MB update

If the opposing lawyer points it out to the jury it makes that parties testimony look like doodoo. Lying in court can lead to Contempt charges but I doubt it here. But were I a juror in my head I’d be thinking:


Haha! And then they start thinking, wow, if they’d lie about something this stupid, what else will they lie about?


She will no doubt try to claim that those were “posted in error.” As in:

  • “Oh, I meant to post those in a private FB message.”
  • “I thought about posting something like that but decided against it and deleted it. I wonder why the platform sent it through instead of deleting it?”
  • “I would never post something like that - it must have been one of my other personalities that did it.”
  • “Hmmm, someone (JH?) must have hacked into my account, or figured out a way to steal my username.”

And I hope I am not giving her ideas! :upside_down_face:


No doubt you are correct. Yet she continues to exhibit that very same behavior, even now, on YT. Post something vile, go back and edit or delete. So, maybe it’s the other personalities again? Odds are super good it’s not JH.


As far as the upcoming Krol hearing, honestly, the judge has got to be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with regards to dealing with this case. He’s only human, and may well be keen to have any reason to wash his hands of it. The ADA too. There’s huge motivation beyond the possible evidence to close this case.

This is not to say that they won’t both diligently uphold their duties, I’m sure if there is evidence contrary to releasing MB, it will be presented by the ADA and properly weighed by the judge.


It’s a numbers game. You can explain one or two posts. Harder to explain the more there are.


I would answer this but I think I’ll keep it close to the chest at this time. Judges are concerned solely for their own futures.


Across multiple platforms, no less.



I can however certainly see LilRanger’s point. I wouldn’t be surprised if the judge and DA’s office - and Morris Township PD - are all thinking, 'Thank God, they are (or will be) living in another state and will never be our problem again."


I am so sure I’d bet on this case being thought of as poison at this point.


Oh, I can just imagine the teeth-gnashing and hair-pulling and hand-wringing going on back in chambers!


That’s why I’d go with percentage of all posts, rather than hard numbers. I’m not saying it’s a winning argument, but it’s the one he’s got.


Except he’s bsc, isn’t he?


I’m curious about HOW the questions were asked and if they were phrased to capture ALL of the information that may be relevant.

The questions ask that she “provide your username” (singular) and “name/username changes.” What if she has additional accounts with alternate usernames or used someone else’s account, perhaps an account registered to a sister’s, cousin’s, father’s, boyfriend’s computer? Or has accounts on another device (i.e., phone, tablet, laptop) that she owns and posted from those accounts under separate names? If such were the case, would she have to acknowledge that she sometimes uses other people’s accounts or has additional, separate accounts on other devices?

Or could she be considered in compliance because she did provide ONE username, didn’t change the name on that account, and that’s all that was asked for? Is it the full spirit of the request or the exact, limited wording of the question that’s required?


Wouldn’t COTH know this though? That she had attempted to delete and it failed to do so?
And also be able to determine any other use names at the same IP address as hers? In other words other users in her vicinity, but also her own alters?


COTH could be subpoenad and asked why they now have a policy of closing threads and then having to lock and archive them and that would be proof that benefits MB.


Yeah, and if you can post on YouTube, does that mean you’re a “member?”. I think they are going to have to get really granular in the questions and break them down into tiny, over lapping steps because, based on her interrogatory answers, she’s going to try to squirm through any cracks she can.

Which is a problem for her, because it’s a hard slog, being questioned for hours, either in a deposition or on the stand, but for the attorney, it often gets energizing the longer it goes on.


Question 2 does ask about any and all blogs, boards, chat rooms, and public forums that she has participated in, so that should cover YT posts, I should think.

Though I agree that the questions may need to be more specific to gather all the info they’re looking for.


You’re right, I was reading too fast!


I think it’s important to note a few things about that set of interrogatories. Those questions were prepared and served by SGF’s attorneys back in Feb 2020. SGF’s purpose isn’t necessarily MB (or RC)’s purpose. And we don’t know what they may have asked or will ask.

We also don’t know what evidence about that stuff has come to light since then.

Interrogatories are like your fishing expedition and guide to depositions. Whatever they ask in the interrogatories can (and likely will) be expanded on in the depositions. And in some cases, it may help to let a lie dangle out there so you can nail them under oath in front of the jury. You’re trying to get them to pick a story and stick to it. All the better if that story falls apart in court and you can ask, remember when you answered the interrogatory? And, here’s a video clip of your deposition. How about that?