MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

No. If you breach and I terminate due to your breach, you broke the contract. That’s what termination clauses (standard) are all about.

I penalty for the following month’s rent is not unusual b/c, if you breach and I have to boot you mid-month, I am unable to fill your stall/flat/retail space with a new renter on such short notice. I penalise you (as I should) for breaking the contract by breaching and depriving me of the income stream I negotiated for under our contract. Now, it might take me longer than a month to fill that space, especially if it is, for example, a large, expensive retail space. Thus, the post-boot penalty may be even more than 1 month’s rent.

But, to summarise: no, booting someone is NOT necessarily the owner breaking the contract; penalties for rent subsequent to the booting are not rare at all.


I checked a couple of Scuesi’s other cases that were scheduled for last week and they don’t have updates either.


Interesting. I had done that a few days ago, but not recently.

Perhaps he needs a new vacuumer.


At least! If not a veteran one!


How are we forgetting ‘center mass’?

It was a whole formula rolled out over and over. It was so weird I finally asked about it directly b/c…who talks like this?


right? A receipt, a credit card charge… anything. Even if he paid cash for this unproven purchase, I’m sure retail outlets that sell ammo in the state of NJ have cameras.


While I agree in principle, I’m not willing to take LK on her word that she became addicted to opiates as a result of an injury and legit prescribed painkillers. I think that is a very sympathetic back story as to how many people unwittingly became addicted. It’s a big, tragic, national story and properly elicits empathy and understanding.

But, she lies so often and so profoundly, that I don’t feel inclined to believe her. She could have just as easily started with illegal drugs which, while also sad, is less of a sympathetic back story. People, including jurors, would judge her differently given that story as opposed to the ‘victim of over-prescribed opiates’ story.

I think she chose the addiction back story that played best and, knowing the whole thing was being live streamed, made her look the least bad personally - took away a lot of the responsibility from her and placed it on the medical/pharm industry. That doesn’t mean it’s the true back story.


Well, she gave a big “cluster of deception” before she started into the answer she gave to that question….


No one has to add drama to a woman being shot twice in the chest and bleeding out on the ground by a man deemed to be insane at the time. It can be described in any way. The facts are dramatic.

Keep hiding from the truth of it makes you feel better.


It is not proven that Jonathan Kanarek is Inigo-Montoya.

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Oh, the irony.




You are so funny! I even had a long discussion with KM about zombie movies. I posted information on where the phrase came from and even the Mozambique method which ended with a third shot in the head, just to be sure.

I know why I used the word illegal in the phrase.

Then we had a long discussion on sliced open from stem to stern and origin of the phrase.

You don’t care what you throw at the Kanareks, you just keep hoping something will stick.

But ok. Try to convince others I never make a faux pas on the threads. I think there are enough people that may actually remember those moments. Who knows? Maybe I was on ignore. Maybe you actually didn’t read those posts for a change instead of just saying you didn’t. Whatever.

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I do very much agree with @BigMama1 IRT addiction.

I sometimes wince when I read some of the posts regarding addiction because I feel other people who have battled addiction issues are being clumped in with the unrelated unsavoriness of LK. It takes endless strength to overcome addiction, greet one’s demons and reinvent one’s self. I very much admire someone with the capacity to change for the better and I do believe people can change. I do not look down on people who have suffered from addiction. Addiction is human nature, every person alive has the capability to become an addict. I don’t want to discount people who have changed at the expense of someone who refuses to.


Yep. That one too.

Characters in television shows and movies with badly written dialogue.


I pahked my cah in the yahd


I agree with you on most things, but that someone who became addicted to opiates via illegal drug use deserves less sympathy or empathy is not one of them. I have never used an opiate or opioid, but I have several friends and a family member who did… and I can say with certainty that none of them set off to become addicts. And I don’t know of a one whose use began with prescription pain killers.

Depending on your age, there was a time when dabbling in such drugs was in vogue… and these drugs are quickly and highly addictive. Sadly, naive young people aren’t known for thinking of consequences. All but one are alive and well, clean and living successful, productive lives. Those of you who followed other Barisone threads may recall a more tragic ending for one of them. I don’t know anyone on Suboxone or similar.

This isn’t to say that addictions are not extremely tough to kick, or that everyone can be successful… but to say that just because a person starts down a path with such drugs does not mean they are any less deserving of our compassion, or that they are inherently bad, or that they cannot overcome their demons.


After seeing the close up of JK on 48 Hours I am astounded at the family resemblance with RG. I wonder if the Kanarek Goodwin families have mutual relatives?


:astonished: :thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: