MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

With no context, I will guess it might be a reference to The Former Guy, which is how some people refer to the previous president.


If it makes you feel any better @eggbutt, I do not remember reading you post anything even close to that. Maybe Hut has a movie playing in their head too?



Clearly, lying on social media is a fun sport for not just the Trifecta.

:hippopotamus: :hippopotamus:
Two hippos to go with @Omgitsme’s cute photos of the pygmy hippos where they work.


Yeah, it has got to be exhausting being two particular posters. I really don’t know where they come up with the stuff they throw at the walls but just like clockwork one of us will take the bait and respond and it’s “game on” for them.


There are a LOT of valid things to criticize LK for, but becoming addicted to opiates isn’t one of them, IMO. It can happen easily to anyone. And it’s easy to criticize her for not taking the steps needed to live a clean life - most notably not associating with other addicts - but staying clean is a monumental struggle.

It sounds like her long history of appalling behaviour pre-dates any addiction and can’t be blamed on drug use. And I’ve seen no indication that her parents have a history of addiction, so it’s surely not an excuse for their appalling behaviour either.

I don’t see her addiction as terribly relevant to this case, other than it giving MB / MHG another excellent reason to not want LK and RG on the property and around MHGs children if they had reason to believe one or both were using.


No idea, unless it’s held in some kind of trust or conservatorship? Or perhaps her parents have always done everything for her. Who knows with this family [edit]?


I just checked. Nothing new in the court file. I am really starting to wonder if the judge is just leaving the motions to deal with at that status conference next week on the 4th, since it’s already scheduled and all.


Oh, that is an interesting thought.
With everything being so busy, that seems like a way to deal with all this without having to schedule some new time slot for it.
It does slow everything down though.
Maybe by then Jonathan and Kirby Kanarek will have hired their own lawyer.


Um, no. But if you need the credit, go for it. Miss Kanarek used “double-tap” ad nauseum on sm when discussing her murder. I believe it was “point blank double tap” to be accurate.

You can argue with IM as to who came up with the Elderly Illegal Mob moniker…ironic that you choose to claim authorship when many of us remember it to be a Kanarek…but, you’ve never communicated with them as I recall you stating. I really don’t care but it is curious. The things you chose to pick fights over are hilarious.


Kind of like how LK sometimes forgets who she’s logged in as and posts entire novels written in the third person?


:rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Oh, maybe they sued the college for her injuries. Or NCAA. Or the venue where said injuries supposedly occurred.

It could have made for a nice income stream - suing entity after entity and happily depositing the settlement checks when their insurance companies rolled over and paid out to avoid the hassle and expense of a trial. :wink:


Don’t want to go down this rabbit hole, but I daresay quite a few politicians, celebrities, and the like try to not release their tax returns - and/or they are hiding income in offshore accounts, shell companies, phony-baloney not-profits, and other places to avoid discovery by IRS. And some are hiding income from nefarious sources (see Hunter Biden). I would like to think those 87,000 new IRS agents will start catching up with these folks, but I’m not holding my breath. :roll_eyes:


Politics go in current events, please leave them there.

There are crappy people everywhere. But there is no reason to bring up politics.



Alcoholism can sometimes result in appalling behavior such as rage posting on social media. :wink:


Beyond the record of her ex-husband filing for divorce in NC, there are apparently no old civil court records with Lauren’s name contained in the parties and the only evidence that she ever attended Hollins is a Roanoke PO Box with her name on it, that is probably located in the college post office. After the shooting, she repeatedly claimed to be a Hollins alumni and the shooting was discussed among such people, who realized she wasn’t and had no presence in the alumni groups or anything associated with Hollins, so the discussions were ended and she stopped claiming she was one, after people started digging into her background.


If ever there was a snoot needing a boop!


:grin: No worries. I wasn’t seriously suggesting it either. For some reason, my mind jumped to a high school senior English class where we had to write the most ridiculous syllogism we could. The teacher was named Mrs. Bahns. She was from Boston and had a relatively thick accent (to our CA ears anyway). The silliest result from a student was:

The Boston Strangler was from Boston.
Mrs. Bahns is from Boston.
Mrs. Bahns is the Boston Strangler.

Back to normal programming.


LOL…love this because I’m from Bahstan


Kahn yoo pock yah kah ovuh thare?