MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I don’t know, but since we’re on it, may I share a quick video I saw yesterday that made me smile? Baby hippo and baby zebra as best friends. Hippo not looking dangerous yet. :grin:

Baby Zebra Begs For Mud Baths With Her Rhino Sister | The Dodo Odd Couples - YouTube

ETA: Hey, it’s either this or recipes.




So your saying IM is another random nobody who has no credibility because they are nobody posing as a somebody and pulling all our legs by making up “insider” statements that are really just lies?

Or are you suggesting that you know that poster isn’t JK? Since the only other options are RG or LK posing as daddy/RG, are you saying you know that IM is one of them?

It seems someone close to this case thought their posts contained enough identifiable insider info to present the post as evidence in a court of law….maybe or maybe not backed by a subpoena for the information.


Jeeze people, it’s Pahrk your cahr on Hahvard Yahrd.


In a brief filed on 9/16/2022, Mark Silver, Esq., submitted:

". . .For example, much like his daughter, Jonathan Kanarek enjoys discussing this case on the forum hosted by “Chronoofhorse.com”. Just last week, posting under the username “Inigo-Montoya”, Jonathan Kanarek (posting in the Third person) made statements about the subpoenas at issue.4 Specifically, he stated that “he looks forward to being deposed or providing any information” Defendants want. (See Supplemental Certification of Mark K. Silver, at Exhibit 2).”

Attorney Silver has also stated in the past: “As this Court has known for years and as Plaintiff [Lauren Kanarek] will quickly learn, the undersigned counsel does not make statements that are not supported by evidence.”

Since he has “insider” information, I believe him. Does @hut-ho78 have insider information too?

Edited to add a bit more info.


Still trying to catch up with this thread. I was feeling a little bad about the hippo/zebra video I posted since it wasn’t about the civil trial.

Then, I kept reading the thread and found hippo heaven from @Omgitsme photo of darling Ralph, @MHM with Fritz and Bibi, and @LookinForSpace with the otters in love.

Love you guys! :joy:

ETA: Wait a minute, it was a rhino/zebra video. :roll_eyes: I think I’ve lost my mind. Sorry.


Oh course HH believes IM and hangs on his every utterance because you can’t get more inside than JK/IM. HH likes to believe insiders and wants to be one too!

Ironically I’ve been accused of being an insider since September 2019 but HH never believes me even though my truth, knowledge, and prediction accuracy stats far exceed JK/IM! :blush:

Facts matter, always.


OMGosh! What a perfect job. Lucky you!!


I went back through the court docs that I’d looked at previously and couldn’t find that snarling Rosie photo. I know I saw it SOMEwhere! Anyone know where it is?

Gotta add this one (definitely better than recipes!):

Baby otter and mom floating

Omgitsme – Thanks for the wonderful photos! The red panda…!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Different opinions are one thing, different facts are another.

So what? He wouldn’t have shot anyone unless he’d been provoked over and over and over by LK to the point where he thought he was in danger from her.

Well… maybe? Maybe he and LK were beating MB and Rosie was biting his groin when the gun went off. We don’t really know and only have the word of a known liar.


Yes, facts do matter. Someday you may accidentally post one.

I am not an insider nor do I want to be one.

No GSR on her clothes. He wasn’t that close. And yes, they tested.

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In reality hippos are not adorable and if I remember correctly are the animal most responsible for the number of animal caused fatalities on the African continent.


Oh, absolutely. But they are cute. I also think snakes are cute, so my opinion probably shouldn’t be trusted :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

ETA: I draw the line at most (but not all) spiders and all scorpions.


Bless her, she’s “yawning” …


I have personally drafted it into a boarding contract.


This 100%.

It may even be true. But when you lie as much as this crowd does, I don’t believe a :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: thing that comes out their mouths at this point. Not a single bloody thing.


So wait… You are OK if the police and prosecution only collect enough evidence to support their story, and ignore any evidence that might tell a different story? That is how this comment reads, so I just want to make sure that is what you meant to say.

Did you read the court filing that says it is so?


In the same way that a photo of a horse and rider only represents one moment in time, I would say the same thing about a picture of a dog. That being said, the fact that she bit at least three people in the space of a day or two is probably a better indicator of her temperament.

But I still think of her as poor Rosie, just because of the situation she’s in.


I wonder if the judge has gone on vacation or if there’s a judge’s conference prohibiting anything showing on his calender?

I also wonder if someone hasn’t forcefully finally told the prime Kanarek posters to stay off SM. I will admit I was shocked, shocked I tell you, that Mr. Silver was aware of CoTH forums and family posters and referenced it in his filings! It is apparent he has a clerk or connection grabbing material from all on line favorites. Imagine the judicial system before the internet! So much would have been hearsay!!!