MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I thought you already had a couple of people on ignore? Plus, you never read my posts, remember?

Why so angry then?

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He had the gun. He took it from RC. He threw MHG and the CPS lady out of the office. He took the gun with 2 bullets in a magazine and an extra newly loaded magazine in his pocket to the house. He was very angry with LK. He shot her.

Y’all watch too much CSI.


I do hope when CoTH upgrades the system again, if they don’t restore the total User Block feature, that they modify the system so an Ignored user’s post is not seen when another user quotes the ignored user’s post. It sort of partially defeats the ignore feature! :thinking:


Those of us who have had people on ignore for years have been asking people to stop quoting certain users but no matter how many times we have asked, some people have been incapable of using restraint and keep quoting and responding to them. That’s on the users that keep quoting, not on COTH.


Wait, from what I understand, 5k was for board, and there was no money being accepted for rent. And, I thought the 5k was given “in kind” via RG’s “work” on the house.

Since when was there a board check? And, since when did that check, if it existed, cover rent, or mean anything about tenancy, when it was meant for horse board? And why was there a check, when it was testified in court that the dynamic duo didn’t pay with a check, but with work done on the house?

Since when did they pay any rent?


Taking advantage of the fact that MB’s side has yet to truly come out. So far we’ve heard very little between the 48 hours episode and the criminal trial….and seen glimpses of a lot more just waiting to come out.

I am confident that when it all spills out, the side of the story Michael shares will be full of truth and common sense, just like all the other limited things we have already heard from that side.


Anyway, how come suddenly board was being paid by check? RG said he paid board wiht work in kind.

and since when does paying board entitle you to housing? 5k was for horse board, not for housing. I thought the housing was “free”.


So I’m confused. Was Daddio on the Patio paying board? Or was RG paying board through work? What gives here?


Then yes laws apply.


Yes, I agree. With active threads I believe quoting is used to tie the response to the original post so there is correlation. If not the response can be 20 or more post later and the reader can’t make heads or tails of what the response relates to. I need to train myself to look at the user names in chains of posts before reading them. I truly have no desire to read anything from ignored users.


Probably not, as it was being paid by RG doing “work”’ on the house, and I doubt that when he returned to the farm after the shooting, he did any further work on the house. So why have you all of a sudden come up with checks being written?


If you’re into indulging me in fantasy do I at least get to pick the fantasy?

Also before I choose I would need to know if you happen to have access to a feather boa, shiny pleather and a white rabbit.



Somewhere (in one of the exhibits attached to a court doc?) I saw that photo of Rosie snarling and lunging at the camera. NOPE, so NOT a “yawn!” :rofl: :lying_face: :roll_eyes: Anyone know where it is? I can’t find it now.

I thought it was found in the police vehicle, not in MB’s pocket?

I think you have that partly backwards…the poster was NOT confirmed TO BE a specific banned poster. Each time this question comes up with whichever poster is currently under question as an alter, checking the IP for that account may identify a poster IS using the same account as another screen name and is therefore linked, but the fact that a poster is NOT using the same account does not rule out the possibility that it is indeed the same poster who is simply using another computer/location/VPN whatever. In other words, it can be proven in the positive, but not in the negative.

If it was a Trailer park, I’ll agree with you. If it was an RV campground…have you SEEN what RV’s are like nowadays? :grin: Stunning, classy, megabucks digs. Take a look at the RV renovation blogs or FB pages. :face_with_monocle::star_struck: :moneybag:

There’s a whole lot of family related to the Kanareks/Goodwins, in addition to Lauren and both of her parents, who are involved in posting on social media! :astonished: Goodwin’s uncle? I’ve also seen a few posts on YT from Stephen so-and-so identifying himself as Lauren’s cousin. Also potentially her sisters, I suppose. That’s rather astonishing to me, especially considering the posts are unlikely to help the court cases that resulted from this mess.


What planet do some people live on that they believe that because someone is asked to leave and has not yet left, that their four equines don’t need to be paid for until they do, in fact, leave the premises? Is that the gist of the current derailment? That, and the certainty some seem to have that MB shot her? Good grief. This thread would have died until the next legal update if it weren’t for the same old straw men (and apparently some new ones) being trotted out.

Speaking of… Anything new posted to the Morris County website?


Then why did LK assert RG was owed $50,000? Please pick an argument and stick with it so I know which one of many ways to prove you wrong again.

Thanks, you’re a dear.


Couple this with JK has said he is RG’s guardian! WTH??? They really do resemble each other, don’t they?


Wrong. Illogical conclusion.


Every time CH posts?


Here is the photo taken from the interior of the Camper they rented.