MB update

Perfection!! :heart:. I misread angel as angle. :slight_smile:


As for her FB account being locked down - my guess is one or both of the legal teams requested it (to preserve evidence) and FB required a court order. And since a judge had to issue the court order, it really was a “protective order from the judge.” Just not in the way she seems to want people to believe…


Her twitter account is still active but not much about this is posted since the trial is over. She has made comments and retweeted political stuff more recently.


So…she was perhaps lying on YT? Shocking. But good to know. :slight_smile:

Edit: I’m leaving this but I thought you were referring to FB, not Twitter, at first.

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Just quoting this because this is what makes the most sense! Excellent post @DownYonder!

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I really don’t think it was ordered to be locked down by a judge. I think that is a face saving attempt to justify having taken down her page herself. There have been a few times late at night when I was looking at clips via FB where it has popped up in the search since the trial.


I don’t recall which bullet that would have accounted for. I do believe they couldn’t distinguish if a bullet went through the chest cavity and caused the damaged to the house. I’d have to listen to testimony again. Like you said, no 3rd casing. I thought they should have established the inconsistencies with trajectory more. Maybe they will.


I didn’t think about this before but FB could have deactivated her page because it was part of an ongoing criminal investigation.


Like towards the start of The Fugitive. We’ll see if she manages to jump clear of the train wreck half as well as Harrison Ford.


I think/know nothing about that.

I think that since Daddy is in control of her money in some way (even per her in her posts), that Daddy has some control over her and when push comes to shove he puts his foot down and makes demands that include the threat of him not handing over money.


I really wouldn’t have a clue. I don’t have experience with the judge being involved with the victims first hand. I know I did have an issue in my trial due to one of the judges actions and the detective on my file said to go him going forward if I needed any help dealing with it.


So, either he didn’t tell her to get out when things got rocky, or she didn’t listen, or…


Im pretty sure FB won’t lock down an account in this instance, it’s almost impossible to get FB to hand over the goods to law enforcement on the worst crimes. They wouldn’t be bothered with this.

I do agree it is more likely that lawyers are handling the account for now. I know with my case the offenders’ FB would disappear every time he met with his lawyer and stay that way until he got out of jail ( he was sent to jail and then released and he has been re convicted a few times since then so hes in and out of jail)


They don’t do this. Even murdered peoples Facebooks are still active along with suspects in many cases.

It’s very very hard to get a SM Giant to shut down or hand over access to accounts. It wouldn’t happen in this case, it’s just not big enough or enough at risk.


I went back and fixed my post to be clear it’s twitter. Sorry about that!


No worries! It’s still good info. :slight_smile:

That is simply not true. My husband has investigated plenty of cases where FB information was subpoenaed and FB absolutely delivers. On a silver platter just about. FB and SM have been a huge component of solving many cases.

I do agree that there are a lot of active investigations going on and FB does not deactivate the page. There are people who have been banned from FB, however, largely due to their crimes. And no, I’m not saying LK is banned.


I think this is the most likely scenario. It’s possible LK’s lawyer(s) told her to cut out the crap on FB. It’s also possible that Daddy told her I’m not paying for lawyers if you’re going to keep shooting yourself in the foot on FB.

Therefore, FB got restricted, or whatever. And, when it’s commented about on YT, LK saves face/inflates her ego by presenting it as something it’s not.

Dad may want to think about YT next.


Lauren lied about her Pinterest account because it contained clear evidence of her mental instability. She had several hundred innocuous pins, mostly related to wedding stuff that she fantasized about when her younger sisters were getting married, the usual bit of girl stuff, and a section - where the pins were all made around the same time - that was clearly tied to her earlier statements about having multiple personalities that “plot to do very bad things” and being capable of incredible violence when agitated. The account was located at http://pinterest.com/laurenkanarek/ and you can still see cached pins from it in the search engine, which clearly demonstrate that it’s her account.

https://www.pinterest.com/pin/328270260351006199/ - was the “Almost My Murder Pin” she created under her username there.

Here’s a foreign language cache from early May that shows it’s her account…


Here is the “My Almost Murder” board she created: