MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I thought $5000 covered 2 horses and as long as LK was in training, they could live in the house. That was 2018. In 2019, the house was damaged from the freeze and a barter deal was negotiated where RG would work off the board for additional horses and the $5000 still covered the 2 original horses plus housing. Depending on who is talking and when, RG was said to do good work or not enough work or he didn’t know what he was doing and a barn staff member did most of the tiling. It was a non-contract verbal deal so no deliverables, no specifications. RG said he just worked the board amount. MB said it was not enough and too slow.

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Can someone refresh my memory did the owners of the farm in NJ testify? I don’t remember seeing them.

In the meantime, you could cope by ignoring “through force of will” as the moderator suggested.

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No, they did not. Anything they had to say would not have been germane in the criminal trial.


Darn, I would be interested in their accounts of things. Did they live on the farm too or elsewhere?

No. LK was paying $5,000 per month plus the bartered renovation work.

One of the police officers found the magazine in Barisone’s pocket, and placed it in the police car.

Magazine was found by the 3rd LE officer on the scene. Handgun was pulled from underneath MB by the 1st LE officer on the scene and tossed to the side where the 2nd LE officer on the scene, who handcuffed MB and RG, found it and placed it in the back of Corporal Fellini’s patrol car.

Edited to add commas because someone is having fun with the post.


I don’t know. I never knew why LK thought RG was owed $50,000.


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None of that happened. What are you making up now?


I didn’t disclose the town he lived in.


I posted the following in the Helgstrand Acquires COTH thread but realized some posters over there might not be following the MB threads and have no idea what it meant.

Remember syllogisms? If I were a QAnon type (believer in wacky conspiracy theories), I could write a syllogism. (OK, kind of a syllogism).

LK trains with Ulf (Helgstrand).
The Ks don’t like what we write in COTH.
The Ks (Helgstrand) buy COTH.

ETA: Before I get reported and into trouble, it’s a joke.


So, curiously, the user JumpinQueen (another LK supporter) was banned. I have no idea what they did to get banned seeing as how they were not of banned status for a long time after they stopped posting (they only posted in MB threads). I can only assume that the username was associated with LK’s IP and when she was banned, so was this user name.


They live at their estate about 40 miles away I believe.

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Not anymore and hasn’t since the trial.


Shucks! There goes my syllogism. :confused:


Damn now I have to look up syllogism.

LOL and I know many of you have to too!

Any word that ends in jism makes me giggle.


Was that related to the trial? Or is that just the time he normally would go back to Europe anyway?


I remember very clearly in the trial when Mr. B asked LK where the money was coming from to pay the bills and she said it was coming from her dad, who got the money “from the bank.”

Based on that, it sounded like the dad was paying at least some of the bills. Then maybe RG was supposed to be working off a portion of it.

I will admit I did not have the fortitude to go back and watch the testimony again to double check. I can only tip my hat to the people who are willing to put themselves through that experience again. Lol.