MB update


So… to be specific, the language was intended to prevent victims of violent crimes, or witnesses to violent crimes, from dealing with stuff like getting bricks thrown through their windows, getting followed down the street by known criminal associates of the accused perpetrator, etc etc.

It wasn’t really intended to insulate wealthy 40 something year old adult amateur dressage riders from gossip amongst fellow equestrians? Which may or may not make it challenging for the dressage riders to find really fancy boarding and training accommodations for their horses?


Or maybe it’s a MAreFiA.


My understanding from posts here, time on the phone at AK is limited and therefore access is not reliable or when one gets a phone, overly long.

I’m going to go out on a limb here… If I was locked up in horrible conditions for over 2.5 years, and now was in a better facility with access to phones and very rare visits, I dayum sure wouldn’t waste that precious time on these parties.


Yeah, even where you’re alleging cyberstalking, or cyber harassment, there has to be more than just responding to or quoting your own posts. There’s steps you have to take that start with blocking the alleged harasser. Continuing to engage kind of kills step 1.


My responses are in bold


He is not Charles Manson. He’s been in jail. I’m willing to bet he could not give fig one what anyone’s social media comments or presence is.

If LK is having online issues perhaps she needs to chill her online presence and not start fighting with people constantly.

It’s LK who causes her own destiny.

MB is concerned I’m sure about himself as it should be. I hope he us released soon.


Except it hasn’t. So maybe time to drop this nonsense so we can get back to the topic at hand, rather than getting yet another thread shut down over the same old tired arguments.


Kind of like a duty to retreat…


So, LO is showing and doing amazingly well in FL on all fronts; MHG recently remarried and seems quite happy (congratulations!); RC has been out of sight; most of the CoTH posters who contributed to older threads have been incredibly quiet with zero mention of any involved parties on any platform until today. But, but, but one other party has not only not stopped posting, editing and deleting but has significantly ramped up on other channels for some reason. So, let’s drop the blame game, okay?





You are onto something with this framing.

I think it’s less a matter of declaring that he’s the equivalent of Charles Manson though, and more an attempt to paint Eggbutt as Susan Atkins. :roll_eyes:


My apologies, BigMama1. In my humble opinion, a lot of harassment and abuse of LK has occurred over the last three years. JMHO.

Now that we have learned that the hearing has been delayed, are there other updates on Barisone?

:joy: :joy: :joy:


Have you read the comments under the Law&Crime Network channel videos on YouTube? Do you believe all of the negative comments are friends of MB? or are simply people commenting on the performance they observed by LK and RG?


There might be. We will have to wait and see.

Or there might be some more legal or procedural insight offered by one of multiple posters with relevant professional expertise regarding hearings like this for people who have been committed.

I think the thread should stay open so that people can continue this discussion, as things unfold in the lead up to the hearing. Don’t you?


No, I am not following the comments on YouTube.

I’m glad you laughed at that. I debated whether it was really ok to go there or not… but I couldn’t resist


I do agree. I value the legal and procedural insight provided by Ekat and others.

I think that dragging LK into the discussion by posting or discussing what she is posting on other platforms is what is likely to get the thread shut down.

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Jaminey Christmas. Please just ignore. It’s the same old bs. That will lead to a thread lock. When y’all just want to discuss updates. Have some self control. The case is settled. Discuss the future. Is the bait that delicious? Shaking my head.seriously… do you know what a Provocateur wants ? It’s to be discussed. Good or bad. Just keep my name in your mouth. So they poke. And prod. No matter what justification derails their intent. Just stop. And discuss the man in custody awaiting his future.


So. Tangential line of discussion.

Is it possible that pushing the Krol hearing back to the end of August will impact the timeline with respect to discovery and depositions in the civil case?

I can’t remember, but I thought there was an August date for something related to the discovery process in the civil litigation as well…