MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Well, you’re right that 30 days notice was required. MB was required to give her thirty days notice, on say, July 1, that she could no longer be there as of Aug 1.

You’re explaining his behavior by appealing to the likely behavior of a “wise farmer owner”. He was not a “wise farmer owner”. Whether he was owner or lessee, he was insane, delusional. This has been determined in a court. It is public record.

Here is the problem with some people using just the quote feature. It’s an example of misquoting and changing the context and meaning of what other people say.

That is crazy!

Did not RC enter their apartment without their permission? Thats a good way to get bitten by the family dog.

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According to public posting by RG, they weren’t going to even talk about leaving until they got that $50k from MB.


I merely said that if a check for $5,000 for Aug board was cashed by Barisone, it somewhat cuts against the argument that he had asked her to leave “many times”. That’s all.

The horses did not leave until “at least September” because MB interrupted her negotiations to leave by shooting her.

Ignore my posts, disagree with my points, whatever. But saying my posts are made to “derail the thread” is untrue and so tedious at this point.

What exactly is the supposed topic of the thread, given that there are no new developments on the contempt orders?

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WOW - that is definitely eye opening as to the actions of LE at a crime scene. It really opens up a whole new level of concern for me


I love how y’all complain about no one being searched and secured and then complain again when you find out they were.

LE did a good job. Over 40 LE and medical first responders came to an active shooter site. Everyone lived. The scene was described initially as chaotic.

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In this case, though, there was no written contract.

MB could have had a written contract that said that the trainer could terminate the board arrangement and kick out your horses with 7 days notice or 3 days notice or 24 hours notice.


The point is that you seem to have information that others dont. Why is that?


The second officer said RG finally caught the dog, put it in the house, saw how bad off Lk was and became agitated so he cuffed him for his own protection and others. Heymer, the 1st officer was working on LK, performing life saving measures. He had his hand on her chest and was holding a gun on MB while also watching RG chase Rosie when the second officer arrived.

Bolding & underline by me. (Screen shot too so no one can claim I changed anything.)
Maybe if everyone was not loving on each other and actually doing police work there would have been real evidence of what happened that day.
But some how all that loving did not lead to GSR tests, locating the infamous third casing, letting someone go off into the house without supervision, not searching all the other vehicles on the site, etc.
Too much love, not enough police work.

If you (general you) make something up and state it as a fact then you (same general you) can appear to have information others do not have.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I asked my ex-cop husband how many crime scenes he attended that weren’t chaotic! He actually laughed out loud and said all crime scenes are chaotic and that is when proper training is paramount in following procedures and collecting evidence…um, that definitely was not done by this PD. So, in a way, I guess you are right…if the worst thing they encounter is someone jaywalking, they probably were overwhelmed when they arrived, especially without training. Officer Heymer is lucky to be alive. I hope he’s learned how he should actually have proceeded upon arrival.

I’m glad everyone loved.

I have way too much to do today than follow all this rehashing malarkey and presenting fantasy as fact. Lines are almost crossed as far as I am concerned.

Carry on.


Yes…everyone was too busy rubbernecking the scene and not enough work. You forgot…watching RG chase a dog around near an unsupervised police vehicle where a piece of “evidence” just miraculously showed up….I wonder if other evidence could have disappeared before RG and the scene was properly secured.


The office description by LE, an ammo box was open and items were kind of left about and there was a box of ammo. RC’s testimony that she did not give MB any ammo except any that was in the clip in the gun. My memory is that the second magazine was empty and he had to buy the ammo for the handgun.

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Can you please point me to the evidence that shows he did this? I’d like to add it to the timeline. Thanks.


Maybe too much loving for your memory to be working correctly.

I remember that Michael did not buy any ammo or have access to that ammo.


(Random hippo)


Indeed…how long was RG running around the property, in and out of the house before he was searched and handcuffed? Any weapon he had on him was long gone by the time the cops woke up to the fact that he might actually be dangerous (he was BTW). Isn’t there a little koi pond near the the house? Did Barney search it? Did daddy and BF retrieve anything out of it the next day? So much we’ll never know as fact had the cops done their jobs, not only the day of but the days before the shooting!!

To be very clear, had they done their jobs and obtained evidence, Michael Barisone would be in federal prison for a long time or he’d would have been freed that day. You all know who I think should be in federal prison for attempted murder, don’t you?


I’m just going to leave this here:

An active shooter is defined by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as “an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearm[s] and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims.

So the ridiculous speculation that MB was gunnin’ for everyone on the expansive farm property is absurd. And… we still don’t know the actual how and why the gun was fired, anyway.


What information do I have that others do not?