MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

This is the Greensboro Natural Science Center. GREAT adventure with plenty of education!


Greensboro. The Greensboro Science Center, you can check it out online.
And if you do come let me know and I can get you in free.


@Omgitsme, please feel free to share any zoo animal photos you have. :heart_eyes:

On a different note - I thought RG came off very poorly IRT drug use during testimony. It would be different if he owned his actions and admitted he previously had problems with drugs but that he was in recovery and working on it. I guess he would actually have to be in recovery and working on it to say it genuinely. Instead he skirted around the issue, minimized it and tried to pretend the issue didn’t exist. It’s one thing to take suboxone, even if it’s not a prescription, and an ENTIRELY different thing to smoke or use crack. You don’t accidentally get hooked on crack via prescription. You willingly enter into that agreement. I can not imagine his behavior under the influence of that substance. I would be horrified if I had any tenant using crack on my property. I rate it the same as meth.

Because of how dishonest LK and RG appeared when testifying regarding drug use, I agree that LK likely chose the least threatening story - that she became addicted via prescription. That’s legitimate and it happens, but their dishonesty across the board makes it easy to believe the story each had was misleading or a flat out lie.


You really don’t :joy:
I’m just the assistant manager of the gift shop.


I am anti-zoo/aquarium, but your photos won me over today! Sometimes, you just need a dose of cute.


JOP moment:

Remember the movie “Philadelphia” (1993)?

The scene where the attorney is trying to persuade the jury about why one AIDS victim is better than another?

It’s something like that. Which tale has a more palatable explanation for the largest audience. LK tried heroin and got hooked or LK was in a car accident (through no fault of her own, naturally [eye roll]) and took an opioid as prescribed by a physician and tragically became addicted. Which is a LOT more likely to garner the sympathy of the wider audience?

Always keep in mind that IMAGE MANAGEMENT is of FAR more importance to LK than actually being the person she presents herself to be.


They collected enough for the jury to agree that the prosecutor to prove the act beyond a reasonable doubt, it was just not a crime because he was insane at the time.

I think some of our exhibits are great, not fond of others but they do meet all AZA requirements and most go over the requirements. I just think the AZA needs to upgrade their requirements, though I will say other than animals that came to us with a known behavior of pacing none of them seem unhappy.


A lot of zoos do important work for saving endangered species! The programs are very exciting to follow. The LA zoo and San Diego Wild Animal park hatched more condor chicks this year! Most of the chicks are eventually released in the wild once they’re old enough.


I am well aware of the “better” programs with conservation efforts, etc. Sadly, the vast majority of animal exhibition outfits aren’t that. I do donate to the exceptions. That said, I am enamored with the Pygmy hippos and the red panda. So cute. Hope they are content!


O.M.G! no words.

You get paid to play with these babies? I made bad life choices apparently. :relieved:


They are! Unfortunately Ravi’s mum, Usha, ate her first litter (it’s a common problem with red pandas) so Ravi is being hand raised. That said, he has tons of interaction with people, has a host of stuffed animals to snuggle, and is learning to climb!
Ralph and Holly are very happy. Fingers crossed for baby Pygmy hippos in the future!

We do approved AZA breedings for the animals we can. Hopefully our tigers will eventually be able to stay together for breeding. Our cassowaries are together now as are our trumpeter hornbills. We have seen the birth of two gibbons, many African penguins, and hairy armadillos.

ETA: this year we began a new conservation project with butterflies. They came to us in cocoons and hatched in our butterfly garden. They will be released early next month, allowing them to migrate and introducing endangered monarch butterflies to the ecosystem.


I wish! I’m just the assistant manager of the gift shop.


Lol. Awe. But at least you get to visit them on the regular


People who read too many Lee Child novels.


As far as addicts. I’m not sure what people mean by “hold it against her that she’s an addict.”

Having confirmation from the trial that both LK and RG were long term active opiate addicts was hugely explanatory about so many things. The zero work history, the inability to focus on a task or hobby, the explosive behavior, the erratic and disastrous late night posting, the proximity to “street level” brawls, disorderly behavior, theft, the constant lies and self delusions, the dependent short financial leash LK is kept on by Papa. Also the fact that personality problems and mental illness are made exponentially worse by addiction.

I live in a port city that’s had opium and then heroin as an issue since forever (and now fentanyl). My whole life, I have managed to keep junkies out of my life (my crowd teen and college were more heavy drinkers and some of them did end up with drinking problems). But there were junkies out there in the music scene one or two degrees removed from me.

Is recognizing that junkies are chaos, and you shouldn’t invite them into your life, and disaster follows them, “holding it against them”? Then so be it.

Obviously if it’s a family member, especially a child or sibling, or a true long term friend, you need to do more to try to help. But in general I think most of us do not invite random junkies into our lives for very good reasons.


I don’t care how she got addicted - being an addict is one thing I won’t judge her for. Being a garbage human being who has a long history of treating others like crap, on the other hand, is definitely judge-worthy and can’t be blamed on her addiction.


There’s way more evidence that JK is IM than there is that MB pulled the trigger and shot LK. Yet one of those things you have no problem believing. How bizarre.


Agreed 100%.

But I don’t think we are typical and I think the people seated on the jury are absolutely likely to judge her. So she picks the story that will cause them to judge her the least. When she testified that she ‘tried herion once’ - I think that will be shocking to a lot of people and they will definitely judge her and RG (who admitted to using while at Hawthorn Hill).

ETA: my discussion of the addiction back story speaks to lying, not to addiction. I don’t believe her back story. I believe it was engineered as the most palatable back story a la the scene from Philadelphia described by @MorganSercu above.


Just a little imaginative group saying it is so does not make JK Inigo-Montoya.