MB update

The irony EB. Seriously. The highlight of your life seems to be this thread. Again, we get you guys hate her but how long are you going to carry on posting 24/7 about this woman!

She lives rent free in your heads and its a shame you can’t see how toxic that is for you.


Good for you. Not everyone is that strong and you shouldn’t act like you’re better than those who do struggle after trauma. Everyone handles it different as we all live different lives.


To be fair, I didn’t understand erinmeri’s post to he saying that at all, and I don’t think that’s what she was implying either. However, some people are more private or public than others.


Algorithms are creepy and telling, aren’t they?


I agree, that is not how I took their post either. Strange response to such a post.


Lol, well considering… Oh, nevermind.


Wait. Have a missed out on a money making thing that no one told me about? Do people pay good money to be in the heads of others?


If this is a thing, I’d want in too. But I doubt I’d make much money as inside my head isn’t particularly interesting I don’t think. People would be bored rather quickly.


Daughter of a Psychiatrist here … wonder if I can charge more? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Um. Yes. No doubt there.

@ekat, maybe that is why I am still not getting any income from the space in my head…probably too boring.


[quote=“CanteringCarrot, post:2391, topic:774547, full:true”]

Thank you! Someone else had said something to the effect of isn’t it sad she doesn’t have other things like family or career to focus on… that was what prompted me to say “well, me neither, but…”

Long story short, I do think it is sad that the Pinterest, the continued YouTube comments, the public persona in general are focused on this tragic affair 3 years onwards… and so public.


Couldn’t resist posting this:


I won’t speak for Hut-Ho or Sierra Mist, but I’m not a “raptured supporter” of anyone. I’m interested in following the case and have empathy for the gun shot victim, her flaws notwithstanding.

My posting or not posting is not related to anything significant “on the legal front”, since I’m not an insider of any type.

Really bolded. What civil cases are associated with SM, HH, and me? (“their civil cases”)

Sure looks like your tagging the three minority players is an attempt to provoke.


You are assuming way too much in your post. I don’t hate Lauren Kanerek or her minions. I despise her behavior and actions toward others that has gone unchecked for far too many years. Do you know Lauren? Have you ever been around her? If your answer is “no”, count yourself quite fortunate.

As far as spending so much time on these threads, I estimate I might spend an hour, at the most, in a given day currently reading and responding to posts on these threads…much less than almost 3 years ago. So, if you assume my life is so empty that I have nothing else to do for the remaining 23 hours in the day, I don’t know what to tell you other than you are wrong. But let me ask, why are you here? Why waste precious seconds of your life chastising others for how they spend their time?



Have you read your posts??


Not at all. I was simply curious at the ceasing of what appeared, to me at least, tag team posting the past few days in provocative fashion. Perhaps the absence was simply coincidence. My apologies if I offended you.



Reputational damage via intense social media campaigns is a ‘thing’ these days. It’s pretty obvious in the months leading up to the shooting, that was LKs strategy with respect to her issues with MB and MHG. Along with a choice to dig her heels in, and remain entrenched in his home, and on his property.

These choices began to degrade his life and business- RAPIDLY. He clearly had a mental break. And then the events of August 7, 2019 happened. And the whole situation, and everyone involved got caught up in our legal and justice system. And now multiple lives are truly trashed.

I understood the wisdom involved in turning away from situations like this. Saying nothing. Keeping one’s opinions to themselves. Offering no judgement.

But… that’s how these things get so out of control to begin with. MANY people saw her posts online before the shooting, and thought it was crazy and out of control, and thought it was completely out of order with respect to MB and MHG… but they said and did nothing. The local police did nothing. LKs family did nothing to encourage her to just take the horses and move on to a different trainer and set up well before Aug of 2019.

LK is right back at it now, unrepentantly spouting hyperbolic and untruthful comments on YT.

I think it’s important that people have been speaking up. Even just on COTH. That’s how others will know to stay far far away from her going forward. That’s how others can avoid getting caught up in the ongoing car crash.


I definitely agreed with SierraMist that “the pleasure of hate” is a relevant concept to understand why these threads invariably turn to LK bashing.

On what basis where you saying you thought legal advisors must have as advised HH, SM, and me to drop off do as not to jeopardize “their/our” civil suits? Please explain in great detail.

You well know that it’s personal bickering that gets threads shut down. Why interrupt your LK bashing in order to tag SM, HH, and me to insinuate that we are LK family or insiders?

You really, really, really can’t believe that someone other than LKs family would post with some empathy for her as a gun shot victim, despite her flaws? That don’t one other than her family would be repulsed by “the pleasure of hate” that’s demonstrated here?


@eggbutt is “spouting … untruthful comments” on CoTH, saying three posters completely unrelated to LK have been advised by “their lawyers” to not post so as not to jeopardize “their civil cases”, tagging us to make sure we see the provocation.

Why? To push her fantasy that no one other than LK or her family would perceive Eggbutt’s campaign as something other than an example of “the pleasure of hate”?

ETA. These toxic threads with all the hate will live on the internet forever. If 300,000 posts is not sufficient to alert others “to stay far away from her going forward”, what is the purpose of the next 100,000?

Really, VHM, please explain. The warning has been done, a thousand times over. No hyperbole. Long ago the warning was done, and since 2.5 years ago, it’s just been the indulging in the pleasure of hate.


FWIW - it’s not “pleasure of hate” that prods many of us to continue posting here. It is instead a sense of duty to expose the repeated and INTENTIONAL vicious and vile acts conducted by certain individuals against other individuals who DID NOT DESERVE it.

Society should always stand up for other decent and upstanding members of society whenever they are targeted by folks who intentionally try to do them harm. To do otherwise is to “allow evil to triumph.”