MB update

Good to know. I did not want to impose on her personal space so I figured starting with the Go Fund Me page with my silly idea might be best.

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Regarding ideas for using MBā€™s artwork to help raise funds to help with his legal expenses - is there a risk of those funds being ā€œattachedā€ in the off-chance the civil suits do not turn out in his favor?

Asking because I donā€™t know much about GFM. Do the funds belong to the organizer, or to GFM, or to the named ā€œrecipientā€?

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You know, I have no idea how that works, but my gut tells me every bit of that money will be used up by the lawyers long before the suit is resolved. Whatā€™s been raised already is awesome, and might cover legal fees from the verdict to that Krol hearing.


Agree. And although even the ones from farming backgrounds may not show up in this country knowing ALL the stuff I listed above, most of them are eager to learn and they take pride in their work so will quickly develop their skills. And as you say, many of them really love horses and animals and ā€œfarm lifeā€ and if paid well and treated well, will provide many years of excellent service for the BOs and BMs and HOs. The really good ones are an absolute treasure.


Iā€™ve seen barn owners fighting over a good one and trying to steal him.

I knew of one - a great one - who was getting abused by his boss and I found him a better barn as a friend needed someone.


You realize youā€™re just called yourself and many others on this board lazy with that statement? Since a hard working American is apparently ā€œquite rareā€ thereā€™s a good chance you arenā€™t one of them?

Donā€™t get me wrong, I fully support immigration, and have no issue with the statement that immigrants work hard.

No need to malign US workers to make your point.


She probably does really love her horses, but I doubt she has the ability to be the sole caretaker and hands on person 24/7 for them. Just does not seem like something LK would be capable of (or have a desire to do). She fits the ā€œpampered boarderā€ profile much better.


Red bubble is an online at store, and might be a place to start. Artists can sell their artwork there in various formats, magnets, hats, t-shirts, prints, etc. The buyer chooses what format, and red bubble prints the art on it.


I have no doubt that @eggbutt realized what they said.

I work hard but my desk job does not equate to the physical labor done by a good groom.

I do find it interesting that a statement that was meant to be a general positive about a group of people has some how been twisted and made to be something bad.


It was not twisted, in addition to the positive statement, someone stated a broad, negative opinion about Americansā€™ work ethic. I took exception. As I said, thereā€™s no need to cut one group down to bolster the other, is there?


Good to know! Thank you!


ā€¦ and some of us Out Here are both of these people/positions! :slightly_smiling_face:

My ā€œmid-life crisisā€ came early - I decided to quit my job as a graphic artist and do horses 24/7. That inevitably led to a severe drop in income and a massive increase in stress, worries, hours, bruises etc.
As someone mentioned up thread - 24/7/52.

And yet - almost 30 years later to the day - I am still at it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Full disclosure: I stole Miguel (sort of) from another barn to help me with stall and paddock cleaning while my knee heals from surgery. He had helped me at our boarding barn before it was sold and I was also familiar with him at the other barn. He is kind, cheerful, diligent and cleans stalls at the speed of light. He comes here after he is done at the bigger barn - so they are not losing him in any way. And I am gaining - in every way! He texted me yesterday in the 95 degree heat to let me know that Joey (aged stallion) was laying down in the shade but he had never seen him lay down before so maybe I should check him in case he had a colic - he was worried! Joey was fine. Miguel is excellent. He was visibly relieved that old Joey was okayā€¦ he said they were good friends. :two_hearts:


I actually have a Redbubble store, and sell a lot of equestrian designs (search for horseymj1 if youā€™re interested, I have lots of dressage, eventing and jumping designs).

At any rate, the markup is quite small for artists. You set it yourself, but if the markup is too high the prices for product gets high. Iā€™m just mentioning it because, as a fund-raiser is would be very hard to make a significant amount of money without millions in sales.

A better option would be to work with an online promotional company and take pre-orders so you donā€™t have inventory you donā€™t need. Also, mugs, hats, etc. are easier than apparel as you donā€™t have a wide range of sizes that you need to accommodate.

Iā€™ve been in the graphics/marketing industry for 30 years so Iā€™m speaking from experience. If anyone would like to discuss further feel free to PM me.


Also good info! Thank you.


Being in an area of the country where businesses are shutting down permanently due to huge staffing issues, I meant exactly what I said. My husband has been trying to fill 16 full time positions with a starting pay of $18/hour for over 9 months. On occasion one or more of the positions is filled and within a few weeks the employee begins calling in sick, arriving to work late, leaving early, and have simply disappeared! So yes, Americans have become lazy, undependable, and have no work ethic as a general rule.

As far as immigrant workers, Iā€™ve never had one show up late, leave early, do half-ass work, or complain. They are appreciated and paid well for the work they do and loyalty they show.

Please keep in mind the context of the original subject of immigrate workers and the positions they fill ā€“ hard physical work early morning to late afternoon.


I appreciate LO sharing MBā€™s artwork. What an incredible gift he has remembering such detail and the ability to create such beauty with limited resources. These are wonderful updates, I know they take such focus and stamina to create.


A calendar of MBs art!


Yes, please!


I agree!