MB update

Aug 1st: Written discovery due
Aug 2nd: Depositions to begin. I think the end date Judge S set was November 30, but I’m not positive.
October 4th: status conference/case management.

End of August: the oh so important Krol hearing

Sigh…busy times for the attorneys and their clients.


So you had a direct back and forth conversation with Lalapoprider in one of the old threads, chastising her for her posting style, and especially her egregious attack on GJ and the vile accusation she made to GJ related to the drowning death of a child?

I will admit… I didn’t participate in the MB related threads beyond possibly one or two comments early on, nor did I read them, until the trial this spring got underway.


I don’t think anyone has ruled on that yet. I imagine it will become a big part of things going forward, especially at that conference. LK certainly may be able to ask for more evals. MB can argue against it.


I know!

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Why would LK be able to hire a doctor for an evaluation of MB now? What does his current state of mind have to do with events from three years ago?


I’ve been musing about the fact that some parties seem so intent on shutting down conversation on this topic by:

  • Insisting that users of the term “K-Klan” were insinuating that the Kanarek’s were like the KKK, and/or users of that term were themselves supporters of the KKK and therefore racists and white supremacists.

  • Asserting that folks who continue discussing this case are exhibiting a condition called “the pleasure of hate.”

  • Expressing feigned outrage at the notion that they were possibility asked to “simmer down” on SM because their posts were not helping the K-Kause.

And those are just a few of the most recent developments in this thread. I find it pretty telling that some people seem so – desperate – to assign nefarious intentions to other posters, and try to bully or shame them into silence. And, all the while, they are displaying their own fierce loyalty to the person who INSTIGATED all this and who displays absolutely no intention of ceasing her attempts to “destroy the bastard” or of ceasing her vile SM attacks on anyone who dares to call her out or disagree with her.


Huh. This is an interesting thought.

Either team could certainly question Ulf Möller or the assistant (haven’t they coached LK during 2021 or 2022 up until pretty recently?) to determine if she is still able to ride and enjoy pursuing dressage. He’s certainly an expert. And of course, there are the good folks at Paradigm Dressage. They certainly must have information about her current riding and training, and whether it seems she is still able to pursue and enjoy riding as an adult amateur. And they seem like qualified professionals who could speak to this issue.

I’m sure none of these folks wants to be involved in any civil litigation… but… that’s what happens when you do business with a notoriously litigious client, who is the midst of multiple lawsuits. You risk getting pulled into it.


It doesn’t. Just his state of mind then, which is why she may be very limited in what she’s allowed.


Or Squire L? Lol.


Thank you! I had everything on a calendar that disappeared and I couldn’t remember it all! I’m sure there will edits along the way!


Surely Ali Brock would be a good candidate. She is an olympic medalist and is quite familiar with LK’s current barn, Paradigm.


No, I did not have a back and forth conversation directly with LLPR.

I publicly posted my position on hateful comments in general and the post on GJ specifically.


So, here’s my mental outline.

LK is asserting loss of enjoyment, harm to her career, etc. so, she’s going to need to establish that she had a career with a specific trajectory up until Aug 7th and all of that was derailed by the incident.

She’s going to need someone that a) can explain Dressage levels, b) where she was at as of Aug 6th in those levels and c) what damage/loss was incurred to that by the incident.

Maybe that’s Ulf? I don’t know.

Meanwhile, MB would get to bring in his own expert to explain exactly what her scores and show history meant prior to Aug 7th 2019 - how her specific history contradicts her witness’s testimony and how her riding hasn’t been hampered long term

So, who would that be?

PLEASE NOTE: I am not trying to bag on LK’s riding ability at all. She has asserted the claim, MB gets to defend the claim. And I am curious who they would use as witnesses since it most likely won’t be my boys Boyd Martin and Phillip Dutton. That’s all.


I love him. I keep anxiously awaiting the next installment on the GoFundMe.


Undoubtedly there will be changes.

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And she holds (or held?) a position with USEF. I am not sure LK will accept her though, since she is a long-time friend/client of MB’s and testified on his behalf at the criminal trial.

It will for sure be interesting if they do call a “dressage expert” to testify as to how her riding ability has been affected as a result of the injuries she suffered in the shooting. The fact that she secured her Bronze Medal in the past year or so seems to be good evidence that her riding abilities have NOT suffered unduly and it may be hard to make a convincing argument otherwise.


Let’s hope she doesn’t have to describe dressage again. That was rather painful to watch.


I assume they could call her previous instructors to get their opinion on her future in dressage and ability to climb the levels. Both of those trainers are dressage judges, one higher rated; and, one is a gold medal para-Olympian. I can’t imagine either of these women want anything to do with this.


At one point she bragged about having TWO Olympic trainers. Wonder who she meant….


Ok, now I have to go watch that testimony again because I don’t remember!