cyber attack I’ve ever heard.


Yeah, they didn’t bring the kitchen division back to the home location until after RG was gone.


Wait, did this happen???


It was a while back. Dragged up some crap that had nothing to do with the current state of affairs. I believe it was a financial problem MHG’s ex ran into at some point with his construction company (if memory serves). Worthy of an :roll_eyes: or ten.


I have a vague recollection of it. Apparently it was not enough to try to throw MHG under the bus, the completely out of the picture ex-husband had to go under it as well.


Nope. But you hold onto your dreams.


Well, the post about the Walters we know exists.

You say you don’t remember the date of the post about the Ruger, So why not the same day as the post about the Walthers?

Because it doesn’t make sense to post about the Walther you own and then post about a Ruger you don’t own on exactly the same day? Or ever?

My thoughts precisely.

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  1. You missed my point. If he had asked her many times to leave, why would he accept and cash a check for board and rent for the month of August? Doing so acknowledges on ongoing board and rent agreement.

  2. Didn’t you promise, again, you’d put me on ignore?

Yep, just more self-importance and bluster. Empty threats and low blows. Sure LK, a national TV series is going to be interested in RG/Guy/Jim E. Stark’s decade long feud with a family member that has not bearing on this case whatsoever. :roll_eyes:


None of those things is a legitimate reason to accept $5000 in a board payment for August.

A rational person would have cut his losses by telling her to leave and evicting her if necessary.

If he accepted and cashed the $5000 check, it’s just more evidence that he hadn’t asked her to leave prior to Aug 1.


NO, it acknowledges that horses are STILL on the property needing to be fed, watered, turned out, brought in, stalls cleaned etc. etc.

Plus the dynamic duo was STILL there using electricity, water, occupying space, plotting, recording, plotting… and they were showing no intent of moving - and making it very clear. Even though they had been asked many, many times to leave.

Damn straight I would have deposited a board check in those circumstances as would any rational barn manager or property owner.


Would depend on state law and if the RV was brought in or was already there I’d think. I would say no tenancy rights as it is not a structure just like a tent isn’t one either.


I train my young horses to lunge and long line before they are backed, with a surcingle, but I use the donut side reins (and yes, I start out with them loose and snapped to the side rings on the lunge cavesson and not on the bit). Eventually, my horses work with them with their bridle and saddle as I find it a nice method to train horses to do transitions and to accept the bit AND reins.

I did ask my friend why she chooses vienna reins over donut side reins and she told me that horses tend to lean on the donut side reins, but the vienna reins will slide so that they can’t lean. That is what I wanted to know–the reason for using them. So far I haven’t had one that leans on the side reins in lunging. I am sure there are other reasons to pick them (i.e., to me they look that they might be better for a more uphill type of horse than a donut side rein–where the attachment to the saddle of the traditional donut side rein might be too low).

Can I say that I didn’t know the odd gadget in the photo at first? I thought it was a Flair nasal strip


If work was done for compensation by an illegal contractor the work is illegal.


When everyone came back in 2019 the basement and the main floor had the drywall ripped out including the main floor ceiling and had not been replaced yet


Nuisance behavior and illegal activities which there were.


I have to say it again… I can’t believe a family behaves this way - that a father would allow his daughter to speak those words FtB and behave in kind and support her behavior - and that her mother wold go on a BB and speak the way she did… its inconceivable to me - I have never witnessed anything like this in a family… just WOW!


Yes, probably enough grounds to have a court order an emergency 3 day eviction. But he didn’t go to court for the 3 day eviction.

With a court ordered 3 day eviction, he would need to give 30 days.

Well, at 38 it’s not like he had any control over what she says or does. But he certainly could have told her to knock it off and not play along with her.