MB update

On the long, long, long list of inaccurate statements, that one is pretty far down.

Way, way, way behind the helicopter ride, for example.


What a terrifying thing to go through!


She was so thin and her clothes hung on her. Her makeup was so heavy, almost as though she was wearing stage makeup, and let’s not even mention the eye lashes. She should have fired whoever recommended that style of lashes. I am not intentionally bashing LK. I truly am shocked and concerned at the difference in her physical appearance since the NYT photos. She does not look healthy. :flushed:


Well, it wasn’t any fun for sure and by the grace of God my husband was not permanently injured or killed since he was wearing a vest. I mentioned it only to point out that many of us have major traumas in our lives and make a choice to focus on what we actually have control over and what brings joy in order to overcome the trauma.

It was apparent to me watching the trial that Barisone may be suffering from extreme PTSD and was particularly apparent when RG entered the courtroom. PTSD reactions are not dependent on recall of actual events, so his memory loss would not be a factor in PTSD episodes. LK didn’t show that type of emotion or stress while testifying, which surprised me. :thinking:


I am so happy for your family that your husband survived that ordeal!

I hope MB is actually receiving treatment at AK. I wasn’t sure on that if it was just an evaluation or therapy too. Even if you took away the shooting and all the other trauma, I think most people would be a mess from just being locked up for so long under those conditions.

Healing vibes for everyone involved to heal and be able to move on from this tragedy.


Neither did RG. Instead he appeared to be sullen, put out and glowering at MB or someone else in the courtroom


She wouldn’t have an emotional response because narcissists don’t have the same type of emotions as normal people.



I’ve been lurking for a few years (it seems??) and went looking for the LK rants, quick google search. I also went to the instagram and did the search engine there. I am now getting ADs for Naloxone!!!
What the heck?


I agree
he was glaring so intensely in Barisone’s direction as though he was attempting to scare and intimidate him. RG was arrogant and rude yet Bilinkas was gracious and accommodating to him.


I’m still amazed at the memory of Mr. B loaning RG his own reading glasses on the witness stand. That was really something.


It was a brilliant move on his part and I think it made a huge impression on the jury.


Me too. And I am willing to say that I am laughing because she has put so much effort into demanding we all know that the police (judge, DA’s office, etc.) are all her best buddy and they just love her and will do anything for her, but she can not be bothered to figure out the correct acronym for whatever department she is referring to?


Yes, and he could barely conceal his contempt for Bilinkas or indeed for the entire proceeding. He projected a palpable aura of belligerence, even over the internet. I can only imagine how chilling the vibe was in person.

Plus the constant chair swiveling struck me as disrespectful and a thinly veiled attempt to bolster his own sense of false bravado.


And she may have been on some sort of “cocktail” to enable her to stay calm in the face of Bilinkas questioning. Her team certainly didn’t want her to go into one of her rants on the witness stand.


Note the fact that she was drinking sodas while on the stand, whereas other people were drinking water. There is a reason for that and it goes back to her being a drug addict, in that the sugar-laden sodas contain chemical substitutes that stand in for the drugs and they can also be adulterated with drugs such as a mood dampening cocktail or whatever an addict might need to stay in control, as the bottles are not screened by security personnel.


Absolutely, addicts in recovery chow on candy.


Yes! Exactly! Plus, well, that would be a classic empty threat.


My goodness! What has happened to the raptured supporters, @CurrentlyHorseless, @hut-ho78, and @SierraMist? What was said to cause them to disappear? Must have been a doozie!

Obviously, something pretty significant must have occurred this week on the legal front as so many have suddenly gone silent. Even with all my “inside connections” I am unable to get any information! :rofl: All I can imagine is some legal entity has advised them of the damage being done to their civil cases with the social media posts.


This popped up on my FB feed this morning and is so appropriate for so many of us!


You are talking about FB information being subpoenaed which wasn’t what my post was about. My post was about LE forcing someone to shut down their account. Two very different things.