MB update

I get it. I am an American and pride myself on my work ethic and dedication and have myself put in many a 12-14 hour day at a barn, working like a dog in all kinds of weather and doing everything that needed to be done - incl. feeding, turn-out/turn-in, blanketing/unblanketing, stall cleaning/stripping, scrubbing water buckets and tanks, grooming, lunging, doctoring injuries, meeting vet/farrier/bodyworker, hand-walking a colicky or recuperating horse, general barn and grounds clean-up and maintenance (incl. fencing), loading/unloading/stacking hay, even bushhogging/mowing/trail-clearing, etc.

But in general, it’s hard to find an American these days that has much interest in doing this kind of hard, physical labor, day in and day out, for years on end. There was even a big thread about it on H/J not too long ago, lamenting about how hard it is to find working students because very few kids nowadays are willing to put in the hard physical work that traditionally went along with WS positions, and instead mostly want to just ride.

Immigrant workers rarely have a burning desire to ride but they are willing to work like beavers for good pay and good treatment.

And I am so sorry we have gotten so far off topic! :slight_smile:


Another great idea!


If an employer is unable to fill positions at $18 an hour, doesn’t that simply mean that the market for labor is not clearing at that wage rate?

If a potential worker, whether immigrant or natural born, chooses not to work at a given job for $x per hour, that doesn’t mean they’re “lazy”. It means they’ve chosen to work elsewhere or chosen to leave the labor force.

Stereotyping people based on their race, ethnic origin, or immigration status is offensive. Positive stereotypes are still stereotypes.

Bolding mine.

Your stereotype of “Americans” as “lazy” and having “no work ethic” is offensive. (I have no idea what you meant by saying “Americans” are “undetectable”.


Yes to a Calendar!
I wonder if a photographer would offer shots of MB on his incredible mounts over the years to use?

Edit in fact I have pics of MB and Neruda at Gladstone that I took, if his connections want those?

(lets not get this thread closed be venturing into CE territory).


Was there ever a Facebook group dedicated to the discussion of the case?


If there is one, I have never seen it.

But that does not say much


I was just curious, a way to discuss things without getting threads shut down. Maybe people want to protect their privacy? Just random thoughts lol.


Good idea

Until LK clan gets in and stalks and harass people IRL bc most people use their real names on FB.



Free country. You are entitled to your opinion.


Perfect! And thank you!


Yeah, I can see how that might be a concern for many people.


There are several threads on Reddit, mostly inactive. There is at least one on R/horses, but equkelly has gotten herself in there as a moderator so she can bash COTH.

You could meet up in this one. Maybe there is a Reddit expert here? Reddit can assign you a user name.


Wonder if LK has read the Reddit forum. Very interesting opinions on there!

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I guess it kind of matters what reason(s) @evtrmom is looking for another place to discuss the case. (Not asking them to say why, just saying that I think that reason would affect where they would want to go if for some reason the discussion here is not what they want.)

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I may be mistaken, but I don’t think evtrmom is dissatisfied with the discussion here per say, but that the threads keep getting shut down.


That is a valid point @sdel. That might be why.


I hate Reddit.
I can’t/don’t want to add an app.
And if I go in via chrome I lose the link and how the neck do you search Reddit?


Is the case being discussed on any other horse forums?