MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

@trubandloki has caught @hut-ho78 correcting a typo. Alert the media!

HH has often defended the actions of LE by pointing out that “everyone lived”. In this post she made the typo “everyone loved”. And then she had the audacity to correct the typo!

Who does that? Well, everybody.

Oh @Paint_Party, why are you tossing around facts?!

Calling him an active shooter sounds so dramatic and then they can call Robert/Jim a super hero.


If we can not have fun with our bad typing skills then there is a problem because we have all made typing errors and we all laugh at them. Not sure why panties need to be bunched about some fun with a typing error.

But it is true, that there was way too much loving and not enough police work going on.

That is not a typing error. That is a full fact.

And Hippos are cute. That is also a fact.


Yes, I thought RC testified that she gave him both magazines: one partial (the one used), one full. There was a box of ammo, but no one explained how it got there, or how many bullets were removed from it, or ever actually connected it to anyone. It was just like, hello, here it is….kind of like that magazine in the backseat of a cop car where RG was running around…unsearched and not secured….

I seem to recall a FB post about only needing 3 bullets….3 “shots” were described in this story…I sense a theme….

Also, access to the office….possibly/probably the safe too……and all that access to the barn while people were sleeping….


I wonder if Michael has ever, or would consider drawing a hippo? Because hippos are awesome and so is his art.



The 48 hours episode quoted the prosecutor as saying MB bought ammo and loaded the magazine. In the trial there was detailed testimony as to how the gun and magazine were loaded when RC turned them over to MB, vs how they were loaded at the scene.

But so, so dangerous!


Thank you, but I’m looking for actual evidence MB bought the ammo.


Your information is incorrect. According to the first and second officer, RG was on top of MB when the first arrived. The first told him to get off MB, held them both at gunpoint, found the handgun, removed the magazine, tilled them to the side, told him to put the dog in the house, kept them in sight while he checked on LK. The second officer arrived, retrieved the first officer’s medical kit, gave it to him, searched MB, handcuffed him, kept RG in sight the entire time, watched RG put the dog in the house, just placing her inside the front door. He then handcuffed RG. He found the gun where Heymer tossed it and placed it in the back of Fellini’s car. The third officer found the magazine in MB’s pocket. These things happened quickly. They all arrived within just a very few minutes of each other.

Thank you. Referring to MB as an active shooter is cringey and wholly ignorant.


Just because you have not seen it certainly does not mean it doesn’t exist.


Such as video from the store where he bought it?

The only evidence I’m aware of is that the loading of the gun and magazine was different when recovered at the scene relative to when RC testified she handed it to MB. That indicates that MB put more conscious thought into arriving armed at the scene that simply impulsively picking up the gun RC had handed to him.

[quote=“hut-ho78, post:8254, topic:775980”]
kept RG in sight the entire time
Eye witness testimony is so tricky. I have no doubt the officer was telling his truth, but having a shooting victim right in front of you, with another officer doing first aid would be hard to ignore if this was not routine.

We drop back on our training in stressful situations, this PD, through the testimony of their officers, didn’t have great training. I’m guessing he kept a very distracted eye on RG, who was running around, and would have had time to do a few sneaky things if so inclined.
I’d think the officer also watched MB, because a handcuffed person isn’t completely immobilized and could still be dangerous.


Well, let’s review Ruth’s testimony. One magazine was full, the other probably had several bullets in it. 43:01

So did Michael buy the ammo for her to load? Did I miss that testimony? Did the prosecutor enter a receipt or anything into evidence to show MB bought it?


The contract? No, of course not.

My basis for saying there was no board contract is that Tarshis testified that he knew there was no written board contract between MB and LK.

No, it doesn’t. If someone is evicted, their rent check will be cashed until they leave. That is SOP. Cashing said rent check is in no way a reflection of the relationship between landlord and tenant. The tenant owes money for a service, good relation or bad, much like LK owed money for the care of horses. What I would be curious to know is if LK paid MB for September’s care of her horses. Since you feel so comfortable with conclusion drawn based on zero evidence (IE. that LK actually gave MB a check for $5k in August), I’ll make the conclusion that LK did not pay for September. Before you refer back to your favorite line - shot or not, she owed a service. Also, there is no forensic evidence to show MB shot her and also, self defense is a constitutional right.


You got me there. I guess RC could have been mistaken and forgot that she gave him the ammo. Maybe he lost a tooth, left it in the safe, and the tooth fairy left him a box of ammo for that specific weapon that RC just happened to bring. Maybe someone gave it to him. If he didn’t buy it and someone gave it to him, could that be conspiracy? If he did buy it although that points to premeditated, he has already been acquitted of the crime by reason of insanity though proven to have committed the act of shooting LK twice in the chest.

Wonder what the civil trial will make of the box of ammo? It may be possible to go back to the manufacturer and try to trace where it was sold and approximately when. That would be some interesting information for the civil trial.

How do you know the extra magazine was newly loaded?? RC testified that it might or might not have had bullets in it.


I mean, she did testify that one magazine was full. So…maybe he (or the tooth fairy, or the bullet fairy) unloaded it and reloaded it with other bullets?


Nope. Not what I’m talking about. I’m saying that because Jealoushe has not seen a contract written a certain way, does not mean contracts written x way do not exist. Because Jealoushe does not include a certain clause in their own boarding contract, does not mean certain clauses do not exist in others.

To your point, it does not matter in there was a written contract. Verbal contracts are frequently established in business and held up in a court of law. You have no idea what the boarding agreement was between LK and MB, therefore, you do not know what stipulations in regards to payments or services were in place. You do not know what LK owed MB or what she paid.