MB update

I wonder why RG or RG and LK secretly recorded the meeting with lawyer Ed? Weird.

And how does MB come over to “murder” people if he doesn’t know they are back on the property?


It was on Facebook, ages ago. She more or less said “He’s my Bitch and does as he’s told!” when their relationship and arrangement was questioned after certain transgressions and behavior came to light and were presented to the masses and she had also stated that she “picks women for him to be with”, which might actually be the case, given where they have resided in the past. With LK, it’s hard to filter the BS from the truth, as one almost feels as though she is throwing stuff in the collective pot - either as herself or through alters - to make herself seem crazier/more outlandish/more dangerous than she is.


It is rather mysterious, isn’t it?

My personal theory is he went to the house to look for a gun that’s gone missing from his safe, not expecting to find it quite the way he did when he raised his empty hands in the air.


Maybe to hold something over the Kanareks? We didn’t hear all of the recording during the trial did we? It was apparent ED was miffed.


Picks women? All sorts of possibilities come to mind including multi participant events or old professions etc so I’m going to pretend this was just another lie.


You forgot napping and reading on phone. Lol. Good Lord. I’m a slacker.

eta: Oops that was the next day lol


Lol, you and me both!

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They didn’t play any of the recording with ED at the trial, did they? Or any of the recordings from the barn, as I recall.

I thought the only recordings that were played were from the 911 calls.


They tried to play the very beginning of the ED tape but the courtroom audio was terrible, as was the recording so they brought it in by transcript.

Basically they were discussing the placement of the recorders and ED said words to the effect of the only place you put the recorder is in the locker? And RG laughs and says something like, at least that time, or that one.


In regards to her employment and means of earning income, she has previously made (unsubstantiated on her part) boastful claims of people paying good money to be with her, specifically paying $$$$$ to have her travel to them - interpret that as you will, as she did not elaborate - in addition to being a “well-paid event planner for a big NC health care provider”, which is also completely unsubstantiated on her part, as she has neither the skills or experience or any verifiable employment history that suggests she has ever been gainfully employed in a respectable - minimally or otherwise - profession as an adult.


Let’s just say she sells Girl Scout cookies lest the thread get closed again. Any speculation, no matter how enticing, is a rabbit hole.


Totally off topic but, my mom used to make cheesecake with Thin Mints for the crust. It was so good.




Also weird that ED testified he didn’t even remember RG being there.


What? That is genius!!

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Oh it was soooooooo good. Every time I hear Girl Scout cookies I think of that cheesecake. Plain cheesecake, thin mint crust, chocolate drizzle on top. Yum!!

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I mostly agree with this; however, the amnesia has always bothered me. How very fortunate for LK and R that MB doesn’t remember what really happened. Can a choke hold cause amnesia?
Of course, the severe head beating certainly can.


Personally, I think that was just a fortunate coincidence for LK and RG. My gut tells me that since RG was the only one able to make a statement that day, he (and later LK) always just assumed their word, combined with ED on the phone would outweigh anything MB might say. Then when his amnesia was revealed, it gave them leave to expound on their tales.


I’m going to go on a limb and say the choke hold was taught to RG as a recruit or Marine, whichever he was. It’s quick and effective - lights out in a matter of seconds. So yes, if one is unconscious, one won’t remember a thing. I think RG said he did choke hold twice, so between that and the head bashing, I’m not at all surprised Mb can’t recall the event.


I’ve probably said this before, but I always feel like you can tell the horse people from the non-horse people in any conversation about this case by whether they immediately grasp that you can have short-term memory loss from hitting your head.

If it hasn’t happened to you, or at least to someone you know, do you even ride? Lol.