MB update

Just quoting this because I like it and agree with it 100%! It needs to be seen again!


Yes, I know. It’s original prescribed purpose was for epilepsy, but one of its off-label prescriptions is for Borderline Personality Disorder isn’t uncommon. As long as the patient doesn’t develop the rash on their face, it can be taken safely. It’s not for everyone of course but it CAN be very helpful in minimizing the raging.

Found the post I was remembering:


LOL. Angela_Freda, you were prescient. He couldn’t figure out how to TURN OFF A DRYER.


I’m still way behind but perhaps someone thought LK posed a significant risk to people at the farm due to her passive and not so passive aggressive threats and disabled the gun :woman_shrugging:


I am pretty far behind on this thread, so maybe somebody has already mentioned this.

But I would think if they tried to throw RG under the bus, wouldn’t he turn state’s evidence or whatever the term is in a heartbeat and testify against LK and all her grand plans to ruin MB? I would imagine he would have quite a bit of interesting information to share with the authorities if push came to shove.


In a civil suit, they may think he’s safe from prosecution for anything he might testify about. Or, they may just not care. I mean, we already know RG beat Michael senseless and broke his arm. The big question is really about the sequence. What if Barisone has discovered some evidence that shows RG was the aggressor? Or destroys the timeline of events?

Bottom line, she’s trying to eliminate her liability for Michael’s injuries by pointing the finger at RG, and that opens him up to some vulnerability, in my opinion.


Yup. Pretty much whenever there is difficulty regulating mood, it can be an option. Difficulty regulating mood can be secondary to depression, however. Depression in itself is impaired emotional regulation so it’s not always cut and dry, ie. this drug is solely for X diagnosis, etc. Someone with TBI could have difficulty regulating mood, for example, and respond/benefit from a mood stabilizer.

With that said, I agree with you in that there is no specific treatment for antisocial disorder. Seeing a medication and knowing that a person took it specifically for antisocial disorder would be pretty improbable.


So hard to keep the shifting stories straight. My apologies


Wait, what? What cat?


If she bought them on Amazon, that’s easy to verify, the date, when they arrived, etc

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That was the absolute highlight of one of the early locked threads I read during a fit of insomnia.

People were talking about a barn cat allegedly being left behind when everyone went to FL, and LaLa thought they were talking about JH, so she, in ways that only she can do, referred to Him Being in His Condo in Wellington.

People that were here then can clean that up for me, but it was Laugh out loud funny.


Yeah, Mr B asked her about that and SIDEBAR. Maybe in the next trial.


I don’t think I would ever be inclined to say poor RG the way I do with all sincerity, poor Rosie.

But if that turns out to be the case, that would have to be a rude awakening on that day when that light bulb goes on over his head.


I still feel bad for poor Rosie.


I think the bigger points here are:

Did Michael even take that med or was it projection?

If he did LK know? Snooping around in his /office/med cabinet, etc? Recording a private conversation?

And why would she broadcast it on the World Wide Web?

Is that a part of her “finish the bastard” plot? Is that why he specifically listed invasion of privacy? The med itself is almost irrelevant. It’s what LK did with that knowledge, and how she came about it, if it’s true.


In thinking big picture. For example. None of this would have happened if not for MHG. He wouldn’t have gone insane, there would have been no shooting, dog bite, fight etc. (Of course this is ridiculous but just trying to think of how LK processes things. Nothing is ever her fault, she only reacts)


As a former make up consultant, it’s fairly easy to make a person look that different in a short span. A different foundation, less blush, lighter eye makeup, fairly easy to do. I wouldn’t doubt for a minute that the pale makeup she wore at the trial was intentional.


He could be taking a drug intended for psychiatry (IE. lamictal, for example, since it’s been brought up) but be taking it for epilepsy or mood stabilization associated with TBI and not an actual psychiatric condition such as bipolar or ASPD.

So it’s irrelevant. And considering the source, completely unreliable. It only suggests an invasion of privacy IMO and what seems to be an attempt to attack his character.


And that’s cool on social media (if you’re LK). But it’s not what she’s alleged in her claims, and I cannot see that defense for her having a snowball’s chance in hades of being successful. If I were her attorney I would refuse to try to put forth that nonsensical defense.

But RG? He’s already told the world he beat Michael almost to death. So, it makes perfect sense to throw him under the bus as her defense. Whether or not it screws RG is not her concern right there.

Edit to clarify: @KurPlexed I don’t mean you are nonsensical. I totally get what you’re saying. I meant LK’s thinking would be nonsensical, and her lawyer should rein her in a bit on some of her nonsensical rants.


There seems to be a lot of that running around.