MB update

I don’t know the answer to that. But I don’t expect to see much until after the Krol hearing.


Oh for Pete’s sake. Reading and discussing the public posts of a person in the comments section of what is essentially an Internet “televised” court case that people well beyond the sphere of equestrianism, dressage or CoTH have followed and commented upon is absolutely not cyberstalking. And dissecting someone’s very public behavior and testimony under oath is not bashing. So tiresome, this dog whistling…


Well, technically she tagged the three posters who apparently annoy her the most after they’d dropped off for a day.


You are so incredibly concerned about all these hateful comments about LK. They really seem to bother you deeply.


Sometimes, generic pronouns can make things confusing (which is why I am 'specially careful in my own writing). This is how I (and I am NOT saying that my interpretation is correct) I read the above:

All I can imagine is some legal entity has advised them (CH, HH, SM) of the damage being done to their (LK’s, JK’s, etc.) civil cases with the social media posts.


There’s a “Pending” case management conference scheduled for October 4th.


Interestingly, my mind went straight to LK’s sudden silence on YT after her voluminous posting and read the first “them” as LK and her team.

So, your point in pronouns is well taken by me.


What “legal entity” would have cause me (and SM and HH) to “go silent” and “disappear”?

She’s not saying any of us are LK, but she’s implying we’re insiders- LKs family or IRL friends.


Alternative scenario: Seeker logged in to CotH around the time of the YT rampage….maybe she PM’d her group.


Yet apparently completely unconcerned and unbothered by all the hateful comments made BY LK.


I dunno. Maybe LK’s, JK’s., etc. lawyer(s) contacted you three here.

AGAIN, I am NOT saying that MY interpretation was correct. Indeed, I think ekat’s interpretation (of the pronouns) makes more sense than mine.

Just that, it’s easy to mistake what any anonymous poster means when they write something, sometimes.


There is that.

Nobody should engage in the “pleasure of hate.” Shame shame shame. Except for LK. When she does it on social media, we should all just ignore it.



I try. I really do. And then I see this:



You imagine lawyers for LK of JK would create accounts on CoTH in order to PM anonymous posters on CoTH?

How would my “disappearance” for a day be linked to some legal development unless I was linked in someway to the Kanareks?

Why don’t we let @eggbutt explain her own post?


No. I’ve said multiple times that I fault LK and think less of her in terms of her nasty SM posting; the oft repeated post to GJ especially.

My point for months had been that you hate her for her SM nastiness, then display exactly that SM nastiness toward her.


Did you ever confront her directly about this in any of the old threads when she was still posting on the forums as LaLa?



The level of nastiness coming from the subject of peoples’ ire towards others, including strangers, far eclipses the “nastiness” of 99.9% of what I have seen posted here about said person.

They are not equivalent and saying that they are is disingenuous. This is especially true when said behavior and nastiness on the interwebs by said person played a central role in the tragic events.


What the response reveals is that it struck a nerve.
She knows.


Not even close. No one had come even close to the venom she likes to throw around towards anyone.
But you pretend to not be aware because you refuse to explore her volumes of posts.
You can’t have it both ways, claim peoples pists are as bad as her posts when you haven’t read hers.


Question: how does reading comments someone has made on a PUBLIC social media site (and is obviously enjoying doing so) that anyone and his dog can access constitute “stalking”?? Especially one that features video history of a court case that has been of interest to those interested in dressage? One that is not yet completely resolved?

Here - I’ll spare everyone the googling… it doesn’t. No matter how often it is repeated.

I find this new tangent of the “pleasure of hating” accusations to just be an overblown squirrel. I do not hate LK - I feel sorry for her that she was badly injured and went through a traumatic experience - but I also feel sorry for her for working very hard to continue to mess up her life instead of simply letting legal matters take their course, letting the actual experts handle such things and simply enjoy her horses and riding.

CH - maybe if you actually bothered to read the comments on YT that you have admitted you have no idea about beyond the odd one that is posted here, you would realize that there is a great deal wrong there that you refuse to acknowledge or be concerned about. Ignoring that does not make it go away - or turn it into rainbows and butterflies.

But instead … posters here are the issue??!
