MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

noooo…remove the “r”. We. only use that when saying it’s rawr out


I am not going with your reality in this situation, thank you very much.

My hippo is adorable.



The general public has a right to know all about the Kanareks and their history, primarily based on their initiation of and continued participation in this tragic incident. The fact their history showing escalating behavior toward others over the years makes it quite important the public is aware of these people and to beware. They continue make sure on sm that the general public knows exactly who they are, especially Lauren Kanarek in her various disguises.
Are you so naive to believe the Law & Crime and 48 Hours coverage hasn’t driven more attention to the Kanareks than anything this small forum could do?

I do hope someone puts together a visual of Michael’s life around the time just before he and Vera separated, MHG entered his life (after other post Vera relationships I believe), how long things were running along for his business and life, quite well by all reports, until that one individual and her companions began their plan to destroy him. No one involved with the FtB plan has ever convincingly said why the plan was made and what outcome was expected. But, we are all to believe that a very successful “elegant, professional” man was in a downward spiral in all areas of his life before the hyenas chose him for their next victim.

This tragic situation would have been nothing but a blip on the local radar if not for the wake of emotional destruction Lauren left in others’ lives over the years, and her 100% gin up of her fantasies and lies to garner attention on FB to her “dire” situation weeks before August 8. Why didn’t she just leave where she clearly wasn’t welcomed? Who does that?

Some small posters have the warped impression that CoTH forums are responsible for some sort of public campaign against the Kanareks. Maybe the dramatic reach this small forum has to influence the public was a reason the GEG began their negotiations with Billissimo! :money_mouth_face:

Let me remind you that YOU continue the interest in this forum with your many, many posts and your undying refusal to admit what is right in front of your face in black and white. Anyone can simply walk away. You’ve said repeatedly you have no connection whatsoever to this issue. So why the rabid interest?


People with access to the website, any updates on these topics?


And BITING HER OWNER shows a well-trained dog :roll_eyes: of good temperament, obviously. /s :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::laughing:

Thanks for the photo LS!

Re Capchas, I’ve seen a couple that were either pick the horse vs dog/cat or once, pick the horse moving vs standing still.

FO (floating otters) are always cute! Even in reality.

:otter: :otter:


Love it although they should have vetted it for UX issues. It says “If there are None, click Skip.” But the button is labeled “Next.”

And interestingly, when I log in from one of my computers, I don’t have to play the matchy-matchy game. I get this instead and all I have to do select the check box and Voila, I am in.


Not to be outdone, here is my giant hyena! Her name is Henrietta!


Yes indeed. And a baby Masai giraffe was just born a few weeks ago at the Columbus Zoo - another endangered species.


Funny, he hasn’t commented since a legal firm made the claim in a filed document, even though he’s logged on.

That he hasn’t confirms to me that the claim they made, which they wouldn’t do lightly, must be accurate.


Henrietta is huge!

The FOs are miniscule. But cute!

:otter: :otter:


I am sorry, but I have to change my allegiance from the adorable hippo to the totally adorable elephant.

I must say, we have some pretty darn cute emojis here on COTH.



Excellent. I also walked away from friends that chose drugs when I saw what they were doing to that person’s life. The inability to get to class, to study, to turn in assignments on time, to achieve passing grades, the willingness to plagiarize and cheat - and the nonchalance about it. The inability and nonchalance about getting to work on time or doing a good job. The inability to maintain stable romantic relationships. The deliberate choices to go out partying and drugging instead of meeting their responsibilities as an adult or near adult. The lack of any ambition other than to score their next fix. The sluggish cognitive processing while driving a car. I could go on, but suffice it to say, I didn’t want my life to be like that, and I was not going to maintain relationships with people who wanted to stay on a one-way, dead-end street with their lives.

And yes, the fact that LK and RG admitted to being long term opioid users explains a lot about their behavior. It doesn’t excuse it, but it does explain it.


When she said that “I tried it (heroin) once. That was a mistake” - I actually thought she meant she had only done it one time. Then someone on this forum that is very familiar with drug addicts explained that is typical doublespeak from a serial user, to try to minimize the seriousness of the problem and deliberately mislead others about the extent of their addiction.

And I have often wondered if she had suboxone or other stuff in her system when she flatlined. Although I have no real knowledge about those types of drug interactions, I would think that someone on opioids or an opioid “preventative” would be at high risk for cardiac issues when put under anesthesia or given certain other drugs in an emergency medical situation.


I do think it’s a little hard to even make a judgment based on the events of August 7, just because it sounds like it was a completely out of control scene for the dog as well as the humans. Who knows how that whole thing started? Nobody, since the video cameras were turned off.

But the fact that she had already bitten RC prior to that day, and apparently had other issues, since the working student said (before the judge stopped her) that everybody else on the property was scared of the dog, indicates that there was a problem.

But again, would she be a problem dog in a different situation with different owners? Hard to say. Poor Rosie.


It certainly does. But one thing we do know is: Rosie wasn’t biting the bad man shooting his owner as has been claimed b/c she also bit RG and the first LEO. So that fairy story is utter nonsense.


I thought they had found GSR on her shirt. Or was it that they tested only her shirt?

And still the big question is why they didn’t test anyone’s hands for GSR, or check MB’s and RG’s clothing for it, or check for fingerprints on the gun. Big FAIL on the part of that police department.


No updates at this point in time.


Because they knew who the bad guy was.
The admitted drug addict told them, and they never lie.



This is often used to cover for the rest of the story. After one try, they were addicted, after that they weren’t trying, they were using. Heroine is really bad that way.


That’s a bad thing??

Big fan of Lee Child, but I don’t have a fantasy life where I’m the female version of Jack Reacher.