MB update

Agreed Eggbutt. It has been quite the coincidence the coordination between COTH and YT lately. First it was the lack of defense or concern for RG on COTH that appears to have triggered LK to make multiple comments on the videos of his testimony. And then all the commentary here stopped and at the same time LK stopped making comments on YT.

It is quite a tell……


Is that REALLY what I said?


It’s a “tell” of what, @Sdel?

Has LK stopped making comments on YT? I wouldn’t know since I’m not following her around on other platforms (one aspect of cyberstalking), and I’m not LK, or part of her family.

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LK is still posting on YT, unrepentantly. Prior to the trial, and being banned from the COTH forums, she was ALL OVER every single one of these threads.

The threads went on and on for quite some time because of people RESPONDING to her. Pushing back on things she was saying.

Why do you believe she is entitled to just spout her narratives with no one challenging her?

It would be one thing if she had been silent on social media since the shooting about the entire situation (like so many other people directly involved have been)… but the fact is, LK has NOT been silent. Many posters, on this forum, have pushed back on her comments.



Re bolded. @eggbutt seems to have forgotten what she said two hours ago.

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So back to the topic of the thread, will the receipt of the files by August 1 be noted on the Civil Court website?


Interesting words coming from someone who loves to wear their victimhood like a badge of honor!

You have more than proven the words of Maya Angelou who said “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

You are nothing if not true to form!


You know…I once caught LK having a conversation about me on her FB page. The participants of that conversation were of great interest to me…and I believe I’ve identified at least one of them as here on CotH.


Probably not. What you might see is requests for extensions, and motions to compel anyone who didn’t comply with any document requests. That’s what I’m interested in - if anyone is going to need the judge to compel them to produce.


So, will that “need to compel” be posted do you think?


There’s a lot in the nature of “the pleasure of hate” that’s posted here that it well outside simply responding to her current comments.

How is opining that she is too lazy to care for her horses on a horse farm you (g) think “Daddy” should buy for her, and that RG is a “stable boy”, and opining she should hire “an immigrant type” related to anything she has said on YT?

Would you indulge in “the pleasure of hate” if you were not anonymous?


You will see postings of motions filed by one side or another, and the judge ruling on it all.

I’m curious to see who tries to delay and avoid depositions. That will likely play out all fall. And same thing… there will be motions, and letters and hearings, and likely depositions scheduled and then rescheduled.

I anticipate there will be a substantial “delay game” involved with respect to LKs side of this lawsuit. We will see…


We forget, she and her “fiance” don’t pay rent, or market value for board, so…


Now you did it. You said Beetlejuice three times. And things were going so well…


A motion to compel should appear on the website, just like the one(s) previously filed by SGF.

You can see the motion and subsequent orders on the website like this:


Is this really what you are most upset about with respect to all the discussions on the MB threads?


This is why I continue to view Lauren as an engaged PARTICIPANT, rather than an out-of-nowhere victim.

She has a nasty habit of punching down. She went after GirlJoey & Haleybot because it was EASY to do so. No consequences for her actions. She escalated when she used MB’s diagnosed depression against him - she set out to drive him around the bend.

Getting shot (in a scuffle, I suspect) was a sad turn of events. Too bad MB didn’t have a dash cam. People with a history of lying, assault, etc. are not people I am inclined to believe or to whom I extend an iota of trust.

The state had to do so but that’s it.

The sloppy to the point of caricature bungling by the police department and lack of forensics seals it for me.

I hope his hearing is soon and goes well.


Thank you @ekat and @Virginia_Horse_Mom! Will any delay requests, etc. be filed before August 1? I’m wondering if we will see updates to the site sometime next week maybe.


No, of course not. Just one example of the thousands of hateful comments about LK that have absolutely nothing to do with the case or with her comments on YT.

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If anyone is going to request an extension, they need to file before close of business Aug 1st. Any time after that, you theoretically could see motions to compel.

It’s hard to proceed with depositions when you don’t have the documents you requested that you want to question someone about in the deposition.