MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Because I saw them both but not at the same time. Simple.


How do you know MB was paid for August? Given the squatters were still there and her horses still eating would it not be logical and acceptable to be paid and then if the grifters left, return the unused balance?


See the post I just made. You guys are really desperate for stuff it seems.


Except for the part where he’s the one paying all her bills. With the money he got “from the bank.”


It is my understanding this RV park has RV rentals installed in the park for snowbirds, etc.


Legally I would think the plaintiff may argue collateral estoppel against the defendant being able to relitigate that he did not shoot her. i have not found any legal writing that states NGRI means you did not do the criminal act rather everything I read seems to state only that your insanity excused you from responsibility.At least there would seem to be plausible legal support to argue it.But if intent is required for the negligence his insanity would shield him, it seems, so it is as clear as mud. I am not sure if this was still at issue why MB attorneys let 48 hours repeatedly say he shot her. These theorectslly jmay be legal arguments that can be made but I am no litigator.


Poor CH. Why so hung up on this? Why does it matter to you so much? Everyone else has moved on. Why can’t you?


What a family… its hard for me to grasp, understand, comprehend … who behaves this way? and how are they allowed to? and yet KK is in Bible study or some sort of religious thing …


I do not think any parties had any say in the final edit of the show so saying that anyone let 48 hours say anything in a certain way is just wrong.


Still doesn’t mean he could control what she says or did. He could control what he did with the money after the fact. But at 38 and up I doubt she will ever attempt to change her behavior.


Prove to me he cashed it and we will have a legitimate discussion.

Smoofox gets it.

The jury at the civil trial is not going to care whether or not MB cashed that board check. And any rational person is going to see if he did, he did justifiably so. They are going to see that a predator did everything she could to destroy a man and bring him to insanity.

Actually, 48 Hours said what happened surrounding the shooting was unclear. As have the news reports I’ve read regarding the shooting.

I believe this case will set a precedent because there are so few NGRI verdicts.


Yep what they said. In a way I guess it was my fault for even mentioning him. Was trying to explain to CH who was throwing shade about MHG not having full custody of her kids. I mentioned that since they were teenagers or almost so, and their father lived in the same town
He had always lived in, they might like that continuity.

CH then demonstrated googling skills. But even weirder came back later to ask if I thought he minded that they had done so. I was literally trying to reply on my phone in a parking lot when I noticed the thread was closed.

Just another example of CH thinking the world revolves around this subject and it’s many threads. I have mentioned before I live in NC, my daughter in her teen years rode in some of the same shows that MHG did. She was always a nice kid.


I don’t know how to edit on my phone but wanted to add I did not mention his name or the town he lives in.


How do we know that anything was paid my cheque?
If Daddy was paying it could have been by e-transfer or direct deposits.


CH is assuming MB cashed a board check in August. CH has no proof.


I agree, Warmblood1. My bad for indulging KnightsMom in her fantasy.

I’m pretty sure CH has previously argued with me about the existence of cancelled checks before….on the side that they didn’t exist. I had to point to the interrogatories that contained the response “my father may have cancelled checks”.

Not worth arguing with a random nobody who can’t/won’t ever understand the basic facts of the case….


48 hours stated as fact that he took the gun from the safe and drove to the farmhouse. They also interviewed him and showed the clip of him saying he did not remember taking the gun from the safe. They said “exactly what happened next is unclear” after he arrived at the farmhouse with the gun, but that LK ended up nearly bleeding out from two gunshot wounds.

No, 48 hours did not say “he shot her”. They just quoted LK and the prosecutor as saying he shot her.

Only the hyper partisans here could listen to the 48 hours program and not understand that they were basing their coverage on the premise that he shot her.

At the top of the program, they said that Barisone claimed to have no memory of “the crime”.

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That’s a good point. If he wanted to make the point that she could no longer board there, he would have needed to reimburse her to make the point.

I don’t know about the rest of you who board your horse at someone else’s farm or board horses at your farm, but where I board, board is due the 1st day of the month. Every month. Where I board, it is considered late after the 5th of the month.

So in my mind, it really does not make a damn bit of difference if MB cashed or deposited the board check. It is a bill just like any other bill and has a due date.

If LK and company had left before the end of the month the board could have been pro-rated and refund paid to LK or Daddy or the bank.

I don’t understand this cashing the check thing???

Be late on your mortgage or car payment, see how far that gets ya.