MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Having just listened to RC’s testimony, RC handed the gun, in the gun case to MB. The orange plastic “fake” clip/magazine was in the gun(obviously empty because it was a “fake” clip/magazine). There was a loaded magazine and an empty or nearly empty magazine in the other pouch on the gun case. Not in the inside case with the gun. She did not give MB any ammo. There were boxes of ammo in the safe. One box was torn open and I think 3 bullets were missing out of the box.


She said it was maybe or maybe not partially loaded with just a few bullets in it. They never addressed the number of bullets missing from the box….just paraded it around for the jury to see. You could not see how many bullets were missing, nor did they do any forensics on the box of ammo, like DNA or fingerprints….or provide any information about where the box came from, such as purchase history.


Thanks! I just corrected my post.


It was left up to the jury to make the conclusion that three bullets were removed. It was never testified to as to how many bullets were missing from the box. It seemed like an odd thing to have left out….which makes me wonder if the number of missing bullets didn’t match up with how many were being described as used in the incident.


So the debate about the cheque is pointless.

JK pays for the horses by the first of each month, whether that’s a cheque (so last century) or an etransfer or a suitcase of unmarked bills (in pure New Jersey tradition).

Whoever handles banking deposits for the barn puts that money in the bank on the 31st of July or 1st of August so it’s there for Aug 1 bills coming in.

The eviction notice goes out on Aug 6? It is to vacate the house. The horses have not yet been evicted. All this happens after the cheque or whatever is in MBs bank account.

So first, the cheque does not refer to the house. It refers to the horses.

Second, even if you were starting eviction on an actual rented property or starting to negotiate it with Big Daddy for the dependent Adult Addict Child, no landlord would pre emptively refuse a cheque for that month because they know the process may take a long time. A 3 day eviction order is not settled in 3 days if you are dealing with problem tenants who try to lawyer up.

But that is beside the point because the monthly fee was not even for the house. It was for the horses.

LK was being asked to leave the house. It was her requirement that the horses had to leave before she would go, and she was turning down offers of other barns as a delaying tactic. But she could easily have decamped to a local hotel or trailer park and left her horses in full board for a few weeks. Indeed, if the 3 day eviction process proved to be functional, she would have been off the property some time in August, presumably, but her horses could have stayed out the month. Or not.

At that point it would have been her choice to move them before the end of the month, unless MB followed up with evicting the horses.

In any case it would be very stupid to turn down August board for the horses before the process of evicting the unwelcome nonpaying problem guests from the house had even started.


EXACTLY RIGHT, Scribbler - as many of us have tried to explain… over and over and over again.
Around here you pay at the end of the month for the next month’s board - due by the 1st of the new month. Whatever happens after that, your board is still paid and very few barns (cannot think of any at the moment) will give you any money back if you leave for some reason before the end of that month.

Agreed. Good heavens - I have been laughed at - and laughed at myself - for many typos… I did not get a wedgie about it or fret or fuss. Not a big deal - even though some seem to feel everything is a Very Big Deal indeed…


And failing to mention that change in status to, you know, the actual owners of the property. :roll_eyes:


Perhaps not pertinent to this discussion because we don’t have all the facts, but: I was required to pay first and last month’s board at several barns.


Another time when both posts are true. It never really made sense to me, since they are vegetarians, I believe. But apparently they are extremely aggressive towards humans anyway.

How did we get on the hippo tangent?


yes. Those horses were still eating hay and grain, pooping, using shavings, drinking and possibly using electricity. There was manpower employed by MB providing said services for said horses who were still owed a paycheck. Were those costs supposed to be eaten and forgiven?

And just to add in, insurance. Can you imagine how much a liability having those horses and the K’s on the property had become?

This is a separate issue from the shooting.


Very true.

Plus as long as the horses are still on the property, they still need hay and feed and shavings and care. There was certainly no indication they were leaving anytime soon, even without the completely unexpected events of August 7th.

And as it turned out, it sounds like they did not leave for more than another month.


If only the police had checked any of that evidence for fingerprints.


If only…. I wonder what fairy fingerprints would have looked like?



That’s what MB’s lawyer thought, anyway.

It turned out she had a completely different idea.


Also it’s now not clear if JK was negotiating in good faith or if he was conspiring with LK to prolong her stay in order to run some kind of grift or scam.


And RG and JK agreed to let RC and the staff take care of them after the shooting.



Which completely undercuts LK’s accusations that they were not being properly cared for, according to her social media posts. If they were not being properly cared for, why would they leave the horses there one minute longer than necessary?

Especially when there was an alternate location that had already been arranged right down the road? Not to mention all the other offers she had for places to move them.


Yes, but sounds so much more DRAMATIC and we know the Ks are all about DRAMA.

Same when she used double tap at point blank range.

I think they watch too much TV or something.


What do ninja fingerprints look like? Oh, wait - ninjas wear gloves, don’t they? :upside_down_face:


Don’t forget “flat lined twice,” “maximum security psych ward,” “cut stem to stem” (I think that’s how KK was mispronouncing it) and all the other puffed up verbal nonsense.

OH, and the best one - MB is a MURDERER