MB update

Struck a nerve is right. This comment was not part of the thread with LK’s lovely response, but it’s interesting. Maybe the reason for her lashing out at this stranger on the internet?


What does a “case management conference” entail and who is present?


All of the parties and their attorneys should be present. Basically it’s to see if everyone is playing nicely with the rules set out so far (deadlines for discovery and stuff), if anyone needs more time, if there are any outstanding motions that need to be ruled on, any legal issues that have arisen because of discovery, and finally, if there’s any hope of settlement. Then they try to determine how much time everybody (including the judge) might still need in order to get this thing to trial.


My post needs no explanation. No, I’m not going to get into the weeds with you with the back and forth argumentative posts typical on these threads and I suggest others avoid the distraction as well. Are you able to post on the topic of upcoming hearings?


Well, that will be an interesting hearing for sure! Sure hope it is online!!


They can be interesting for sure. Mostly you can learn who is litigating in good faith, and which parties might be trying to impede the process, so to speak.

Or, it can be super boring.


Yes, from the few YT comment threads I’ve read, the majority seem to see who she is and the mess this case was, and she clearly doesn’t like that. Her comments in response do her no favors.


Lol. How does she afford 6 horses? The First National Bank of Dad. I’m quite sure that everyone knows that her money comes from him and not any form of a job or career. Which is fine, but I just don’t know why it’s denied sometimes.


See, that’s why my brain gets stuck. This is posted under testimony by RG regarding what he does so that LK can give him money to pay his bills, right after the famous money comes from the bank statement.

People watched the trial. They heard what those two said under oath, and formed opinions, which they discussed.

And now, three months later, while discovery is humming along in a suit she filed, one which has already had many filings about her SM posting history, here she comes to insult people.

I can’t wrap my head around the behavior, especially since she filed this lawsuit and she’s not doing herself a single favor.


That’s rich. HH, SM, and I chose not to post for 24 hours, and you then make a point of tagging the three of us to “speculate” that we’ve been told by lawyers not to post. It makes perfect sense that you then accuse me of “back and forth argumentative posts”.

I’ve already posted my thoughts on the upcoming hearings. Having nothing to add in the topic, I ceased posting until you made a point of engaging me with your ridiculous insinuation that I’m a Kanarek insider.


With a date of Oct. 4, the assumption is that MB will be out of AK by then. Where do those types of meetings usually take place? At an attorney’s office, or some completely neutral location? Or at the courthouse?


The courthouse, generally in the judge’s courtroom, but it’s more informal than an actual hearing. (Or at least that’s how it is here in my neck of the woods)


“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” Queen Gertrude, Hamlet

To save time, here is the meaning of the phrase for those not familiar with Hamlet:
The phrase is used in everyday speech to indicate doubt of someone’s sincerity, especially regarding the truth of a strong denial.


The judge that will preside during the civil proceedings? Will he (she?) be present at the case management conference?


“Confront her directly”? Yes, in terms of what I’ve stated openly on the forum.

Yes, the same judge that will preside over the trial, and has issued the previous rulings. Of note, one of the things he wants to address in this conference is this:

“ A Case Management Conference shall be held on October 4_, 2022 at ___ a.m./p.m. wherein a schedule for the completion of expert discovery will be set.”


Ok, so now my mind is wondering about Experts.

I’m going out on a limb and assuming we’ll see the same medical experts, because they met with MB closer in time to the incident and they can testify better than anyone else as related to his mental health, which has been brought up in one of his defenses.

But what other experts could be needed? Like, what experts would LK need (other than the Stache) to further her claims?

And, what would MB need to further his claims and his defenses?

I wonder if anyone will be qualified as an expert in Dressage, since that’s a big part of LK’s claim re: loss of enjoyment. And, who would either side use?

Sadly, I realized it won’t necessarily mean a reappearance by Boyd Martin because he’s probably not qualified as a Dressage expert. :frowning:

(And yes, my mind just wandered off on a weird tangent)


So we have:
August 1: depositions due
“End of August”: Krol hearing
October 4: Case Management hearing

What am missing?

I assume the Case Management hearing may be via Zoom since several involved live out of state currently, and hopefully one more as well by October 4th.


So…I wonder, I think ordinarily LK would have been allowed to hire a psychologist to evaluate MB and ordinarily such an expert would be expected to try to push things that supported her case. The state’s psych was not exactly supportive of her civil case.

Could one of the things that happened be that the judge ruled that MB has had more than enough evaluation between the three psychs for the criminal trial and the ongoing AK/Krol evaluations and that she will not be allowed to personally hire yet another psych evaluation of MB?


Triple frowning! :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: