MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Ulf assigned another Helgstrand trainer to work with LK. She left LK to continue her career with Helgstrand full time after the verdict.


I love the French expression. Translated into English: Dogs don’t make cats.

ETA: The French: Les chiens ne font pas des chats.


So much this!

Again, the only way I can frame it is it’s as if we are looking at a completely different culture altogether - one most people have no frame of reference for.

Not only would my father NOT keep footing the massive bills for me, but my mother would die of the shame of me doing, saying, or posting even one - one single - of the things we’ve seen LK post to Girl Joey or RG’s uncle or the myriad people here and on facebook and YT.

Filming and mocking a young woman in a shop? Lying constantly. The threats and weird, rambling, grandiose diatribes?

And the arrests, dear sweet baby Jesus, the arrest records. But, then again, mumsy and papa have records, too, so…

It’s like Tiger King level of reality TV: one just didn’t know there were families out there who operate like this and think it’s normal.

But, as we can see on this very thread, there are unconnected people ready, willing, and able to declare this all totally fine, no bigs. I guess that’s how people like this continue to thrive for years and years before getting caught in their own poorly constructed webs.


The RV park near Loxahatchee is actually really nice, and not surprisingly has many wealthy equestrians with RVs that are nicer than many people’s homes.


Only one of those was present at the shooting and has any first-hand knowledge of what happened. And she can’t talk.


You seem to know a lot of very specific details that weren’t mentioned in testimony


What part of this post do you think was not covered in testimony or New Jersey state or township rules about permitting (links posted up thread by me)?

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She doesn’t speak Human language but she talked. She gave her deposition in teeth marks.


CH claims to have people on ignore when they don’t, I think EB really has people on ignore but the topic of board being paid is the response to CH’s insistence that it is the end all of proof that Lauren had no clue she was not wanted there so many people are talking about it. In other words, EB can not read the posts by either you or CH and still know the thread is talking about the August board bill.

@Sparky, that is a great bit of artwork. It took me a minute to get it but darn…very good.

When did it switch from two bullets from the long proclaimed three bullets?
But then, I think there have been times that Lauren has proclaimed the number of times she was shot was different so I guess if you are making the story up as you go along it is expected to have things change.

Oh my gosh, yes! Totally grateful to the people who are strong enough to find the facts from the testimony.


Wow, I missed this. LE allowed an active participant in a shooting incident touch evidence and put it in a probably unattended police car!?! Was that testified to? Who saw him “find” it? Wow! So, that is not evidence of anything without proper documentation of where it was found and a proper chain of custody securing it. More proof of how shoddy the police work was.


That’s an amazing skill you have to deduce from tooth marks that MB pointed a gun at someone and pulled the trigger. I guess the person she bit earlier in the week shot someone too?


I guess RC was the shooter too with that logic


Maybe those tooth marks said something else?




:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hahahaha! You two win for lightning fast spotting of completely inconsistent reasoning.

While the poetic dramatical language is :roll_eyes:, those teeth marks could tell any number of stories, many not supportive of RG’s rejected tale of event. In fact, they could cut the other way entirely. If I were pro-K side I’d not touch what those bite marks might tell us with a ten foot poll.

But, then again, the reasoning and strategy of that side has never been sound, as we are seeing play out over and over again (often to the detriment of this thread).


I think it’s actually tampering with evidence if not an outright attempt to frame MB. Because if MB shot her, why would he feel the need to incriminate MB more? It doesn’t make sense that immediately after something like this one’s mind would go to “oh,a magazine! I’ll just put it in the cop car to incriminate MB more! Yeah, that’s the ticket!”


Ha! But to clarify, I was in no way suggesting that the K-Klan implored AH to buy COTH because folks here were commenting on LK’s riding and on the training methods used by an AH business associate to train LK.

Although imagining they have that kind of influence and power would certainly fit right in with the Delusions of Grandeur aspect of NPD.


I think you misread this. The sentence is not clear - it read “Handgun was . . . tossed to the side where the 2nd LE officer on the scene who handcuffed MB and RG found it and placed it in the back of Corporal Fellini’s patrol car.” (Italics added)

Remove the clause “who handcuffed MB and RG” and it’s the officer who found it & placed it in car. But does this actually match testimony??? Earlier discussion in these threads was that that the 2nd magazine was “found” in the back seat but I never heard how it got there (i.e. who put it there).

ETA: Was RG eventually handcuffed for a bit, or was this just hut-ho’s version?


Rosie also bit RC. Was RC shooting anyone at the time? Was the house not a domicile for people other than the Ks? No, it’s clear it’s just a bad dog who has bite issues and to my mind should have been put to sleep.


Like McLain Ward doesn’t take lessons with his dad? C’mon. USEF can’t enforce that. How would they know?
But you can’t list a suspended trainer on an entry.


So you are suggesting that MB should have given her back the funds but continued to care for her horses in his barn on his own nickel?

I guess that since you are “currently horseless,” you have conveniently forgotten that feed, hay, shavings, labor, maybe even water (if not on a well) costs $$$$$.

Heck, I am currently horseless too, but I well remember the costs associated with board/care of a horse.

Which makes me think that maybe you should change your handle to “Currently Obtuse.” :roll_eyes: