MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

No one has definitively refuted it, full stop.

No one has definitively confirmed it. In particular, neither JK nor Coth had confirmed it.

IM may or may not be JK.

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Strangely enough, @DownYonder found my stating the
obvious was an attempt to “intimidate” and shut people up.

How can such a laughably obvious observation be a source of “intimidation”?


We used to have wallabies but not anymore. We have an okapi, a bunch of snakes, African penguins, some sharks, an adorable puffer fish, Asian small-clawed otters, fishing cats, servals, a sand cat, a black footed cat, tigers, gibbons, a kookaburra, lemurs, coatis, a crocodile, an alligator, two cassowaries, two Pygmy hippos, Caribbean flamingos, and tons more.


me thinks some are trying to get the thread closed.


Most definitely. Funny how those individuals really throw themselves into it when it appears there may be new information forthcoming.


What information?

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OK, if you’re going to mention a kangaroo on a horse BB at this time, I am legally obligated to add a link to this video.



There’s no new information that I’m aware of.

They’re just gaslighting themselves into believing “those individuals” are agitated for some reason, or “trying to get the thread shut down”.

Same old, same old.


Well, I do/did. And that is part of the boarding contract. As it is at most of the bigger barns in this area full of many boarding options.

I am somewhat bemused by the protestations some posters are making that the Kanareks’ private life is not up for discussion in even a minor reference… when everything about MB must be suspect and examined in minute detail. Long posts based on nothing but conjecture about his relationships and how MHG was a terrible person and so on and so forth were the norm. For a while there the fixation on MHG as the cause of all this was getting be a bit alarming… not to mention bizarre when her husband was outed and presented as evidence of… what, exactly?

And yet IM/JK is held up by some as a paragon of truth and accurate inside information. IM more or less outed himself long ago but as we are not supposed to discuss identities behind screen names, many of us said nothing beyond an occasional vague hint. How refreshing it was to have our unimportant little suspicions confirmed while a couple of posters try to deflect, obfuscate and claim there is no there there.

There is there, there. There always was there, there. There always will be there, there - as long as LK’s tragic behavior is excused and allowed…

That does not help LK in any way - or her family. The keyboard gymnastics some are going through to now claim that IM is amazing and trustworthy and not JK in any way is a bit much…


Yeah, it wasn’t obvious she’d been shot so they tested her clothing! Makes perfect keystone cops sense.

By the time Heymer arrived, Michael only had on shorts and was covered in blood. RG on the other hand was cleanly dressed with no blood on his clothing. That’s amazing to me since he’d beaten Michael with his fists and possibly pistol whipped him. Blood splatters. But the kindergarten cops chose to test her shirt only for residue! This case and outcome would have been entirely different had they done their job to even a mediocre level. In other words, if they were riding a dressage test, they would score a 42% at best!


The :kangaroo: name is Spanky! I love it!


So there are things the lawyers can do beyond the information COTH has about its members. You all should watch some scam baiting videos, they are fascinating on what a computer savvy researcher can do.

Most importantly, a very easy and affordable way to try to block your actual location is to use a virtual Internet address app, which can make your internet location appear to be anywhere in the world. Obviously with a new e-mail account. To the level of investigation that a chat board would do, that’s enough to look like a member has no connection to a known person, former member, banned member, etc.

However, once the chat board is subponead and releases that information to the lawyer, the legal team of researchers these days will have the skills to figure out where the real internet address behind that virtual address is located. And once it turns out the source is a certain house or office, you can be pretty sure who it is.

Making a claim that a bsc out of control rage poster on a chat group is actually the “respectable” father trying to “problem solve” for bsc Adult Addict Child is a huge claim and one that would certainly leave you open for libel if the other person can prove it’s a false claim. It’s not a claim you the lawyer would make if you weren’t absolutely sure.

As far as getting other posters names? Well, in order to get a subpoena, the lawyer needs to take the request first to a judge and argue that this information is germane to a particular case. I don’t think there’s anyone here that is claiming to have been present at the events of August 2019. That’s what this trial is about.

Is the chatter about “the other side getting names” supposed to make us think COTH is about to get sued for libel? What, along with thousands of people who comment with their real names on FB and YouTube? Yeah right.

Tying JK to IM is huge because it basically shows that the one person representing themselves as a responsible person is as bsc as the Adult Addict Child and behaves in similar ways.

It really does look like JK was complicit to some degree in LK’s harassment of MB, including the false SS report and not discouraging the illegal recordings. He knew about her breaking into the barn office and claiming to be able to forge documents.

I think it’s clear JK and KK should be added to the counter suit, and that they will be once they release the information they are with holding now. That is huge. The fact they are digging in their heels suggests they know this perfectly well.


You’ve seen this also? Specifically, if someone is asked to leave/booted out they have to pay the following months board as part of the 30 days notice?

And we know from experience that the mods would have posted a notice of disclaimer if IM was not JK as much as it has been discussed!!! Let’s be logical, folks!


You drafted into your boarding contract that if someone is booted in, say, the middle of Aug for “cause”, they owe not only all of August’s board but also September’s? I don’t believe it.

Speculating on identities is allowed by forum rules. That’s clear. The speculation that IM is JK or that I am any one of the alters or RL people Sdel has “speculated”, does not make it so, however.

The rest of your post: Straw man city and not worthy of dealing with.


Thank you for fulfilling your legal obligation. What a cutie!


I think the issue with identifying posters is that you can never truly confirm who is actually the one sitting on the phone or computer typing under that name.

Big issue right now with the Delphi case where they can’t confirm whether the suspect or his father was the one using the account to chat with the girls. Cops hands are tied.

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She claims it’s part of the boarding contract at the barn she manages. I don’t believe it.

Interesting that she was able to bite MB’s left groin while he was supposedly face down on the ground. The teeth marks also don’t have a time stamp, so it’s entirely possible he was being bitten PRIOR to the shots being fired.


I would be super interested to see the wordings. I could see trainer fees, extra charges etc for other things but it’s hard to imagine collecting the next months board after kicking someone out and it specifically being due to a 30 days notice clause. Would be hard to do and seems not worth the effort. But I’m not saying it isn’t possible that is why I’m so curious about it.

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