I hope the Kanarek clan is not actually paying Nagel for his legal expertise. Wow!
It sure seems for someone who was so anxious for the “truth” to come out for all to see, LK certainly is doing all she can not to have to give her deposition. You would think that she would be chomping at the bit to come and spill all the beans. But the beans being what they are, you know…
Even if it had been, I would think the COVID circumstances and what rights violations were/were not engendered by them will be something we will be seeing court decisions on for some time to come.
I deleted my post that contained a case I located in NJ that referenced a KROL delay. I am not a legal professional, nor a vacuum’r, but after re-reading, I dont believe it to be helpful nor relevant.
It’s an interesting case for sure, but that guy - his delays were largely of his own doing. He’d already reached the point of being out on partial release when he committed more crimes, which delayed the Krol hearing in his initial case.
The real question is does the state have grounds to keep spending that money on MB? Because I can guarantee there are others who could be using that funding there at AK if MB were to be released.
I’m still surprised that not all the attorneys signatures appear on that letter in true Consent To Adjourn fashion. Our judges mandated that so they didn’t waste their time with attorneys misrepresenting consent.