MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Hmmm. Someone is trying to intimidate us into shutting up…

Whatever (thanks, @trubandloki)!


Well, I did once did get a speeding ticket (on the way to a horse show, no less!)


My husband was in charge of a work group with people from Brazil, Mexico, Vietnam, and China; they all made fun of his accent! :rofl:


How would I know whether IM is or is not JK, @Sdel?

Please don’t speculate on what you think I’m “trying to say”.


No, I’m not trying to “intimidate” you into “shutting up”.

I would have thought it was an obvious observation that once lawyer A had subpoenaed Coth for user identities, lawyers B and C could, too. That really had not occurred to you?


I have gotten 2 speeding tickets in my life. A gottcha for 1 and a prayer for judgment on the other. Am I only half a Elderly Illegal Mob, illegal? But more importantly, am I considered part of the Elderly Illegal Mob?


Did you just do a syllogism? :laughing:


How else should we interpret your sudden 180 on the credibility of IM? One minute he’s credible, the next you and HH are going to great lengths to distance JK from the IM screen name. It’s not rocket science, only three people could make the claims they have made: JK, RG, or LK posing as one of the two. Since he was previously so credible, why aren’t you crowing about how you were “right” and “see IM told us all, too bad you were too foolish to believe him and all he has said about MB”? I would expect that from random nobody insiders. But no, once again, you are acting like a very angry and desperate insider trying to distract us from something.


I guess my lack of a police record, speeding or otherwise, excludes me from the illegal elderly mob. (And I had my fuzzy bathrobe ready to go.)


Then I suspect the results of that subpoena will be very disappointing, if it’s responded to at all.


Not that I’m aware of, no.

Uh, maybe because Lawyer A was subpoenaing COTH for specific user identities because said individuals were believe to be participating in and covering up actions precipitated by their OWN DAUGHTER, regarding a lawsuit their OWN DAUGHTER had filed regarding an incident that said individuals apparently had a hand in planning and carrying out.


I have not made “a 180” on the credibility of IM. I find IM credible.

Apparently I need to spell it out for you:

If I were an insider, I would probably know for a fact the identity of IM.
Didn’t you accuse me of posting under IMs screen name? If I could obtain the log in information for IM, I would probably be an insider and know the identity of IM.

However, I am not an insider and don’t know for a fact the identity of IM. I have my suspicions, but I don’t know his identity for a fact.

Therefore, I am not “trying to say” IM is not JK.

Re bolded: How am I acting “very angry and desperate”? How would I be able to “distract you from something” ?

I think you’ve gaslighted yourself into a weird “alternate reality” of your own making. Don’t expect me to join you there.

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I am still very confused why a lawyer of any type would ignore a subpoena in a civil case filed by someone who they have always supported.

It seems so weird to me that Jonathan Kanarek would wait until after the contempt filing to have someone who is not a lawyer representing him to file something to quash the subpoena.


Something had happened well prior to the shooting that meant she had to be secured at all times outside of the home (it was in some of the early threads, I can’t remember the gist of it). There are other photos that show her on a long line tethered to the deck. I don’t think the biting was all condensed to the time around the shooting. I’m a long term multiple dog owner, and in my opinion she’s a dangerous dog and has been for some time - which is a great shame for her.


I wonder if she had a habit of going after the horses when loose. I know of at least one person who had a horse attacked by their shepherd type dog.


Someone here will remember, but I don’t recall it being about stock, it was about people (from my vague recollection).


How are you so lucky to have these adorable creatures? I have to ask…do you have a kangaroo? That is my all time favorite…


Maybe it was both.


No one has refuted this, except you. :thinking: